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雅思写作综合题(6月2日雅思写作真题解析和范文)(310 words)As a conclusion with clear advantages and disadvantages of the two modes of interaction friends can alternatively socialize with one another face to face and via the Internet. Socializing online however popular it can be cannot play the same role as human contact. Therefore face-to-face interaction will never go out of fashion.When it comes to socializing with friends online inter


Many people today prefer socializing online to spending time with friends in local community. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?





这样的作文就是典型的“一边倒”结构,就是只讨论“网上交友”的好处/坏处,但即使同时讨论“网上交友”的好处和坏处,就本题而言,也是不够的,因为没有涉及到题目给出的另外一个关键信息“在当地社区和朋友一起度过”。仔细审题后,我们会发现,本题其实需要考生比较“网上交往”和“与朋友在线下交往”两种与朋友交往的方式的。因此,无论我们采取哪一种行文结构(一边倒或者双边讨论),我们都需要涉及这两个方面,如果仅涉及“网上交往”,在task response方面就是不完整的。也就是说,当考生在论述“网上交往”的好处或者坏处时,一定要在与“线下交往”的比较中来进行才可以,没有比较,这个作文就是没有完整回答题目的问题,会被扣分。


When it comes to socializing with friends online interaction is a highly convenient tool but this does not mean that face-to-face interaction is becoming something of the past. Regarding socializing online with friends there are clear advantages and disadvantages in comparison with face-to-face interaction.

For one thing socializing online enables people to maintain friendships that might otherwise be lost. This may refer to someone who has moved away someone who becomes ill or someone who is unable to meet face to face for whatever reason. For another many people turn to the Internet as a tool with which to socialize with their friends because it is not time or place sensitive. In other words people can communicate with their friends any time and any place. This is particularly important when they want to tell their friends about something very urgent. Meeting friends up in the local community however does not enjoy these advantages.

For all the advantages that online socializing has to offer it can never really replace human contact. The basic reason behind is that humans are social animals and they love getting around with people particularly with friends. Nothing can beat the feelings of walking together playing games doing sports going for picnics and excursions or short trips. There are times when friends must shun smartphones for a while do away with interacting on virtual social networking platforms and get down to real things in life face to face. To build friendships indeed the quantity of digital interaction does not equal the quality of face-to-face interaction.

As a conclusion with clear advantages and disadvantages of the two modes of interaction friends can alternatively socialize with one another face to face and via the Internet. Socializing online however popular it can be cannot play the same role as human contact. Therefore face-to-face interaction will never go out of fashion.

(310 words)






  • When it comes to... 当谈到......(后接名词或动名词)
  • Something of the past 过去的事物
  • In comparison with... 与......相比
  • For one thing... for another... 首先......; 其次......
  • Sensitive 敏感的
  • For all 尽管;虽然(= in spite of)
  • Shun 避免(= avoid)
  • Do away with 扔掉;抛弃
  • Virtual 虚拟的
  • Get down to... 认真做......
  • Alternatively 有选择地
  • Via 通过
  • Go out of fashion 过时
