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小学英语总复习资料汇总:推荐小学英语复习如:story---stories library---libraries(3) 以辅音字母 y 的名词变y为i再加es如:teacher—teachers egg---eggs (2) 以s x sh ch结尾的名词加es如class---classes box-- boxes bus --buses watch--watches


1、 名词:有可数名词和不可数名词。



(1) 一般在名词词尾加"s"

如:teacher—teachers egg---eggs

(2) 以s x sh ch结尾的名词加es

如class---classes box-- boxes bus --buses watch--watches

(3) 以辅音字母 y 的名词变y为i再加es

如:story---stories library---libraries

dictionary----dictionaries hobby---hobbies

(4) 以f fe 结尾的名词,变f fe为ves

如:life ---lives leaf ---leaves half---halves

knife---knives wolf-wolves wife---wives

(5) 以o结尾的名词"英雄芒果土豆西红柿"加es

hero---heroes mango--- mangoes

potato--- potatoes tomato--- tomatoes

其余加s(目前所学的词) zoo---zoos kilo---kilos

radio—radios photo--- photos piano-- pianos


如: child — children woman --- women

man ---men foot---feet tooth---teeth

有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如 Japanese,Chinese,sheep

如: I have one sheep. He has two sheep.




名词性物主代词含义=形容词性物主代词 名词 的含义

This is my book. = This book is mine.

This is his bag. = This bag is his.

Your watch is old but hers is new.

Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.

We say "Thank you" for our food family and friends.

4、 疑问词

who 谁 what 什么 when 什么时候 what time 几点

where 哪里 why 为什么 how 怎样 how much 多少

how many 多少 how old 多大 whose 谁的

what colour 什么颜色 how long 多长

1. 对人物提问用 who

Who gave it to you? Simon's family gave it to me.

Who can help me? I can help you.

2. 对事物或做某事提问用 what

What do you want? I want a hot dog.

What are you doing? I am reading a book.

What are you going to study? I'm going to study English.

What are you going to do? We're going to walk around the lake.

What's it about? It's about animals.

3. 对时间提问用 when

When are you going to eat? We're going to eat at half past twelve.

When was he born? He was born in 1809.

4. 对点钟提问用 what time

What time is it? It's twelve.

What time do you get up? I get up at six o'clock.

5. 对地点提问用 where

Where was he born? He was born in France.

Where are you? I am on the train.

Where's your mum? She's at the supermarket.

6. 对原因提问用 why

Why are you wearing a raincoat? Because it's going to rain.

7. 对身体状况或方式提问用 how

How are you? I'm fine.

How are you going to go to school? I'm going to go to school by bus.

8. 对价钱或不可数名词的数量提问用 how much

How much is it? It's thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.

How much milk do you want? I want two bottles of milk.

9. 对可数名词的数量提问用 how many

How many books are there on the desk?

There are three books on the desk.

10. 对年龄提问用 how old

How old are you? I'm twelve.

11. 对"某人的"提问用 whose

Whose cap is this? It's Amy's cap.

Whose pen is that? It's his pen.

12. 对颜色提问用 what colour

What colour is it? It's black.

13. 对星期提问用 what day

What day is it today? It's Monday.

14. How long is it?

It's about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.

特殊疑问句语序: 疑问词 一般疑问句语序?

例:How do you go to school?

疑问词(做主语) 谓语动词 ……?

例:Who gave it to you?



1. 一般过去时

表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。经常与表示过去的时间连用。如yesterday(昨天) last week(上周) last month(上个月) last year(去年) two months ago(两个月前)等。

构成:(1)肯定句:主语 动词过去式 ……

He made a video.

否定句:主语 didn't 动词原形 ……

He didn't make a video.

一般疑问句:Did 主语 动词原形 …….?

Did he make a video?

(2) be动词用was were . 否定句在was were后加not. 一般疑问句把was were提前到句首。

She was born in America.

She was not born in America.

Was she born in America?

2. 现在进行时


构成:主语 am /is / are 现在分词 ……

The birds are singing in the trees.

否定句在am /is / are后加not.

The birds are not singing in the trees.

一般疑问句把am /is / are提前到句首。

Are the birds singing in the trees?


表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。经常与表示将来的时间连用。如tomorrow (明天) next week(下周) next year(明年)等。

构成:(1) 主语 will 动词原形 ……

He will pick up the apples.


He will not pick up the apples.


Will he pick up the apples?

(2) 主语 be going to 动词原形 ……

We are going to study French.

否定句在am /is / are后加not.

We are not going to study French.

一般疑问句把am /is / are提前到句首。

Are you going to study French?

4. 一般现在时


构成:(1)主语 am /is / are ……

否定句在am /is / are后加not. 一般疑问句把am /is / are提前到句首。

Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.

(2) 肯定句:主语 动词原形 ……

The ducks like it.

否定句:主语 don't 动词原形 ……

The ducks don't like it.

一般疑问句:Do 主语 动词原形 …….?

Do the ducks like it?

(3) 肯定句:主语(三单) 动词第三人称单数形式 ……

He likes noodles.

否定句:主语 doesn't 动词原形 ……

He doesn't like noodles.

一般疑问句:Does 主语 动词原形 …….?

Does he like noodles




如: work --- worked play---played watch-- watched

2. 以e 结尾动词在词尾加d

如: live --- lived

3. 以辅音字母 y结尾的动词,把y变为i 再加ed

如: study ---studied copy---copied cry---cried carry---carried

4. 有些动词双写最后一个字母再加ed,

如:stop ---stopped drop--- dropped


动词原形 动词过去式 动词原形 动词过去式

go went come came

become became bring brought

say said put put

teach taught can could

read read give gave

am/is was are were

do did fly flew

have had make made

run ran see saw

ride rode win won

get got tell told

eat ate send sent

take took buy bought

sit sat meet met

write wrote draw drew

swim swam fly flew

rink drank give gave

ring rang fall fell




sleep---sleeping look---looking wear---wearing

send---sending eat---eating sing---singing

go---going jump---jumping play---playing


write---writing come---coming ride---riding

have---having make---making shine---shining take---taking close-- closing


get---getting put---putting sit---sitting run---running swim---swimming skip---skipping shop---shopping




stop-stops make-makes read-reads

play-plays say [sei]-says [sez]


fly-flies carry-carries study-studies worry-worries

3.以"s x sh,ch o"结尾,在词尾加"es".

teach-teaches watch-watches go— goes do-- does

九、情态动词 can 过去式could 后加动词原形

I can write English.

I can carry this bag. I can help you.

We can always be friends. Later she could read and write.

否定句在can could 后加not

can not = can't could not = couldn't

We can't go now. I can't write Chinese.

I can't carry everything. His friends can't hear him.

She couldn't see and she couldn't hear.

一般疑问句把can could提前到句首。

Can you swim? Yes I can. / No I can't.

Can you speak English? Can I write to your friends?

Can you be my Chinese pen friend? Yes of course.


big--- small long--- short new--- old tall--- short

young--- old heavy--- light easy--- hard/ difficult

up--- down early---late fat--- thin white--- black

cry--- laugh different --- same inside---outside hot---cold

happy---sad good---bad clean---dirty bring---take

this---that these---those always---never woman---man



for--- four son--- sun hour--- our too-- two

right--- write eye --- I aren't--- aunt sent---cent

where--- wear their--- there by--- buy see---sea


good--- well study --- learn


I am = I'm he is = he's she is = she's it is = it's

that is = that's what is = what's let us = let's

we are = we're they are = they're you are= you're

can not= can't could not = couldn't should not = shouldn't will not = won't I'll = I will we'll = we will

do not = don't does not = doesn't did not = didn't

it has got = it's got I have got = I've got

have not = haven't has not = hasn't

are not = aren't is not = isn't



rain下雨 snow下雪 rainy有雨的 snowy有雪的

hot炎热的 cold 寒冷的 warm温暖的 cool凉爽的

windy有风的 sunny晴朗的


hamburger汉堡 hot dog热狗 sandwich三明治 chip 薯条 chicken鸡肉 fish鱼肉 meat肉 noodles面条 rice大米

soup汤 cake蛋糕 bread面包 cheese奶酪

vegetable蔬菜 fruit水果 sausage香肠 biscuit饼干

sweets糖果 ice cream冰激凌 peanut花生


milk牛奶 tea茶 orange juice橙汁 coffee咖啡

cola可乐 water水 juice果汁


red红色的 green绿色的 yellow黄色的 black黑色的 white白色的 orange橙色的 blue蓝色的 purple紫色的 pink粉红色的


Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三

Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期日


January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月


spring春天 summer夏天 autumn秋天 winter冬天


one一 two 二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七

eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二

thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六

seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十

thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十

eighty八十 ninety九十 one hundred一百

one thousand 一千 one million 一百万


T-shirt T恤衫 dress裙子 sweater毛衣 trousers裤子 skirt短裙 sock袜子 shoe鞋 coat 外套,上衣


cat猫 dog狗 monkey猴 panda熊猫 elephant大象

tiger老虎 lion狮子 pig猪 chameleon变色龙 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 bear熊 kangaroo袋鼠 frog青蛙

parrot鹦鹉 bird鸟 owl猫头鹰 camel骆驼


grandmother奶奶 grandfather爷爷 grandparents 祖父母

mother妈妈 father爸爸 parents 父母亲 brother 兄弟

sister姐妹 uncle叔,伯,舅 aunt 阿姨 cousin表兄弟


Chinese语文 English 英语 Math数学 PE体育 Art艺术 Science科学 Physics物理 Chemistry化学 History历史 Geography地理


Flag Day国旗日 Thanksgiving Day感恩节 Halloween万圣节 Easter Festival复活节 Christmas圣诞节

Spring Festival春节 Lantern Festival元宵节

Dragon Boat Festival端午节 Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节


Big Ben大本钟 the River Thames泰晤士河 Hyde Park海德公园 Tower Bridge塔桥 the London Bridge伦敦桥

the British Museum 大英博物馆 the London Eye 伦敦眼

the Great Wall长城 the Summer Palace颐和园 the Changjiang River长江 the West Lake西湖 the Huangshan Mountain黄山

The Ming Tombs明十三陵 Mount Qomolangma珠穆朗玛峰


play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 play baseball打棒球 play table tennis打乒乓球 play volleyball打排球


play chess下象棋


play the guitar弹吉他 play the drums敲鼓 play the zither弹吉他 play the piano弹钢琴 play the flute吹笛子 play the trumpet吹小号


have a Sports Day举行运动会 do morning exercises做早操

do Taijiquan打太极拳 do the high jump跳远 do the long jump跳高 run the 100 meters跑一百米 run fast跑得快 jump high跳高 jump long跳远 swim游泳 go swimming去游泳 skip跳绳

control the ball控制球 catch the ball 接球 row a boat划船


Happy Birthday! 生日快乐 make a birthday card制作生日卡片 have a birthday party举办生日派对 have a great birthday过愉快的生日


by bus乘公共汽车 by car乘小汽车 by bike骑自行车 by plane乘飞机 by ship乘轮船 by train坐火车 on foot步行


fly kites或者fly a kite放风筝 go to see films去看电影 watch TV看电视 play computer games玩电脑游戏

have a picnic吃野餐 go to school去上学 go home回家

go to the park去公园 go to middle school去上中学 go to bed去睡觉 go there 去那里 go shopping去购物 go to the doctor去看病say goodnight道晚安 fly away飘走 make a video制作录像 make mistakes犯错误 write a letter写信 write a book写书 take pictures=take photos照相 listen to music听音乐 read a book读书 read stories读故事

do homework做作业 make a cake做蛋糕 make dumplings做饺子 wash clothes洗衣服 make an e-card制作电子卡片 ride a horse 骑马 climb mountains爬山 climb trees爬树 have a lovely time玩的开心 ask questions问问题 make a list 列清单 shopping list购物单 collect stamps收集邮票 sing songs唱歌 turn left向左转

clean the classroom打扫教室 eat fast food吃快餐

turn right向右转 go straight on直走 have a cold感冒

have a headache头疼 have breakfast 吃早餐 have lunch吃午餐 have supper吃晚餐 = have dinner

have a baseball team组建棒球队 come on加油 come in进来

come from 来自= be from come back回来 click on点击 go up the hill上山 go down the hill下山

play with dolls玩洋娃娃 find out查找 be good at擅长

bring back归还 out of 往外 of course当然可以

in English用英语 all over the world=all around the world全世界 stand up起立 sit down坐下 at the weekend在周末

not…at all一点也不 get up起床 get on上车 get off下车

in a hurry匆忙 next to挨着 turn on the light打开灯 point to指向

talk about谈论 talk to sb和某人谈话 give out分发

write to sb给某人写信 say hello to sb向某人打招呼



the PRC=the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国

the USA=the United States of America 美国

the UN=the United Nations 联合国

the UK=the United Kingdom 英国


现在进行时动词的现在进行时由be的现在时形式"am/is/are 现在分词"构成,主要用于以下几方面。(1)用来表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。例如:

What are you doing? We are playing basketball.



Are they working hard this term?


We are picking apples on a farm these days.


(3)表示即将发生的动作(如在最近按计划或安排好要进行的动作)。Come go leave start arrive等动词常与将来时间的状语连用表示这种意义。例如:They are going to Shanghai this Friday.他们这个星期要去上海。

Tom is coming here next week.汤姆下周要来这儿。

(4)说明: 不是所有动词都能用现在进行时态的 如:

see、like、want、know 等动词往往都不用进行时态.


1)现在进行时的肯定形式:主语 be(am/ is/are) doing 其他成分

I am singing . They are writing .

2)现在进行时的否定形式:主语 be(am/ is/are) not doing 其他成分

I am not singing . They aren't writing .

3)一般疑问句及回答:be(am/ is/are) 主语 doing 其他成分

Are you singing ? Yes I am. / No I'm not.

Are they writing ? Yes they are . / No they aren't .

4)特殊疑问句及回答:特殊疑问词 be(am/ is/are) 主语 doing 其他成分

What are you doing? We are playing (要求就提问内容具体回答).


I am---I'm You are---You're He is---He's She is---She's

It is---It's We are---We're They are---They're


(1)一般在动词原形末尾加—ing。例如:work—working study—studying.

(2)以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加—ing。例如:have—having live—living.

(3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如结尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写出这一字母,再加—ing。例如:run—running stop—stopping forget—forgetting begin—beginning.


表示请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告等。祈使句的主语you通常省略,肯定句以动词原形开头。否定句Don't 动词原形 其他。

Be careful. Be quiet. Look at the balloons. Stand up.

Please stand in line. Let's go under that tree. Turn right.

Don't worry. Don't talk in the library. Don't walk on the grass. Go straight on. Turn left. Look at the library rules.

There be 句型

There be 句型表示某地或某时间有某物。

There is 后加单数名词或者不可数名词。

There are 后加可数名词的复数形式。

There are ten pencils in the blue box.

There weren't any buses many years ago.

There is a Chinatown in New York.

There was a small house four years ago.

There is some water in the bottle.

There are lots of Chinese shops there.

There are lots of bicycles in China.

There's Chinese dancing.

---Is there a letter for me? ---Yes there is.


1. 介词后加动词ing 形式

It's for playing baseball.

2. 说某种语言用speak

We are going to speak Chinese. I can speak English.

He can speak French.

3. 辅音音素前用a 元音音素前用an

a hot dog a car an hour an ice cream an apple an orange

an egg an email an animal an elephant

4. 想做某事 want to do something

What do you want to eat? What do you want to drink?

Do you want to go to Chinatown? I want to go swimming.

想让某人做某事 want somebody to do sth

I wanted you to bring the baseball caps.

I want you to be my friends.

5. be 动词包括 am is are. 用法我接am你接are, is跟着他她它。单数不可数用is 复数用are.

I am in Class One. You are in Class Two. He is in Class Three.

Our picnic is wet. My newspaper is flying away.

These ducks are very noisy. The oranges are falling.

These postcards are great.

6. 询问天气用What's the weather like? 或者How is the weather?

描述天气用动词或者be 表示天气的形容词

It's going to snow in Harbin. It's going to rain soon.

It's going to be sunny tomorrow.

7. 在星期几,具体的某一天用on

I had a very funny day on Saturday.

on Teachers' Day on Flag Day on Thanksgiving Day

8. look 表示看,看起来 look at 表示看某物某人

see表示看见 look out of 往……外看

Look! He is running. It looks good. I can see you.

We are looking at some ducks. I am looking out of the window.

Look at this one.

9. 名词所有格表示某人的, 一般在名词词尾加 's .

I'm making Daming's birthday card.

10. 球类前不加the 乐器前加the

Daming is playing the trumpet. I can play the violin.

I'm going to play football with my friends.


in October 2003 in 1809 in spring

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

15. be proud of 为……. 感到自豪

He was very proud of him.

16. 许多的lots of 等于a lot of 后加复数名词或者不可数名词

many 后加复数名词 much后加不可数名词

lots of people lots of mistakes many books much milk

17. What's the matter? 怎么了?

18. 在某一时刻用at

We are going to have a party at half past six.

19. let's 等于let us 后加动词原形

Let's go. Let's send an email to Dad.

20. Here you are. 给你!

21. some 用于肯定句中, any 用于否定句和疑问句中

I am sending some photos. I can speak some English.

These are some stamps from Canada.

There weren't any televisions many years ago.

Have you got any American stamps?

20. too 当"也"用时,放在句尾。 The cola is falling too.

too 还可以当"太"讲 It's too big for you.

too many 太多 There are too many books on the desk.

22. Thank you for…… .

Thank you for your email. Thank you for talking to us.

23. What about……? 等于How about……? 后加名词,代词宾格,动词ing 形式。

What about chopsticks? How about you? What about swimming?

24. buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物

I bought you a book. = I bought a book for you.

23. give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. 给某人某物

Please give these pencils to Amy. = Please give Amy these pencils.

He gives presents to the children.

Grandma gives Daming a present.

24. learn to do sth学会做某事

Helen learned to speak. Later she learned to read.

25. 喜欢做某事 like doing sth.

I like collecting stamps. He likes playing the trumpet.

I like reading and swimming.

26. be ready for 为…..做好准备

Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?

27. ---Happy birthday to you. ---Thank you.

28. ---Thank you very much. ---You are welcome./ That's all right.

29. ---I'm sorry. ---It doesn't matter. / Not at all. / That's all right.

That's all right. = That's okay/ OK.

30.---Nice to meet you. ---Nice to meet you too.

31.---How are you? ---I'm fine thank you.

32.---How do you do? --- How do you do?

33.---Would you like to come to school with us? ---Yes I'd love to.

34.---Would you like some juice? ---Yes please.

--- Would you like some bread? ---No thanks.

35. ---What's the date today? --- It's June 1.

36. ---Can I ask you some questions? ---Yes of course.

37. the same as 与……一样

Line A is the same as Line B.

38. wait for…. 等候某人某物 Wait for us.

39. should 应该 shouldn't 不应该 后加动词原形

You should eat fruit. You shouldn't walk in the road.

41. –What do you have for breakfast? --I have eggs.

42. at school 在学校 at home 在家 on TV

43. 感叹句 What an interesting CD-ROM! What a mess!

What a big building! What a fantastic present!

44. What happened to him?

45. ---Do you like meat? --- Yes I do./ No I don't.

46. ---Does Daming like pears? --- Yes he does./ No he doesn't.

47. ---What's the time? = What time is it?(几点了?) ---It's six.

48. --- Good morning. --- Good morning.

49. --- Good afternoon. --- Good afternoon.

50. --- Good evening. --- Good evening.

51. --- Goodbye. --- Goodbye.

52. It's time to do something. 该做某事了。

It's time to say goodbye. It's time to have dinner.

53. I'm going to walk to school. = I'm going to go to school on foot.

54. I'm going to ride my bike to school.

= I'm going to go to school by bike.

55. 表示方位时,在某一范围之内用in

New York is in the east of America.

San Francisco is in the west of America.

Qingdao is in the east of China.

Beijing is the capital of China. It's in the north of China.

Hainan is in the south of China.

56. 询问职业身份时可以用What am/is/are 主语?

What am I? Are you a teacher? Yes I am.

What are you? I am a doctor.

What is your father? He is a policeman.

57. 动词做主语常用动词ing形式。

Collecting stamps is my hobby.

Reading is my hobby. Flying kites is my hobby.

