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英语6级相当于考研多少分(考研如何选择学校)The third is to see what major you want to study. This and the second step can be changed and the difference is not bad. At this time you can log in to the research and recruitment website to see if the school you choose offers the major you want to study and then exclude those who do not want to study. There are not many schools left at this time for the professional school to study.三是看你想要读什么专



Generally speaking schools have to be selected in March so how should we choose schools?


This is how I did it. First I chose the region. Because I am from Chongqing I don’t want to study too far away and I want to work in the Sichuan-Chongqing generation. Generally speaking where to study for a Ph.D. means you Where do you work because you may have made some contacts and resources during your postgraduate study and you are familiar with the city (just my personal opinion) I probably spread to the surrounding area with Chongqing as the center and confirmed five regions.


The second is to see what kind of school you want to go to. At this time you should consider both your own wishes and your own abilities. For example if you want to go to 211 you should select all 211s in the area that has been determined and be sure to record them. down.


The third is to see what major you want to study. This and the second step can be changed and the difference is not bad. At this time you can log in to the research and recruitment website to see if the school you choose offers the major you want to study and then exclude those who do not want to study. There are not many schools left at this time for the professional school to study.


Fourth you can see the subjects to be tested for each major in each school and the approximate number of people to be recruited on the research and recruitment website. Personally I think that if you only recruit 2 such careful consideration the possibility of being brushed off is very high. Of course if you pass the test The willingness of the school is particularly strong then it is enough to rush hard.


Fifth you can consult the seniors and seniors to see if there is any information about the school you want to go to. Some websites such as Zhihu may say that some schools are very unfriendly to the first choice the retest is very late etc. you can think Ways to contact informed seniors and seniors to make a comprehensive consideration.


Choosing a school is probably such a process. Everyone has different opinions but you must firmly believe that the school can still be changed but you must not let up your will. Many times it is how much you want to get something that determines how far you are from it. be sure to weigh what your heart wants.




