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web3如何开发(Web3系列教程之入门篇)npx hardhat• 选择Create a Javascript project• 按回车键已指定Hardhat Project root• 如果您想添加一个问题,请按 Enter 键.gitignore• 按回车键Do you want to install this sample project's dependencies with npm (@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox)?现在你有一个安全帽项目准备好了!mkdir hardhat-tutorial cd hardhat-tutorial npm init --yes npm install --save-dev hardhat现在您已经安装了 Hardhat,我们可以设置一个项目。在终端中执行以下命令。您希望允许您的 N.F.T 持有者创建并投票使用该 ETH 从 N.F.T 市场购


什么是 DAO?

DAO代表去中心化的自治组织。您可以将 DAO 视为类似于现实世界中的公司。从本质上讲,DAO 允许成员创建治理决策并对其进行投票。

在传统公司中,当需要做出决定时,公司的董事会或高管负责做出该决定。然而,在 DAO 中,这个过程是民主化的,任何成员都可以创建提案,所有其他成员都可以对其进行投票。创建的每个提案都有一个投票截止日期,在截止日期之后做出有利于投票结果的决定(是或否)。

DAO 的成员资格通常受到 ERC20 Token 所有权或 N.F.T 所有权的限制。成员资格和投票权与您拥有的Token数量成正比的 DAO 示例包括Uniswap和ENS。基于 N.F.T 的 DAO 示例包括Meebits DAO。

构建我们的 DAO

假如你想为你的CryptoDevsN.F.T 持有者启动一个 DAO。从通过 ICO 获得的 ETH 中,你建立了一个 DAO 库。DAO 现在有很多 ETH,但目前什么也没做。

您希望允许您的 N.F.T 持有者创建并投票使用该 ETH 从 N.F.T 市场购买其他 N.F.T 的提案,并推测价格。也许将来当你卖回 N.F.T 时,你会将利润分配给 DAO 的所有成员。

  • • 任何拥有CryptoDevsN.F.T 的人都可以创建从 N.F.T 市场购买不同 N.F.T 的提案
  • • 每个拥有CryptoDevsN.F.T 的人都可以投票支持或反对活跃的提案
  • • 每个 N.F.T 计为每个提案的一票
  • • 投票者不能对具有相同 N.F.T 的同一个提案多次投票
  • • 如果在截止日期前多数选民投票支持该提案,N.F.T 购买将自动执行
  • • 为了能够在提案通过时自动购买 N.F.T,您需要一个可以调用purchase()函数的链上 N.F.T 市场。那里有很多 N.F.T 市场,但为了避免事情过于复杂,我们将为本教程创- 建一个简化的假 N.F.T 市场,因为重点是 DAO。
  • • 我们还将使用 Hardhat 制作实际的 DAO 智能合约。
  • • 我们将使用 Next.js 制作网站,以允许用户创建和对提案进行投票
  • • 你已完成N.F.T-Collection [1]教程
  • • 你必须有一些 ETH 给 DAO 财政部


  • • FakeN.F.TMarketplace.sol
  • • CryptoDevsDAO.sol


  • • 为此项目创建一个名为 的文件夹DAO-Tutorial,并在该文件夹中打开一个终端窗口。
  • • 通过在终端中运行以下命令来设置新的安全帽项目:

mkdir hardhat-tutorial cd hardhat-tutorial npm init --yes npm install --save-dev hardhat

现在您已经安装了 Hardhat,我们可以设置一个项目。在终端中执行以下命令。

  • • 在安装 Hardhat 的同一目录中运行:

npx hardhat

  • • 选择Create a Javascript project
  • • 按回车键已指定Hardhat Project root
  • • 如果您想添加一个问题,请按 Enter 键.gitignore
  • • 按回车键Do you want to install this sample project's dependencies with npm (@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox)?


如果您在 Windows 上,请执行此额外步骤并安装这些库:)

npm install --save-dev @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox

并按下Enter所有问题(选择Create a basic sample project)选项。

  • • 现在,让我们从 NPM 安装包@openzeppelin/contracts开始,因为我们将使用OpenZeppelin 的 Ownable Contract作为 DAO 合约。

npm install @openzeppelin/contracts

  • • 首先,让我们做一个简单的 Fake N.F.T Marketplace。在hardhat-tutorial contracts的目录下创建一个名为FakeN.F.TMarketplace.sol的文件,并添加以下代码

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract FakeN.F.TMarketplace { /// @dev Maintain a mapping of Fake TokenID to Owner addresses mapping(uint256 => address) public tokens; /// @dev Set the purchase price for each Fake N.F.T uint256 N.F.TPrice = 0.1 ether; /// @dev purchase() accepts ETH and marks the owner of the given tokenId as the caller address /// @param _tokenId - the fake N.F.T token Id to purchase function purchase(uint256 _tokenId) external payable { require(msg.value == N.F.TPrice "This N.F.T costs 0.1 ether"); tokens[_tokenId] = msg.sender; } /// @dev getPrice() returns the price of one N.F.T function getPrice() external view returns (uint256) { return N.F.TPrice; } /// @dev available() checks whether the given tokenId has already been sold or not /// @param _tokenId - the tokenId to check for function available(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool) { // address(0) = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // This is the default value for addresses in Solidity if (tokens[_tokenId] == address(0)) { return true; } return false; } }

  • • FakeN.F.TMarketplace如果提案获得通过,我们将从 DAO 合约中使用这些基本功能来购买 N.F.T 。真正的 N.F.T 市场会更加复杂——因为并非所有 N.F.T 的价格都相同。
  • • 在开始编写 DAO 合约之前,让我们确保一切都编译好。hardhat-tutorial从终端在文件夹中运行以下命令。

npx hardhat compile


  • • 现在,我们将开始编写CryptoDevsDAO合约。由于这主要是一个完全自定义的合约,并且比我们目前所做的相对复杂,所以我们将一点一点地解释这一点。
  • • 首先,让我们为合约编写样板代码。CryptoDevsDAO.sol在contracts目录下创建一个名为 in 的新文件hardhat-tutorial,并将以下代码添加到其中。

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; // We will add the Interfaces here contract CryptoDevsDAO is Ownable { // We will write contract code here }

  • • 现在,我们将需要调用FakeN.F.TMarketplace合约上的函数,以及您之前部署的CryptoDevs N.F.T合约。回想一下Advanced Solidity Topics教程,我们需要为这些合约提供一个接口,所以这个合约知道哪些函数可以调用,它们作为参数接受什么,返回什么。
  • • 通过添加以下代码将以下两个接口添加到您的代码中

/** * Interface for the FakeN.F.TMarketplace */ interface IFakeN.F.TMarketplace { /// @dev getPrice() returns the price of an N.F.T from the FakeN.F.TMarketplace /// @return Returns the price in Wei for an N.F.T function getPrice() external view returns (uint256); /// @dev available() returns whether or not the given _tokenId has already been purchased /// @return Returns a boolean value - true if available false if not function available(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool); /// @dev purchase() purchases an N.F.T from the FakeN.F.TMarketplace /// @param _tokenId - the fake N.F.T tokenID to purchase function purchase(uint256 _tokenId) external payable; } /** * Minimal interface for CryptoDevsN.F.T containing only two functions * that we are interested in */ interface ICryptoDevsN.F.T { /// @dev balanceOf returns the number of N.F.Ts owned by the given address /// @param owner - address to fetch number of N.F.Ts for /// @return Returns the number of N.F.Ts owned function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256); /// @dev tokenOfOwnerByIndex returns a tokenID at given index for owner /// @param owner - address to fetch the N.F.T TokenID for /// @param index - index of N.F.T in owned tokens array to fetch /// @return Returns the TokenID of the N.F.T function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address owner uint256 index) external view returns (uint256); }

  • • 现在,让我们考虑一下我们在 DAO 合约中需要哪些功能。
  • • 以合约状态存储已创建的提案
  • • 允许 CryptoDevs N.F.T 的持有者创建新提案
  • • 允许 CryptoDevs N.F.T 的持有者对提案进行投票,因为他们尚未投票,并且提案尚未通过其截止日期
  • • 允许 CryptoDevs N.F.T 的持有者在超过截止日期后执行提案,以在提案通过时触发 N.F.T 购买
  • • 让我们首先创建一个代表Proposal的结构。在你的合约中,添加以下代码。

// Create a struct named Proposal containing all relevant information struct Proposal { // N.F.TTokenId - the tokenID of the N.F.T to purchase from FakeN.F.TMarketplace if the proposal passes uint256 N.F.TTokenId; // deadline - the UNIX timestamp until which this proposal is active. Proposal can be executed after the deadline has been exceeded. uint256 deadline; // yayVotes - number of yay votes for this proposal uint256 yayVotes; // nayVotes - number of nay votes for this proposal uint256 nayVotes; // executed - whether or not this proposal has been executed yet. Cannot be executed before the deadline has been exceeded. bool executed; // voters - a mapping of CryptoDevsN.F.T tokenIDs to booleans indicating whether that N.F.T has already been used to cast a vote or not mapping(uint256 => bool) voters; }

  • • 让我们也创建一个从提案ID到提案的映射,以保存所有创建的提案,以及一个计数器来计算存在的提案数量。

// Create a mapping of ID to Proposal mapping(uint256 => Proposal) public proposals; // Number of proposals that have been created uint256 public numProposals;

  • • 现在,由于我们将在FakeN.F.TMarketplace和CryptoDevsN.F.T合约上调用函数,让我们为这些合约初始化变量。

IFakeN.F.TMarketplace N.F.TMarketplace; ICryptoDevsN.F.T cryptoDevsN.F.T;

  • • 创建一个构造函数,初始化这些合约变量,同时接受部署者的ETH存款以填充DAO的ETH库。(在后台,由于我们导入了Ownable合约,这也将设置合约部署者为该合约的所有者)。

// Create a payable constructor which initializes the contract // instances for FakeN.F.TMarketplace and CryptoDevsN.F.T // The payable allows this constructor to accept an ETH deposit when it is being deployed constructor(address _N.F.TMarketplace address _cryptoDevsN.F.T) payable { N.F.TMarketplace = IFakeN.F.TMarketplace(_N.F.TMarketplace); cryptoDevsN.F.T = ICryptoDevsN.F.T(_cryptoDevsN.F.T); }

  • • 现在,由于我们希望几乎所有的其他函数只被那些拥有CryptoDevs N.F.T合约的人调用,我们将创建一个modifier以避免重复代码。

// Create a modifier which only allows a function to be // called by someone who owns at least 1 CryptoDevsN.F.T modifier N.F.THolderOnly() { require(cryptoDevsN.F.T.balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0 "NOT_A_DAO_MEMBER"); _; }

  • • 我们现在有足够的能力来编写我们的createProposal函数,它将允许成员创建新的提案。

/// @dev createProposal allows a CryptoDevsN.F.T holder to create a new proposal in the DAO /// @param _N.F.TTokenId - the tokenID of the N.F.T to be purchased from FakeN.F.TMarketplace if this proposal passes /// @return Returns the proposal index for the newly created proposal function createProposal(uint256 _N.F.TTokenId) external N.F.THolderOnly returns (uint256) { require(N.F.TMarketplace.available(_N.F.TTokenId) "N.F.T_NOT_FOR_SALE"); Proposal storage proposal = proposals[numProposals]; proposal.N.F.TTokenId = _N.F.TTokenId; // Set the proposal's voting deadline to be (current time 5 minutes) proposal.deadline = block.timestamp 5 minutes; numProposals ; return numProposals - 1; }

  • • 现在,要对一个提案进行投票,我们要增加一个额外的限制,即被投票的提案必须没有超过其最后期限。为了做到这一点,我们将创建第二个修改器。

// Create a modifier which only allows a function to be // called if the given proposal's deadline has not been exceeded yet modifier activeProposalOnly(uint256 proposalIndex) { require( proposals[proposalIndex].deadline > block.timestamp "DEADLINE_EXCEEDED" ); _; }


  • • 此外,由于投票只能是两个值中的一个(YAY或NAY)--我们可以创建一个代表可能选项的枚举。

// Create an enum named Vote containing possible options for a vote enum Vote { YAY // YAY = 0 NAY // NAY = 1 }

  • • 让我们来写写voteOnProposal的函数

/// @dev voteOnProposal allows a CryptoDevsN.F.T holder to cast their vote on an active proposal /// @param proposalIndex - the index of the proposal to vote on in the proposals array /// @param vote - the type of vote they want to cast function voteOnProposal(uint256 proposalIndex Vote vote) external N.F.THolderOnly activeProposalOnly(proposalIndex) { Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalIndex]; uint256 voterN.F.TBalance = cryptoDevsN.F.T.balanceOf(msg.sender); uint256 numVotes = 0; // Calculate how many N.F.Ts are owned by the voter // that haven't already been used for voting on this proposal for (uint256 i = 0; i < voterN.F.TBalance; i ) { uint256 tokenId = cryptoDevsN.F.T.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender i); if (proposal.voters[tokenId] == false) { numVotes ; proposal.voters[tokenId] = true; } } require(numVotes > 0 "ALREADY_VOTED"); if (vote == Vote.YAY) { proposal.yayVotes = numVotes; } else { proposal.nayVotes = numVotes; } }

  • • 我们快完成了!为了执行一个已经超过截止日期的提案,我们将创建最后的修改器。

// Create a modifier which only allows a function to be // called if the given proposals' deadline HAS been exceeded // and if the proposal has not yet been executed modifier inactiveProposalOnly(uint256 proposalIndex) { require( proposals[proposalIndex].deadline <= block.timestamp "DEADLINE_NOT_EXCEEDED" ); require( proposals[proposalIndex].executed == false "PROPOSAL_ALREADY_EXECUTED" ); _; }


  • • 我们来写一下executeProposal的代码

/// @dev executeProposal allows any CryptoDevsN.F.T holder to execute a proposal after it's deadline has been exceeded /// @param proposalIndex - the index of the proposal to execute in the proposals array function executeProposal(uint256 proposalIndex) external N.F.THolderOnly inactiveProposalOnly(proposalIndex) { Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalIndex]; // If the proposal has more YAY votes than NAY votes // purchase the N.F.T from the FakeN.F.TMarketplace if (proposal.yayVotes > proposal.nayVotes) { uint256 N.F.TPrice = N.F.TMarketplace.getPrice(); require(address(this).balance >= N.F.TPrice "NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS"); N.F.TMarketplace.purchase{value: N.F.TPrice}(proposal.N.F.TTokenId); } proposal.executed = true; }

  • • 在这一点上,我们已经实现了所有的核心功能。然而,有几个额外的功能我们可以而且应该实现。• 如果需要,允许合约所有人从DAO提取ETH• 允许合约进一步接受ETH存款
  • • 我们继承的Ownable合约包含一个修改器onlyOwner,它限制一个函数只能被合约所有者调用。让我们使用这个修饰符来实现 withdrawEther。

/// @dev withdrawEther allows the contract owner (deployer) to withdraw the ETH from the contract function withdrawEther() external onlyOwner { payable(owner()).transfer(address(this).balance); }


  • • 最后,为了允许向DAO金库增加更多的ETH存款,我们需要增加一些特殊的功能。通常情况下,合约地址不能接受发给他们的ETH,除非是通过payable函数。但是我们不希望用户只是为了存钱而调用函数,他们应该能够直接从他们的钱包里转出ETH。为此,让我们添加这两个函数。

// The following two functions allow the contract to accept ETH deposits // directly from a wallet without calling a function receive() external payable {} fallback() external payable {}智能合约的部署

现在我们已经写好了合约,让我们把它们部署到Rinkeby Testnet[2]上。确保你在Rinkeby Testnet上有一些ETH。

  • • 安装NPM的dotenv包,以便能够使用hardhat.config.js中.env文件中指定的环境变量。在hardhat-tutorial目录下的终端中执行以下命令。

npm install dotenv

  • • 现在在hardhat-tutorial目录下创建一个.env文件,设置以下两个环境变量。按照说明来获取它们的值。确保你使用的Rinkeby私钥在Rinkeby Testnet上有ETH。

// Go to https://www.alchemyapi.io sign up create // a new App in its dashboard and select the network as Rinkeby and replace "add-the-alchemy-key-url-here" with its key url ALCHEMY_API_KEY_URL="add-the-alchemy-key-url-here" // Replace this private key with your RINKEBY account private key // To export your private key from Metamask open Metamask and // go to Account Details > Export Private Key // Be aware of NEVER putting real Ether into testing accounts RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY="add-the-rinkeby-private-key-here"

  • • 现在,让我们写一个部署脚本,为我们自动部署我们的两个合约。在hardhat-tutorial/scripts下创建一个新文件,或替换现有的默认文件,命名为deploy.js,并添加以下代码。

const { ethers } = require("hardhat"); const { CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS } = require("../constants"); async function main() { // Deploy the FakeN.F.TMarketplace contract first const FakeN.F.TMarketplace = await ethers.getContractFactory( "FakeN.F.TMarketplace" ); const fakeN.F.TMarketplace = await FakeN.F.TMarketplace.deploy(); await fakeN.F.TMarketplace.deployed(); console.log("FakeN.F.TMarketplace deployed to: " fakeN.F.TMarketplace.address); // Now deploy the CryptoDevsDAO contract const CryptoDevsDAO = await ethers.getContractFactory("CryptoDevsDAO"); const cryptoDevsDAO = await CryptoDevsDAO.deploy( fakeN.F.TMarketplace.address CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS { // This assumes your account has at least 1 ETH in it's account // Change this value as you want value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1") } ); await cryptoDevsDAO.deployed(); console.log("CryptoDevsDAO deployed to: " cryptoDevsDAO.address); } main() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });

  • • 你可能已经注意到,deploy.js从一个名为constants的文件中导入了一个名为CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS的变量。让我们来做这个。在hardhat-tutorial目录下创建一个名为constants.js的新文件。

// Replace the value with your N.F.T contract address const CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "YOUR_CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HERE"; module.exports = { CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS };

  • • 现在,让我们把Rinkeby网络添加到你的Hardhat配置中,以便我们可以部署到Rinkeby。打开你的hardhat.config.js文件,用以下内容替换它。

require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox"); require("dotenv").config({ path: ".env" }); const ALCHEMY_API_KEY_URL = process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY_URL; const RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY; module.exports = { solidity: "0.8.9" networks: { rinkeby: { url: ALCHEMY_API_KEY_URL accounts: [RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY] } } };

  • • 让我们在继续进行之前确保一切都能编译。在hardhat-tutorial文件夹中从终端执行以下命令。

npx hardhat compile


  • • 让我们开始部署吧!在终端中从hardhat-tutorial目录中执行以下命令

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

  • • 保存FakeN.F.TMarketplace和CryptoDevsDAO的合约地址,它们被打印在你的终端上。你以后会需要这些。


我们已经成功开发并部署了我们的合约到 Rinkeby 测试网。现在,是时候构建前端界面了,这样用户就可以从网站上创建提案并对其进行投票。


  • • 让我们从创建一个新next应用开始。设置next应用程序后,您的文件夹结构应如下所示:

- DAO-Tutorial - hardhat-tutorial - my-app

  • • 要创建,请在目录my-app中的终端中执行以下命令DAO-Tutorial

npx create-next-app@latest

并按下Enter所有问题提示。这应该创建my-app文件夹并设置一个基本的 Next.js 项目。

  • • 让我们看看是否一切正常。在终端中运行以下命令

cd my-app npm run dev

  • • 您的网站应该在http://localhost:3000. 但是,这是一个基本的初学者 Next.js 项目,我们需要为其添加代码以执行我们想要的操作。
  • • 让我们安装web3modal和ethers库。Web3Modal 将允许我们支持在浏览器中连接到钱包,而以太币将用于与区块链交互。从目录my-app中在终端中运行它。

npm install web3modal ethers

  • • 在my-app/public/cryptodevs下载并保存以下文件为0.svg。我们将在网页上显示这个图片。注意:你需要在public里面创建cryptodevs文件夹。下载图片[5]
  • • 在my-app/styles/Home.modules.css中添加以下CSS样式

.main { min-height: 90vh; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-family: "Courier New" Courier monospace; } .footer { display: flex; padding: 2rem 0; border-top: 1px solid #eaeaea; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .image { width: 70%; height: 50%; margin-left: 20%; } .title { font-size: 2rem; margin: 2rem 0; } .description { line-height: 1; margin: 2rem 0; font-size: 1.2rem; } .button { border-radius: 4px; background-color: blue; border: none; color: #ffffff; font-size: 15px; padding: 10px; width: 200px; cursor: pointer; margin-right: 2%; } .button2 { border-radius: 4px; background-color: indigo; border: none; color: #ffffff; font-size: 15px; padding: 10px; cursor: pointer; margin-right: 2%; margin-top: 1rem; } .proposalCard { width: fit-content; margin-top: 0.25rem; border: black 2px solid; flex: 1; flex-direction: column; } .container { margin-top: 2rem; } .flex { flex: 1; justify-content: space-between; } @media (max-width: 1000px) { .main { width: 100%; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } }

  • • 该网站还需要从两个智能合约--CryptoDevsDAO和CryptoDevsN.F.T中读/写数据。让我们把它们的合约地址和ABI存储在一个常量文件中。在my-app目录下创建一个constants.js文件。

export const CRYPTODEVS_DAO_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = ""; export const CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = ""; export const CRYPTODEVS_DAO_ABI = []; export const CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_ABI = [];

  • • 用你的相关合约地址和ABI值替换合约地址和ABI值。
  • • 现在来看看实际的酷网站代码。打开my-app/pages/index.js,写下以下代码。代码的解释可以在注释中找到。

import { Contract providers } from "ethers"; import { formatEther } from "ethers/lib/utils"; import Head from "next/head"; import { useEffect useRef useState } from "react"; import Web3Modal from "web3modal"; import { CRYPTODEVS_DAO_ABI CRYPTODEVS_DAO_CONTRACT_ADDRESS CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_ABI CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS } from "../constants"; import styles from "../styles/Home.module.css"; export default function Home() { // ETH Balance of the DAO contract const [treasuryBalance setTreasuryBalance] = useState("0"); // Number of proposals created in the DAO const [numProposals setNumProposals] = useState("0"); // Array of all proposals created in the DAO const [proposals setProposals] = useState([]); // User's balance of CryptoDevs N.F.Ts const [N.F.TBalance setN.F.TBalance] = useState(0); // Fake N.F.T Token ID to purchase. Used when creating a proposal. const [fakeN.F.TTokenId setFakeN.F.TTokenId] = useState(""); // One of "Create Proposal" or "View Proposals" const [selectedTab setSelectedTab] = useState(""); // True if waiting for a transaction to be mined false otherwise. const [loading setLoading] = useState(false); // True if user has connected their wallet false otherwise const [walletConnected setWalletConnected] = useState(false); const web3ModalRef = useRef(); // Helper function to connect wallet const connectWallet = async () => { try { await getProviderOrSigner(); setWalletConnected(true); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; // Reads the ETH balance of the DAO contract and sets the `treasuryBalance` state variable const getDAOTreasuryBalance = async () => { try { const provider = await getProviderOrSigner(); const balance = await provider.getBalance( CRYPTODEVS_DAO_CONTRACT_ADDRESS ); setTreasuryBalance(balance.toString()); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; // Reads the number of proposals in the DAO contract and sets the `numProposals` state variable const getNumProposalsInDAO = async () => { try { const provider = await getProviderOrSigner(); const contract = getDaoContractInstance(provider); const daoNumProposals = await contract.numProposals(); setNumProposals(daoNumProposals.toString()); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; // Reads the balance of the user's CryptoDevs N.F.Ts and sets the `N.F.TBalance` state variable const getUserN.F.TBalance = async () => { try { const signer = await getProviderOrSigner(true); const N.F.TContract = getCryptodevsN.F.TContractInstance(signer); const balance = await N.F.TContract.balanceOf(signer.getAddress()); setN.F.TBalance(parseInt(balance.toString())); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; // Calls the `createProposal` function in the contract using the tokenId from `fakeN.F.TTokenId` const createProposal = async () => { try { const signer = await getProviderOrSigner(true); const daoContract = getDaoContractInstance(signer); const txn = await daoContract.createProposal(fakeN.F.TTokenId); setLoading(true); await txn.wait(); await getNumProposalsInDAO(); setLoading(false); } catch (error) { console.error(error); window.alert(error.data.message); } }; // Helper function to fetch and parse one proposal from the DAO contract // Given the Proposal ID // and converts the returned data into a Javascript object with values we can use const fetchProposalById = async (id) => { try { const provider = await getProviderOrSigner(); const daoContract = getDaoContractInstance(provider); const proposal = await daoContract.proposals(id); const parsedProposal = { proposalId: id N.F.TTokenId: proposal.N.F.TTokenId.toString() deadline: new Date(parseInt(proposal.deadline.toString()) * 1000) yayVotes: proposal.yayVotes.toString() nayVotes: proposal.nayVotes.toString() executed: proposal.executed }; return parsedProposal; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; // Runs a loop `numProposals` times to fetch all proposals in the DAO // and sets the `proposals` state variable const fetchAllProposals = async () => { try { const proposals = []; for (let i = 0; i < numProposals; i ) { const proposal = await fetchProposalById(i); proposals.push(proposal); } setProposals(proposals); return proposals; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; // Calls the `voteOnProposal` function in the contract using the passed // proposal ID and Vote const voteOnProposal = async (proposalId _vote) => { try { const signer = await getProviderOrSigner(true); const daoContract = getDaoContractInstance(signer); let vote = _vote === "YAY" ? 0 : 1; const txn = await daoContract.voteOnProposal(proposalId vote); setLoading(true); await txn.wait(); setLoading(false); await fetchAllProposals(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); window.alert(error.data.message); } }; // Calls the `executeProposal` function in the contract using // the passed proposal ID const executeProposal = async (proposalId) => { try { const signer = await getProviderOrSigner(true); const daoContract = getDaoContractInstance(signer); const txn = await daoContract.executeProposal(proposalId); setLoading(true); await txn.wait(); setLoading(false); await fetchAllProposals(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); window.alert(error.data.message); } }; // Helper function to fetch a Provider/Signer instance from Metamask const getProviderOrSigner = async (needSigner = false) => { const provider = await web3ModalRef.current.connect(); const web3Provider = new providers.Web3Provider(provider); const { chainId } = await web3Provider.getNetwork(); if (chainId !== 4) { window.alert("Please switch to the Rinkeby network!"); throw new Error("Please switch to the Rinkeby network"); } if (needSigner) { const signer = web3Provider.getSigner(); return signer; } return web3Provider; }; // Helper function to return a DAO Contract instance // given a Provider/Signer const getDaoContractInstance = (providerOrSigner) => { return new Contract( CRYPTODEVS_DAO_CONTRACT_ADDRESS CRYPTODEVS_DAO_ABI providerOrSigner ); }; // Helper function to return a CryptoDevs N.F.T Contract instance // given a Provider/Signer const getCryptodevsN.F.TContractInstance = (providerOrSigner) => { return new Contract( CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_CONTRACT_ADDRESS CRYPTODEVS_N.F.T_ABI providerOrSigner ); }; // piece of code that runs everytime the value of `walletConnected` changes // so when a wallet connects or disconnects // Prompts user to connect wallet if not connected // and then calls helper functions to fetch the // DAO Treasury Balance User N.F.T Balance and Number of Proposals in the DAO useEffect(() => { if (!walletConnected) { web3ModalRef.current = new Web3Modal({ network: "rinkeby" providerOptions: {} disableInjectedProvider: false }); connectWallet().then(() => { getDAOTreasuryBalance(); getUserN.F.TBalance(); getNumProposalsInDAO(); }); } } [walletConnected]); // Piece of code that runs everytime the value of `selectedTab` changes // Used to re-fetch all proposals in the DAO when user switches // to the 'View Proposals' tab useEffect(() => { if (selectedTab === "View Proposals") { fetchAllProposals(); } } [selectedTab]); // Render the contents of the appropriate tab based on `selectedTab` function renderTabs() { if (selectedTab === "Create Proposal") { return renderCreateProposalTab(); } else if (selectedTab === "View Proposals") { return renderViewProposalsTab(); } return null; } // Renders the 'Create Proposal' tab content function renderCreateProposalTab() { if (loading) { return ( <div className={styles.description}> Loading... Waiting for transaction... </div> ); } else if (N.F.TBalance === 0) { return ( <div className={styles.description}> You do not own any CryptoDevs N.F.Ts. <br /> <b>You cannot create or vote on proposals</b> </div> ); } else { return ( <div className={styles.container}> <label>Fake N.F.T Token ID to Purchase: </label> <input placeholder="0" type="number" onChange={(e) => setFakeN.F.TTokenId(e.target.value)} /> <button className={styles.button2} onClick={createProposal}> Create </button> </div> ); } } // Renders the 'View Proposals' tab content function renderViewProposalsTab() { if (loading) { return ( <div className={styles.description}> Loading... Waiting for transaction... </div> ); } else if (proposals.length === 0) { return ( <div className={styles.description}> No proposals have been created </div> ); } else { return ( <div> {proposals.map((p index) => ( <div key={index} className={styles.proposalCard}> <p>Proposal ID: {p.proposalId}</p> <p>Fake N.F.T to Purchase: {p.N.F.TTokenId}</p> <p>Deadline: {p.deadline.toLocaleString()}</p> <p>Yay Votes: {p.yayVotes}</p> <p>Nay Votes: {p.nayVotes}</p> <p>Executed?: {p.executed.toString()}</p> {p.deadline.getTime() > Date.now() && !p.executed ? ( <div className={styles.flex}> <button className={styles.button2} onClick={() => voteOnProposal(p.proposalId "YAY")} > Vote YAY </button> <button className={styles.button2} onClick={() => voteOnProposal(p.proposalId "NAY")} > Vote NAY </button> </div> ) : p.deadline.getTime() < Date.now() && !p.executed ? ( <div className={styles.flex}> <button className={styles.button2} onClick={() => executeProposal(p.proposalId)} > Execute Proposal{" "} {p.yayVotes > p.nayVotes ? "(YAY)" : "(NAY)"} </button> </div> ) : ( <div className={styles.description}>Proposal Executed</div> )} </div> ))} </div> ); } } return ( <div> <Head> <title>CryptoDevs DAO</title> <meta name="description" content="CryptoDevs DAO" /> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <div className={styles.main}> <div> <h1 className={styles.title}>Welcome to Crypto Devs!</h1> <div className={styles.description}>Welcome to the DAO!</div> <div className={styles.description}> Your CryptoDevs N.F.T Balance: {N.F.TBalance} <br /> Treasury Balance: {formatEther(treasuryBalance)} ETH <br /> Total Number of Proposals: {numProposals} </div> <div className={styles.flex}> <button className={styles.button} onClick={() => setSelectedTab("Create Proposal")} > Create Proposal </button> <button className={styles.button} onClick={() => setSelectedTab("View Proposals")} > View Proposals </button> </div> {renderTabs()} </div> <div> <img className={styles.image} src="/cryptodevs/0.svg" /> </div> </div> <footer className={styles.footer}> Made with ❤ by Crypto Devs </footer> </div> ); }

  • • 让我们来运行它!在你的终端,从my-app目录中,执行。

npm run dev


祝贺您!您的CryptoDevs DAO网站现在应该可以运行了。你的CryptoDevs DAO网站现在应该工作了。

  • • 创建几个提案
  • • YAY尝试对一个和NAY另一个投票
  • • 等待 5 分钟让他们的最后期限过去
  • • 执行这两个。
  • • 观察 DAO 财政部的余额0.1 ETH由于在执行时购买 N.F.T 时通过的提案而下降。
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  • • 转到Vercel 仪表板[6]并使用您的 GitHub 帐户登录。
  • • 单击New Project按钮并选择您的DAO-Tutorial存储库。
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  • • 由于我们的 Next.js 应用程序位于 repo 的子文件夹中,因此我们需要对其进行修改。
  • • 单击Edit旁边Root Directory并将其设置为my-app。
  • • 选择框架为Next.js
  • • 点击Deploy


  • • 现在,您可以通过转到 Vercel 仪表板、选择您的项目并从那里复制域来查看您部署的网站!





[1] N.F.T-Collection : https://hicoldcat.com/posts/web3/sophomore-tarck-9/
[2] Rinkeby Testnet: https://rinkeby.etherscan.com/
[3] 这里的最终版本: https://github.com/LearnWeb3DAO/Building-a-DAO/blob/main/hardhat-tutorial/contracts/CryptoDevsDAO.sol
[4] Next.js: https://nextjs.org/
[5] 下载图片: https://github.com/LearnWeb3DAO/Building-a-DAO/blob/main/my-app/public/cryptodevs/0.svg
[6] Vercel 仪表板: https://vercel.com/
