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南方航空航天大学外国语学院(北京航空航天大学外国语学院)The School of Foreign Languages consists of the Department of English the Department of German the Department of Russian the Department of Translation the Department of College English Teaching the Department of Public Foreign Languages Teaching for Graduate Students the Department of Minority Languages Teaching the Center for Language Research the Center for British and American Literatur











1978年开始招收英语专业本科生,1988年被国务院学位办批准为“外国语言学与应用语言学”硕士学位授予权的单位,2000年获批“英语语言文学”硕士点,2005年获得 “外国语言文学”一级学科硕士授权,同年开始招收俄语语言文学硕士研究生。2011年经国务院学位委员会第二十八次会议审议批准,新增外国语言文学一级学科博士学位授予权。



School of Foreign Languages Beihang University

School of Foreign Languages Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang University) was founded in 2007. Its predecessor was the Foreign Languages Department of Beihang University which was established in 1985. It was originally developed from the Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Section of the Basic Department of Beihang University which was established in 1952.

Began to recruit students who major in English in 1978 1988 batchlor approved by the State Council as a "foreign linguistics and applied linguistics" master's degree award authority unit 2000 approved by the "English language and literature majors " 2005 "foreign language and literature" first-level discipline master's authorization in the same year began to recruit master graduate student of Russian language and literature. In 2011 it was approved by the 28th Meeting of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council to grant new doctorate degrees in first-level disciplines of foreign languages and literature.

Of the set

The School of Foreign Languages consists of the Department of English the Department of German the Department of Russian the Department of Translation the Department of College English Teaching the Department of Public Foreign Languages Teaching for Graduate Students the Department of Minority Languages Teaching the Center for Language Research the Center for British and American Literature Research the Center for Translation Studies and the Center for Curriculum Research. In addition there are two editorial departments College English and Foreign Language and Literature Studies.
