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whether和if的练习(猫咪语法whether和)I shall go whether you come with me or stay at home.If you ask him he will help you.Lucy asked whether (if) they had a cotton sweater .露西问他们是否有棉制的羊毛衣.Ask if/whether she would take the apple.2) if 引导条件状语从句 "假如;如果", 而whether引导让步状语从句 "不管;无论" ;




1)引导宾语从句时通常可以互相替换 口语中多用 if 代替 whether.

常放在动词ask 、see 、say 、know和find out 等后面.

Nobody knows whether (if) it will rain tomorrow. 没有人知道明天是否下雨.

Lucy asked whether (if) they had a cotton sweater .露西问他们是否有棉制的羊毛衣.

Ask if/whether she would take the apple.


2) if 引导条件状语从句 "假如;如果", 而whether引导让步状语从句 "不管;无论" ;

If you ask him he will help you.

I shall go whether you come with me or stay at home.



1. 强调两方面的选择 特别是whether or not连用时.

He didn't say whether or not he'll be staying here.

Let me know whether you can come or not.

但是,当or not 句子后置,也可以用if . (伦道夫. 夸克,1998《朗文英语语法大全》)

He didn't say if he'll be staying here or not.


2. 宾语从句前置时.

Whether this is true I can't say.


3. 引导主语、表语、同位语从句时.

Whether the football game will be played depends on the weather. (主语从句)

The question is whether he can do it. (表语从句)

The question whether we should go with them must be decided at once. (同位语从句)


4. 在介词之后作介词的宾语时。

I haven't settled the question of whether I'll go back home.


5. 在不定式前与不定式一起组成词组时.

Whether to go or stay is still a question.


6. 在discuss decide 等动词后作宾语时.

We discussed whether we should go there by plane.


  1. if 可以用来引导一个否定的宾语从句 whether则不能用来引导否定的宾语从句 因为它表示正反两方面的选择意义比较强.

Tell me if it is not going to rain please.


He considered if he shouldn't tell her the secret.



三、if或whether引导宾语从句时 要注意三个方面 即连词、语序和时态.

1) if或whether不能和that 或其它连词(副词)同时使用 也不能省去;


[误] I don’t know that if(whether) he will come here today .

[正] I don’t know if(whether) he will come here today .


[误] He came to see what if (whether) there was wrong with his cat .

[正] He came to see if (whether) there was wrong with his cat .


2) if或whether引导的宾语从句时 虽具有疑问意义 但从句语序应用陈述句语序;

Did you know the way to the hospital ? The old woman asked me .

The old woman asked me if (whether) I knew the way to the hospital .



3 )if或whether引导的宾语从句应和主句的时态保持一致。 即主句为一般现在时 从句用任一种时态;主句为一般过去时 从句则用过去时中的任一种时态.如:

I don’t know if (whether) he has come here . 我不知道他是否来过这儿.

Tom asked if (whether) I had read the book . 汤姆问我是否看过这本书 .



1) 在动词不定式之前只能用whether .如:

I can’t decide whether to stay. 我不能决定是否留下.

2) 在whether …… or not 的固定搭配中.如:

I want to know whether it’s good news or not . 我想知道是否是好消息.

3) 在介词后 只能用whether.如:

His father is worried about whether he lose his work . 他的父亲担心是否会失去工作.

4)宾语从句放在句首表示强调时 只能用whether .如:

Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem . 他们是否能准时完成这项工作还是个问题.


Could you tell me if you know the answer ?

这句话有两种意思:“你能告诉我是否知道答案吗?”或“如果你知道答案 请告诉我 好吗?”.如用whether可避免歧义.疑问分句:

I'll tell you later if/whether I can find the time.


I'll tell you later if I can find the time = If I can find the time I'll tell you later.

所以,用 if 会引起歧义时 不妨只用whether。



  1. I don't care __________your car breaks down or not.
  2. This depends upon _________we are determined to do it.
  3. It depends on _________he is ready.
  4. I am not interested in _________you'll come or not.
  5. We haven't settled the question of __________we'll renew our supplies of coal for factory.
  6. He doesn't know _________to stay or not.
  7. I am not sure ___________I'll have time to go with you.
  8. She doesn't know __________to get married now or wait.
  9. I don't know _________or not they will come for our help.
  10. We discussed__________ we should make a change in our plan.
  11. He considered__________ he shouldn't tell her the secret.
  12. It is unknown _________he will come.
  13. I don't know _________they will come to help us.
  14. I am not certain___________ the train will arrive on time.
  15. ____________the news is true remains a question.
  16. What we want to know is ___________he will come to speak to us tomorrow.
  17. The question is ___________they can take our advice.
  18. Let me know _____________you can’t meet me at Jackson and Throop Streets Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock.
  19. We were discussing __________we should discuss the business with them.
  20. The question __________we'll build another lecture hasn't been settled.
  21. The question ____________he'll come is unknown.
  22. Tell me__________ it is not going to rain please.
  23. I don’t care ________he doesn’t show up.
  24. Please let me know __________you intend to come.
  25. Let me know ___________he has left for Shanghai.


  1. whether/if
  2. whether
  3. whether
  4. whether
  5. whether
  6. whether
  7. whether/if
  8. whether
  9. whether
  10. whether
  11. if
  12. whether
  13. whether/if
  14. if/whether
  15. Whether
  16. whether
  17. whether
  18. if
  19. whether
  20. whether
  21. whether
  22. if
  23. if
  24. if/whether
  25. if/whether
