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高考英语必背短语大全(高考英语必背短语)We’ll have to go into all that later on.将来以后,过些时候最迟,至迟You must finish your work by/on Friday at the latest.later on


at (long)last


At long last he has paid us the money he owed.

at (the) latest


You must finish your work by/on Friday at the latest.

later on


We’ll have to go into all that later on.

laugh at因…而发笑;



He laughed at the way the clown kept falling over.

It’s bad manners to laugh at others when they are in trouble. They laughed at their own failure.

laugh one’s head off放声大笑

As he picked himself up from the floor he saw a couple of boys laughing their heads off.

lay aside把…放在一边;搁置


Why don’t you lay aside the problem for a while?

He lays a little money aside every week for his old age.

lay down规定,确定,说明

The committee laid down rules about the size of the ball.

lay off停止(干某事);


I was told that I should lay off these visits. The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in sales.


lay out花费;


How much did you lay out for your new car?

The garden was beautifully laid out.

lay over(美)推迟


The election will have to be laid over until next week.

We had to lay over in Beijing for 2 hours waiting for a plane for Shanghai.

lay up贮存,


They have laid up large supplies of food. As the petrol price was rising sharply many people laid up their cars.

lead to通向;

导致 引起

There is only a narrow path leading to the top.

Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.

lead up to导致


It seemed every event in his life led up to that moment.

That is just what I was leading up to.

at least至少,



There were at least a hundred people present.

You should at least tell us about it.

The food wasn’t good but at least it was cheap.

(not)in the least一点(也不),丝毫(不)

He was not in the least angry with me.

leave alone不管,不理会;


Leave me alone. I’m hopeless. Leave the box alone.

She always tried to avoid being left alone with Mr. Li.

leave behind遗留,留下;


The event left behind quite a few problems.

I have left cellphone behind in the bus.

leave off(使)停止;


We leave off work at five o’clock. (leave off doing)

We will start at the point where we left off.

leave out/leave over




In copying this paper be careful not to leave out any words. When in doubt leave out.

I gave them two apples each and I had three left over.

at length最后,终于



At length he came to understood it.

He spoke of the matter at great length.

He told us about the trip at some length.

let alone更不用说,还不算


The baby can’t even walk let alone run.

When Bill gets mad just let him alone.


let down辜负,使…失望


Our friends let us down badly during the last crisis.

She let her long hair down. She let down her long hair.

let go放开 放手;


Hold it tight and don’t let go. (adv.)

They made fun of me but I smiled and let it go.

let in让…进入 渗透;欺骗

The boat let in water. I was badly let in over the business.

let off放(炮);开(枪);使爆炸


The terrorists let off a bomb near the building.

I will let you off if you promise never to do it again.

let out泄露(机密),透露




I’ll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.

He let out a yell of pain and run out of the room.

They let out bikes by the day.

He has to let out the coat before he can wear it.

let up(雨等)渐渐停止


It snowed for three days before it let up and we could go outdoors. My mind never let up for a moment these days.

on a level with和…同一水准

He has played a mean(卑鄙) trick on you but I am not surprised; it is on a level with the rest of his conduct.

lie down躺下(休息或养病等)

He lay down on the couch and was fast asleep.

lie in在于;


The problem lies in deciding when to intervene(介入).

I often lie in on Sunday to catch up on my sleep.

lie in ruins已是一片废墟

The town lay in ruins after the earthquake.

lie over等待以后处理

Because of the weather our outing will have to leave over until next week.

lie up卧床;

The doctor advised me to lie up for a week.

all one's life一生,一辈子

He has worked as a teacher all his life

bring to life使苏醒

A great actor can bring a fictional character to life.

come to life苏醒过来

When he came to life he found himself in a hospital.

for life终身

The murderer was imprisoned for life.

to the life逼真地,惟妙惟肖

That child can micmic(模仿) people to the life.

in light of按照,根据;鉴于

In the light of what you told me I shall act in a different way.

throw/cast light on sth.提供线索,解释,阐明

The new facts throw some light on the matter.

light up照亮 高兴起来;


The child was so happy that its face lit up with pleasure.

He stuck a match and lit up a cigarette.

make light of轻视,藐视 不把…当回事

He always makes light of his troubles.

come to light被人知道,为人了解

On investigation some curious facts came to light.

and the like等等,以及诸如此类

Yesterday we bought chairs tables and the like.

like any thing象什么似地;拼命地 极其

She works like anything when she is interested.

feel like感到(想做某事)

I feel like going to bed; I am tired.

set a limit to限制

We must set a limit to the expense of the trip.

to the limit到最大限度

He works to the limit of his ability.


You can trust him within limits.

(be) in line排成一行;


The children stood in line until the teacher said they could move. The coach kept the excited team in line.

in line with跟…一致;符合

His actions were not in line with his beliefs.

listen for等着听…(的声音)

The boys are listening for the bell at the end of a lesson.

listen in to/on收听;监听;


When Mary talked to her boyfriend on the phone her little sister listened in on her.

little by little逐渐地,一点一点地

His English is improving little by little.

live off靠…生活

He doesn’t work; he just lives off his parents.

live on以…为食

People there live on milk and meat.

live out不住校(走读),不在工作地住

Students can live out (of college) if they wish.

live through经历(而活过来)

He had lived through the worst years of the depression.

live up to按…行事,达到标准;符合

He didn’t live up to his reputation. 他名不副实。

live with接受某种局面;忍受;

You must live with the fact that you’re no longer as active as you were.

be located位于…,坐落在…

Where is it located? The house is located next to the river. Our school is located in the countryside.

be a long time (in) doing sth.很长时间才做完某事

He was a long time reaching the place we had appointed.

He was a long time in coming.

in the long run/term从长远来看,最后

It’s difficult to save money now but it is worth it in the long run.

long for渴望,迫切希望得到

How I longed for friendship at that time!

so/as long as只要,如果

I don’t mind your attitude so long as you keep silent.

look down on/upon蔑视,看不起

I wish you wouldn’t look down on this kind of work.

look forward to盼望,期待;预期

The children were eagerly looking forward to the party.

You are the very person that we have long looked forward to seeing.

look into观察;调查;窥视

The police are looking into the complaint(投诉)

look in on拜访,顺便来看望

On his way downtown Jim looked in on his aunt.

look on旁观;


The children played in the park and their mother looked on. The window looks upon to the street.

look on/upon as看待,把…看作

Frankly I look upon him as a very promising student.

look through(从头至尾)浏览;温习

He looked through the book and decided that he didn’t like it.

look up查出,了解


You don’t necessarily look up every new word you meet.

I want to look them up sometime next month.

look out for当心,提防

When you are eating fish look out for bones.

look up to sb.尊敬,敬仰

Schoolboys usually look up to great athelets.

lose heart灰心,泄气

The team had won no games which made them they lost heart.

lose face丢面子,丢脸

John’s careless work made him lose face with his boss.

lose no time (in)立即

We shall lose no time in beginning work.

at a loss /at sea困惑;不知所措

Her statement left me completely at a loss.

be loyal to忠于

We should be loyal to our country.

in the main基本上,大体上

In the main small boys and dogs are good friends.

major in专攻,专修

Jack majored in economics at university.

made up of由…组成,由…构成

The solar system is made up of the sun and its 8 planets.


be comprosed of由…组成

The USA is comprised of 50 states.

make sure/certain




Make sure the students understand the sentence.

Have you made certain of the time of the train?

Make sure to turn of the lights before you leave.

make room让地方

We’ll make room for you in the back of the car.

make sense/make sense of





Does the sentence make sense or nonsense?这句话有没有道理?

The explanation made no sense for the words were hard.这个解释行不通,因为语句太生硬了。

His arguments have never made much sense.他的辩解没有一次是合情合理的。

I can never make sense of a word he says.我从来搞不懂他说的话。

make way让路

When older men retire they make way for younger men to take their places.

make use of利用

Effective use has been made of aid sent from overseas.

make for走向,向…前进;


The escaped prisoner was making for the coast.

Thoughtfulness makes for closer relationships.

make fun of嘲笑;和…开玩笑

They made fun of my mistakes when I tried to speak English.

make off with携…而逃

He made off with the old man’s savings.

make one's way前进;成功,发迹

The next day I made my way to the public library.

make out看清楚,辨识





I made out three figures moving in the distance.

To the present day I can’t make out why I did it.

Please make out a bill for these goods.

How did you make out at the interview?

He makes himself out to be very important.

make out of用…制造出;

She made a dress out of the material.


She made the material into a dress.

make over把(财产)转让;改造

Before his death he made over his property to his wife.

make up创造,编造






Uncle Li made up an interesting story for the children.

They quarreled fiercely but made up after a while.

John must make up the work he missed.

We still need 5 pounds to make up the sum we asked for.

The actors were making up when we arrived.

Your mother has made up a parcel of toys for you.


make up for弥补

Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.

many a

a good/great many

许多的 好些(文学或强调)


Many a ship has been wrecked on those rocks.

A good many of the beggars were blind.

in the mass总体上,一般来说

They are good citizens in the mass.

a mass of /masses of许多,大量

There are masses of people in the hall.

as a matter of fact事实上;其实 不瞒你说

He appears to be strong and healthy but as a matter of fact he suffers from a very weak heart.

may(just) as well最好,不妨(提建议)

If that’s the case I may as well have a try.

may well很可能

Her appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her.

by all means尽一切办法;一定要


We must get there by all means before it is too late.

—Shall I take one? —Yes by all means.

by means of用,凭借,依靠

The water may be carried by means of a pipe.

by any means无论如何 想什么办法都行

Could you by any means lend me some money?

by no means决不,完全不是

This is by no means the first time you have been late.

measure up量好长度


He measured up the wood before he started.

He didn’t measure up to the job.

measure up to胜任,赶上

The exhibition didn’t measure up to last year’s.

take one's measure /the measure of量尺寸;


The tailor took my measure for a new suit.

John took the measue of the cliff before he climbed it.

in memory of纪念…

Many special ceremonies are in memory of famous men.

not to mention更不必说 此处还有

I have all these apples to carry not to mention some pounds of potatoes.

at the mercy of任由…摆布,在…前毫无办法

The ship was at the mercy of waves.

have mercy on对…表示怜悯

They had no mercy on the prisoners.

make a mess of

mess about/around



This illness makes a mess of my holiday plans.

I told the children not to mess about with my books.


make up one’s mind打定主意,决定

He has made up his mind. He has made up his mind not to speak a word. He has made up his mind that Tom must have a new car. I don’t think you ought to make up your mind to such a dangerous step.

alter one’s mind/change one’s mind改变主意

Nothing could change his mind so the meeting broke up.

by mistake错误地 (无心)做错了某事

She put salt in her cup of tea by mistake.

mistake for把…错认为

I mistook Jack for his twin brother.

mix up

mix up with




I’m afraid I have mixed your names up.

People often mix him up with his brother.

I don’t want to get mixed up with any illegal organization.

at the moment此刻,目前;一时

I am very busy at the moment.

for the moment暂时

We can leave it open for the moment.

at any moment随时(可能有某种情况)

You’d better stop playing for your boss may come here at any moment.

never for a moment决不,从来没有

Never for a moment would I suggest you do it.

the moment (that)一…就…

The moment I saw him I knew that there was no hope.

more often than not多半,在更多情况下

During foggy weather the trains are late more often than not.

make the most of充分利用

He wished to make the most of his opportunity.

move on被提升,晋级


I’ve in this job for 5 years now; It’s time I was moving on. They kept moving on from one place to another.

make much of渲染,吹嘘,


He makes (too) much of connections with rich people.

They made much of the fact that he left early.

as much as几乎(等于)


The clerk as much as told me that I was a fool.

As much as I hate to do it I must stay at home and study.

as much同样多

Give me as much again.

not think much of对…估价不高

Those who know him don’t think much of him.

by name名叫;用名字

Can you list the kings of England by nme?

I know him only by name.

by the name of名叫…的

Once upon a time there lived a boy by the name of Jim.

know sb. by name只知道某人的名字

I know him only by name not by sight.


in the name of以…的名义;


I arrest you in the name of the law. Let me thank you in the name of us all.

name after用…的名字作名字

The girl was named Julia after her mother.

by nature生性,本性上 天生地

I am a careful man by nature. Tigers are cruel by nature.

in nature本质上;


The two affairs are different in nature.

What in nature does she mean by saying that?

in the nature of按…的本性

In the nature of things you could hardly expect a person to feel very friendly towards one who had cheated him.

near to接(靠)近;


In space the moon is very near to the earth.

She was near to tears.

not nearly远非,远远不够

There are not nearly enough people here to do the job.

none but只有

They chose none but the best.

None but John may have done such a foolish thing.

none the less尽管如此…仍旧,依然

They had apologized to him but he was none the less angry.

not at all不点也不;


It’s not at all likely that John will go.

“Thanks for your trouble.” “Not at all.”

not… but不是…而是

Shakespeare was not a musician but a writer.

not in the least毫不

Are you tired? 你累了吧? Not in the least. 一点不累。She did not mind working late in the least.

the last but not the least最后,但也很重要

The last but not the least he informed all of us about it.

make a note of把…记下来

Please make a note of that will you? Also:make notes of

compare notes交换意见

They like to compare notes about gardening.

take note of注意(到)

A dectective is trained to take note of people and things.

take notes记笔记

It’s helpful to take notes in class.

nothing but只有;只不过

There is nothing but a table in the room.

Don’t have him for a friend; he’s nothing but a criminal.

think nothing of觉得…不怎么样,不在乎

He thinks nothing of studying through the night.

to say nothing of更不必说 还不说,除了

It is a well-paid job to say nothing of the short hours.

now (that)既然,由于

Now (that) we are alone we can speak freely.

on occasion间或,有时

On occasion we feel like celebrating and have a party.

occur to某想法出现在脑海中,被想到

It didn’t occur to me that you would object to our plan.

all at once突然;


I remembered it all at once when I saw him.

He tried to do everything all at once.

at once立刻,马上;


You must come home to your sick son at once.

Don’t all speak at once.

once and for all

this once/ for once



We shall settle it now once and for all.

He is behaving himself this once/ for once.

once in a while/way偶尔,间或

I don’t drinkd wine as a rule but I don’t mind a glass once in a while.


only too非常

I shall be only too pleased to see you here.

in the open

in the open air



This kind of matters is never said in the open.

It’s good to have exercise in the open air.

keep one's eyes open留心看着;保持警惕

Keep your eyes open and see if you can spot him in the crowd.

keep an eye on瞧着点,照看

Keep an eye on the baby while I’m cooking.

be open to(比赛、建筑物)对…开放



The competition is open to young people under the age of 18. His conduct is open to criticism.他的行为易遭非议。

The accounts are open to inspection.这些帐目可以查看。

come into operation生效

When does the law come into operation?

The law has been put / brought into operation.

be in operation在开工,开办,活动,执行

The private school has been in operation for ten years.

in order按顺序


I will answer your three questions in order.

The books are arranged in proper order.

out of order坏了


The lift was out of order again yesterday.

All these papers are out of order.

every other每隔一个…的

The doctor visits her every other day.

none other than不是别人而正是

The man coming in is none other than Tom.

other than除了 除…之外的其它


You can’t get there other than by swimming.

I could not feel other than surprised.

owing to由于(多引起短语作状语)

She is now owing to ill health not so active in the movement.

object to反对;抗议

I really object to being charged for parking.

The local people strongly objected to the buiding of another chemical works.

be occupied in忙于…,正从事…

He is fully occupied (in) looking after three small children.

of one's own属于某人自己的

How she wants to have a house of her own!

on one's own / by oneself独自地(状语)


He got the job on his own.

Being on your own may be a frightening experience.

keep pace with跟上,与…齐步前进

I could scarcely keep pace with the new advancement in technology.

in part

take part in





The responsibility was in large part of mine.

The crop failure was due in part to the drought.

I once took part with him in a debate.

The worker took a leading part in the strike.

in particular特别,尤其;详细地

You should avoid eating fat meat pork in particular.

pass away消磨掉,过去;


He passed the evening away looking at a detective novel.

He passed away at eighty.

pass on把…传给别人

If you can’t do the job yourself pass it on to someone who can.

pass through穿过;

经历 上完(大学)

Our way had to pass through Zhongshan Street.

He passed through a difficult period after his marriage. broke down but a year later his spirits picked up.

pay back偿还(借款等)


It’s high time he paid me back the £100 he owes to me.

He paid me back by not coming. 他用不来报复我。

pay for付…的钱;


How much did you pay for the book?

You’ll have to pay for your crime.

pay off还清(债款)

I’ve just pay off my loan from this bank. What a relief!

pay out付出(款项等)


They paid out hundreds of pounds in prizes.

Wrong-doers ae usually paid out in the end.

pay up全部付清(钱);付该付的钱

If you don’t pay up I’ll take legal action.

at peace处于和平局面,宁静

She felt at peace and restored to affection(慈爱).

make peace with(与…)讲和,和解

I should make peace with them if I were you.


in person亲自 当面,本人

He decided to attend the conference in person.

The movie star looked old when I saw him in person.

pick off(用手指)摘掉

He picked off the long hair that had stuck to his coat.

pick out选出,挑出


Have you picked out the movie you want to see?

He picked out a friend’s face in the crowd.

pick up拾起,拿起;









He picked up his hat dropped on the floor and went out.

Where did you pick up that lovely old vase?

He has picked up some bad habits at that club.

He picked up French while he was staying in Paris.

The bus driver stopped to pick up some passengers.

The room must be picked up before the guests arrive.

We picked up signals for help from the burning plane.

He picked up gradually after a long illness.

The car picked up speed quickly.

break to pieces(使)成为碎片

The teapot fell and was broken to pieces.

pile up堆积;积聚

His debts are piling up. They have piled up a lot of earth in one coner of the garden.

in place放在本来(应放)的地方;


I hope you left all the books in the library in place.

What he said at the meeting was obviously not in place.

in place of代替 用…而不用

The Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.

in the first(second) place首先/其次等

In the first place I must explain that I can’t speak English very well.

out of place地方放得不对,离开原来地方



Some books are out of place. Put them in the right order.

It was out of place for you to laugh at the old lady.

I felt out of place among foreigners.

take place发生;


The accident took place only a block from his home.

The dance will take place after the graduation ceremony.

take the place of代替(职务或工作等)

My brother is ill and I’ve come to take his place.

play a joke/trick on耍弄,捉弄,和…开玩笑

They planned to play a trick on their teacher on 1 April.

point out指出,指明(接名词代词);


It’s time to point out his errors to him.

He pointed out that the road was not safe in winter.

point to让人注意


In defence of himself(为自己开脱/辩护) he pointed to others’ laziness. All the evidence pointed to his guilt.

to the point中肯;扼要

His argument was short and to the point.

in practice实际上,实行起来(作状语)



The idea sounds good but will it work in practice?

An ice-skater keeps in practice by skating every day.

My elder brother is in practice as a doctor.

out of practice久不练习,荒疏

I used to play well but I am out of practice now.

put into practice实行,实施

The new methods didn’t go into practice until last year.

at present现在,此刻,这会儿

I can’t receive him at present. 我这会儿不能见他。

for the present就现在来说,暂时

We shall not need any more for the present.

present oneself到(某处),到场

You must present yourself at the lawyer’s office at noon.


Who prevents their plans from being carried out?

take (a) pride in以…自豪

We all take (a) great pride in our motherland.

in principle原则上;


We agree in principle but we dislike your methods.

In principle work in the office stops at 5 o’clock but I often have to stay later.

on the principle of根据…的原则

We trade on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

be responsible to sb/be responsible for sth向…负责


Cabinet (内阁)members are directly responsible to the President.

Who is responsible for this mess? 谁把这儿搞得一团糟。

prior to在…前

I have not met this man prior to today.

Prior to her coming here she was in Paris.

put a stop/an end to制止,使停止

Boys we have to put a stop to these things.

put aside放下,放在一边



She put her needlework aside and we had a talk.

John has put ten dollars aside every week.

At such a time of crisis we must try to put aside all differences of party or class.

put away收起来




She put away the towels away.

I’ll have to put something away for my retirement.

Put away all these foolish ideas.

He put away a big supper and three cups of coffee.

put back放还原处



Put the dictionary back on the shelf.

The fire in the factory has put back production.

The meeting has been put back until next week.

put down放下






Put down that knife before you hurt somebody.

Everything he said was at once put down.

The king’s troops put down several revolts(叛乱).

We tried putting down mice with poison.

You never give me credit for anything—you are always putting me down. The bus stopped to put down passengers.

put forwards提出


Are you serious in putting forward such a view?

May I put forward your name as a possible chairman?

put in插嘴说,打断别人的话说





While we were discussing Ben put in that none was hurt.

Put in the proper words in the blanks.

He put in an hour a day reading.

I have put in an hour’s piano practice every day.

My house isn’t in use because they are putting heating in.

put in(to) force使生效

A new upper limit on price increases has been put into forece.

put off推迟,延迟



They put off the picnic because of the rain.

Could you put me off at the railway station?

We forgot to put off the wireless before we went out.

put on穿上,戴上,擦(粉)





I order you to put on a gray jacket.

He put on an air of innocence but it didn’t deceive us.

The actor put on a fine performance.

His honesty is all put on. He put on a smile.

I’ll put the light on.

put out使熄灭,扑灭



A downpour put out the children’s bonfire.

The factory put out 13 machines every month.

The government will put out a new statement next week.

put up举起(手)






Put up your hand if you think you know the answer.

These buildings were put up last year.

It’s time to put up the Christmas decorations in the house.

We put up for the night at a farmhouse.

The visitors were put up in the home of Mr. Wilson.

The grocer’s put up the price of coffee up again.

put up with忍受,容忍

I suppose I must put up with my loss.

it’s not very good but we will just have to put up with it.

be junior to比…年轻,资浅,地位低

He is junior to me by several years.

He is junior to many people who work here.

be senior to比…年长,资深,地位高

He is several years senior to me.

Many of them looked like senior government officials.

be superior to比…高明, 好,优越

They are superior in numbers to us.

for the sake of为了某人,看在某人的份上;


For the sake of your family don’t take so many risks.

He argues for the sake of arguing. 为争论而争论。

for sale待售,出售的

All the pictures in this exhibition are for sale.

on sale(英)上市,出售;


Will the new product be on sale as early as next month?

Tomato soup that is usally sold at 12 cents a can is now on sale for ten cents.

all the same

be all the same to

the same …as




Nobody wishes you harm but they do you all the same. It’s all the same to me whether you stay or go.

He was about the same age as Philip.

save …for留供…用


I’m saving this dress for special occasions.

The policeman saved the children from the fire.

save… from使没有,使不受

The climber put a rope round his own waist to save himself from falling.

save on节省,节约

I think we should try to save on petrol.

save up储蓄;贮存;

You should save up and get a house.

that is to say那就是说,换句话说

He is 15 that is to say he is very young.

There is no saying…说不准…,没法说

There is no saying what will happen next.

on a large scale大规模地(尤与其它事物比较)

They entertain on a large scale. =They hold expensive patries with a lot of guests. 他们大宴宾客。

out of scale/to scale不合规定比例


Carefully draw to scale except one part which was out of scale.

ahead of schedule提前

We arrived two minutes ahead of schedule.

behind schedule落后于预定计划/时间

Owing to difficulty in obtaining materials we are almost three weeks behind schedule.

on schedule按照预定时间,准时

Summer rains came almost on schedule as the crops needed them.

in season(水果等)应时的



Strawberries(草莓)will be in season soon.

His father told him that he was not old enough yet but that he would learn to drive in season.

Hotels cost more in season.

be seated坐下,坐着

Please be seated. He was seated at the the piano.

in secret秘密地,私下地

I was told about the news in secret.

keep sth. a secret把某事保守秘密

His reason for coming was kept a secret.

see about负责处理(某事)

I think I had better see about the matter.

I must see about getting there before dark.

see sb. off为某人送行

This morning I went to the airport to see him off.

see to负责做,处理,



Who is seeing to the dinner?

Will you please see to the customer please?

My cellphone is out of order; I’ll have it seen to.

You ought to have your eyes seen to by a doctor.see after照料,负责处理

Who is going to see after the visitors when they arrive?

see through看穿,识破;





We all could see through her lies.

You must see the task through once you start.

I think I can borrow a bit to see us through.

He promised to see his client(客户) through the lawsuit.

I am going to see the soap play through.

seeing that鉴于…,由于…的缘故

Seeing that it is ten o’clock we will not wait for him.

send for派人去请(取)

Have you sent for the doctor? I’ll send for a taxi.

send in(向上级)呈报;送…参加比赛

He sent in three drawings for the competition.

send off寄出;


I’d like to send the parcel off by early post.

There was a large crowd to send him him.

send out发出(光亮);


The sun sends out light and heat.

The trees send out new leaves in spring.

send up使上涨(升)


Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices.

China has sent up several spaceships these years.

seek after寻找;设法得到(多用被动)

His paintings were eagerly sought after.

in a/some sense从某种意义上说

I think he may be right in a sense.

common sense识见,一般人应有的头脑

It is common sense to practise thrift(节俭).

serve as担任(某职务),充任


Tom served for twelve years as a soldier.The letter served him as a bookmarker. The sofa was served as a bed.

in session


Congress is now in session.

set about开始做某事


She set about writing his report. When I told the fact of the matter he set about me to make my story ridiculous.

set apart (from)使不同于

Her intelligence set her apart from the others.

set aside存储,拨出,留下





Each week he tried to set aside a few dollars of his salary.

Let’s set aside our personal feelings while discussing it.

He set aside the book in a box which he wanted to keep.

He set aside the contract because conditions had changed.

The government set aside a day for thanksgiving.

set back(把钟等)往回拨;


As a joke Bill set back the clock a whole hour late

The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks.

set down放下,




He set his load down the minute he came in.

The bus driver set her down at the corner.

I will set down the story as it was told to me.

The price limits are set down by the government.

set forth举出,提出,列出

She willingly set forth her opinions.

set off动身,出发;


Having said farewell to their friends they set off for home. They are setting fireworks off in the garden.

set on fire使着火

A spark set the woods on fire.

set out动身 出发;



We now set out to climb the hill.

He set out to write a history of civilization.

He set out his idea in simple English.

set up树起来,支起来






They set up some stones as landmarks.

The school has set up a special class to help poor readers.

He set up a new time record in the 200 metres.

Someone in the crowd set up a cry of help.

He set himself up as an expert on politics.

Alice says that the sea air will set me up.

settle down安稳地坐下来



She settled down to read her book.

They have settled down happily in their new home.

The teacher told the students to settle down and study their lesson.

in the shape of呈…的形状

There was a red mark on his back in the shape of the letter S.

in shape处于良好状态,使身体健康(作表语),在形状上(作状语)

That hat of yours doesn’t seem to be in shape. They often go rock-climbing so as to stay in shape. In shape it was like a bell.

out of shape



Father was out of shape when he took a long hike with the boys and he was stiff and sore the next day.

Someone sat on my new hat and it is now out of shape.


share in分享,分担

She shares in my troubles as well as my joys.

be short of缺乏(作表语)

离…有(某个距离) (状语)

He said that the firm was short of men.

We stopped a mile short of the top.

short for是…的缩写

The usual word “pub” is short for “public house”.

for short简称,缩写

You can call me Jim for short.

run short变得不够

The supply of oil is running short (of what we need).

in short总之,总而言之

In short I am going to live there myself.

show off(自豪地)给人看,



Jim loves showing off his stamp collection to others.

The shopkeeper didn’t have enough space to show off his goods. She always shows off with her knowledge.

show up出现,来到某处;


Did Mr. Smith show up at the conference last night?

The investigation showed up the inefficiency of his work.

shrug off


She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.

shut up关上,关闭;



We got the house shut up only minutes before the storm hit. They shut the boy up in the cellar.

She told the noisy boy to shut up.

at sight一看见(立即…)

The money order(汇票) was payable at sight.

