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英语希望之星初赛演讲稿:重庆希望之星英语演讲大赛主题范文老师可能会问学生自己还能列举哪些具体的中国精神或文化传统,学生可回答“诚实守信honesty and keep one’s promise”“乐于助人willing and happy to help others”等等60秒 字数:根据现场老师提问情况华夏文明是一个有着5000年历史的文明,她的始祖是皇帝。华的意思是服饰华美,夏的意思是疆界广阔,文化繁荣,礼仪道德兴盛。中国的精神也继承了华夏文明的传统,现在我们通常讲的”礼””义””仁””智””信”都是来源于此。作为一名中国人我感到非常自豪,我们也要好好地继承和发扬我们的优秀文化传统,为传承中国精神贡献自己的力量The Hua-Xia civilization is a civilization of more than 5000 years. Her first ancestor/the earliest ancestor is Emp


60秒 字数大约100-150


Trace the civilization of Hua-Xia inherit the spirit of China


The Hua-Xia civilization is a civilization of more than 5000 years. Her first ancestor/the earliest ancestor is Emperor Huang. ”Hua” means the clothing is beautiful/gorgeous and ”Xia” means the vast territory prosperous culture flourishing etiquette and morality. And china spirit has inherited the traditions now what we usually called "Courtesy" "righteousness" "benevolence" "wisdom" "faith" are all originated from the traditions. As a Chinese I feel so proud and we should well inherit and develop our good traditions.


60秒 字数:根据现场老师提问情况

老师可能会问学生自己还能列举哪些具体的中国精神或文化传统,学生可回答“诚实守信honesty and keep one’s promise”“乐于助人willing and happy to help others”等等


老师可能会问学生日常如何贡献自己的力量,学生也可以针对上面的诚实守信和乐于助人来结合自己的日常情况作答,比如:I always keep my promise and never lie to others; i’m never late for school


60秒 字数大约100-150


1.Tell a short story using the following 3 words

answer collect amazing

recently I just found a hobby collecting game cards but I can’t tell it to anyone. Because it is so amazing and magical. If I collect them all within 1 month I would get a amazing gift! Even on the class I didn’t stop finding any clues about the missing cards. So I was unable to pay full attention to teaching. One day when I was finding the clues my teacher asked me a question but I didn’t know how to answer it. My teacher took away my cards and told my parents. i was beaten hard up by my parents and taken away all those game cards!

2.Tell a short story using the following 3 words

money catch wonderful

one day I just was walking on the street with my friends a burglar suddenly bumped into my arm and took away my money. When I realized my bag was gone the burglar had already gone a little far ahead of us. We shouted ”burglar! catch him!” and we started to run to catch him. But the burglar was running faster and faster and we were running faster and faster. We don’t know how far and how long we’d already run until the burglar’s figure was totally gone and a wonderful sight was showed up in front of us. That’s so beautiful and wonderful which even made us forget about the burglar and my money. We were stunned by the wonderful scene and its amazing beauty

3.Tell a short story using the following 3 words

computer forget worried

last month our school organized a programming match. But on the day of the match I forgot taking my computer to school. I was so worried and feared of losing the opportunity because I had prepared so long and spent so much time on the programming. There was only one hour before the match starting. I just told my father about the situation My father said no need to worry and he took the computer from home to me in time. Finally I entered and won the first in the match!

4.Tell a short story using the following 3 words

TV improve terrible

Last week my parents bought a TV. They thought it would help me to study. But it was proved to be a bad idea. my study environment was not only improved but also became worse. my father always like watching horrible movies. Once when I was studying there was a terrible sound came out of the TV which scared me so much that my study had to stop. I reflected many times the concern about his horrible favors but it seemed he didn’t listen. So I had to turn to my mother for help. To my surprise it did work!

5.Tell a short story using the following 3 words

zoo happen advanced

one day I happened to see a student was taken away by a strange man in a zoo. The man looked very odd and ugly. He had an advanced device like a black box which could give out the yellow light. i saw the student and the man just disappeared in the light! and then i heard a very strange sound coming from above sky-it's a huge disk like flying object half-hiding in the clouds.that must be a highly advanced technology. the moment i thought this the object just disappeared suddenly in a wink.

6.Tell a short story using the following 3 words

park change empty

once there was a park near my hometown i heard a lot of odd stories had happened in the park. but now the park has changed into a paradise for animals. for so many years there has no visitors been there since a suicide committed ten years ago in a empty house in the middle of the park. someone said that house was cursed by ghost.but i don't believe it.

7.Tell a short story using the following 3 words

doctor write brilliant

one day the brilliant doctor just found that only relying on hospitals could not save more people. because there were more people could not be saved or rescued by doctors. he realized their souls should be rescued rather than their bodies. so he decided to write just like LuXun.compared with medicines or scalpels the writting could save more people
