构建网络空间命运共同体的看法:携手构建网络空间命运共同体概念文件《携手构建网络空间命运共同体》积极回应各方期待 全面阐释“构建网络空间命运共同体”理念的时代背景、基本原则、实践路径和治理架构 倡议国际社会携手合作 共谋发展福祉 共迎安全挑战 把网络空间建设成造福全人类的发展共同体、安全共同体、责任共同体、利益共同体。 Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled the vision of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace at the second World Internet Conference in 2015. At the conference President Xi elaborated on the four principles and made a five-point proposal concerning Interne
Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace
世界互联网大会组委会Organizing Committee of the World Internet Conference
序 言
2015年,中国国家主席在第二届世界互联网大会首次提出“构建网络空间命运共同体”理念 深入阐释互联网发展治理“四项原则”“五点主张” 得到国际社会广泛关注和普遍认同 已经成为世界互联网大会永久主题。构建网络空间命运共同体,是人类命运共同体理念在网络空间的具体体现和重要实践 彰显了对人类共同福祉的高度关切,反映了国际社会的共同期待,为推动全球互联网发展治理贡献了中国智慧、中国方案。
Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled the vision of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace at the second World Internet Conference in 2015. At the conference President Xi elaborated on the four principles and made a five-point proposal concerning Internet development and governance. The vision has drawn the attention and recognition of the world and become a permanent theme of the World Internet Conference. Building a community with a shared future in cyberspace is an embodiment and major practice of the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and a manifestation of our great interest in the common well-being of humanity and shared aspiration of the international community. We have contributed China's wisdom and approach to the development and global governance of Internet.
《携手构建网络空间命运共同体》积极回应各方期待 全面阐释“构建网络空间命运共同体”理念的时代背景、基本原则、实践路径和治理架构 倡议国际社会携手合作 共谋发展福祉 共迎安全挑战 把网络空间建设成造福全人类的发展共同体、安全共同体、责任共同体、利益共同体。
In response to the expectations of all parties Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace fully expounds on the background fundamental principles path to realization and governance framework of the vision of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. It calls on the international community to work together to promote development address security challenges and build cyberspace into a community where we can jointly advance development safeguard security participate in governance and share the benefits.
互联网发展日新月异 构建网络空间命运共同体必须与时俱进。欢迎各方持续为丰富发展“构建网络空间命运共同体”理念贡献智慧力量 携手开创全人类更加美好的未来!
As the Internet is developing at an amazing speed the endeavor to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace must also move forward with the times. We encourage all parties to continue contributing their insights and efforts to enriching and developing this vision and join hands to create an even brighter future for all human beings.
Organizing Committee of the World Internet Conference
October 2019
当今时代 互联网发展日新月异 极大拓展了人类生产生活空间 网络空间已成为人类共同的新家园 让国际社会越来越成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。各国人民在网络空间休戚与共、利益攸关 国际社会应加强沟通、扩大共识、深化合作 坚持共商共建共享的全球治理观 坚持全球事务由各国人民商量着办 携手构建网络空间命运共同体 让互联网发展成果更好造福人类。
The Internet today is growing at an incredible speed in ways that have enormously expanded people's work and living spaces. Cyberspace has become a new homeland for human beings a place where all countries are getting increasingly interdependent and a community of intertwined interests and shared future. It is therefore imperative for the international community to strengthen communication broaden consensus deepen cooperation and embrace extensive consultation joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance. On matters that involve us all we should discuss and look for a solution together. We should work hand in hand to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace where the Internet can deliver greater benefits to all the people.
当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期 新一轮科技革命和产业革命正在孕育成长 新兴市场国家和发展中国家快速崛起 互联网的迅猛发展给人类文明进步带来了千载难逢的发展机遇。
Today's world is undergoing major development adjustment and transformation. A new round of technological and industrial revolution is gaining momentum. Emerging markets and developing countries are rising rapidly. The exponential growth of the Internet has created an unprecedented opportunity for the progress of human civilization.
同时 互联网领域发展不平衡、规则不健全、秩序不合理等问题日益凸显。网络空间霸权主义、强权政治依然存在 保护主义、单边主义不断抬头 不同国家和地区之间数字鸿沟不断拉大 世界范围内侵犯个人隐私、侵犯知识产权、推行种族主义、散布虚假信息、实施网络诈骗、网络恐怖主义活动等违法犯罪行为已成为全球公害。
In the meantime such problems as unbalanced development inadequate rules and inequitable order have become more evident in the field of the Internet. Hegemony and power politics persist in cyberspace. Protectionism and unilateralism keep rearing their heads. The digital divide among countries and regions is widening. Privacy infringements intellectual property rights violations the rise of racism spread of disinformation Internet fraud cyberterrorism and other illegal and criminal activities have become a global scourge.
面对互联网带来的机遇和挑战 国际社会致力于利用好、发展好、治理好互联网 为此作出了不懈努力。中国既是全球互联网发展的重要受益者 也始终是国际网络空间和平的建设者、发展的贡献者、秩序的维护者。中国作为负责任的互联网大国 始终不渝走和平发展道路 奉行互利共赢的开放战略 倡导维护各国在网络空间的主权、安全和发展利益 积极参与网络空间国际治理进程 不断深化网络空间国际对话交流 依托共建“一带一路”等分享发展经验、推动务实合作 成功搭建世界互联网大会等平台 为国际社会凝聚共识和探索实践发挥了积极作用 推动全球互联网治理朝着更加公正合理的方向迈进。 In the face of these opportunities and challenges the international community is committed to improving the use development and governance of the Internet and has made tireless efforts toward this end. China has not only benefited significantly from the global Internet development but also made unremitting efforts to safeguard peace promote development and maintain order in cyberspace. As a responsible major country of Internet development China is always committed to the path of peaceful development and an open-up strategy featuring mutual benefits and win-win results. China advocates safeguarding sovereignty security and development interests of all countries in cyberspace and has taken an active part in the process of global governance in cyberspace. China continues to promote international dialogues and exchanges in cyberspace and has engaged in experience sharing and practical cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative. Through the World Internet Conference and other platforms that have been successfully built China is playing an active role in building consensus and exploring good practices so as to promote fairer and more equitable global Internet governance.
构建网络空间命运共同体 就是要把网络空间建设成造福全人类的发展共同体、安全共同体、责任共同体、利益共同体。我们倡议世界各国政府和人民顺应信息时代潮流 把握数字化、网络化、智能化发展契机 积极应对网络空间风险挑战 实现发展共同推进、安全共同维护、治理共同参与、成果共同分享。
To build a community with a shared future in cyberspace is to make cyberspace a community where we can jointly advance development safeguard security participate in governance and share the benefits. We call on the governments and people of all countries to follow the trend of the information age seize the opportunities offered by digital network and smart technologies and tackle risks and challenges in cyberspace proactively so that we can achieve shared development ensure common security realize joint governance and enjoy benefits together.
Fundamental Principles
构建网络空间命运共同体 应坚持以下原则: To build a community with a shared future in cyberspace the following principles should be upheld:
1.尊重网络主权。《联合国宪章》确立的主权平等原则是当代国际关系的基本准则 同样适用于网络空间。网络主权是国家主权在网络空间的自然延伸 应尊重各国自主选择发展道路、治理模式和平等参与网络空间国际治理的权利。各国有权根据本国国情 借鉴国际经验 制定有关网络空间的公共政策和法律法规。任何国家都不搞网络霸权 不利用网络干涉他国内政 不从事、纵容或支持危害他国国家安全的网络活动 不侵害他国信息基础设施。
Respecting sovereignty in cyberspace. The principle of sovereign equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations is a basic norm governing contemporary international relations. It covers all aspects of state-to-state relations and should likewise apply to cyberspace. Sovereignty in cyberspace is a natural extension of the national sovereignty in cyberspace. We should respect the right of each country to independently choose its own development path and governance model and to participate in global governance in cyberspace on an equal footing. All countries have the right to formulate public policies laws and regulations relating to cyberspace based on their own national contexts by drawing on experience of other countries. No country should pursue Internet hegemony or use the Internet to interfere in another country’s internal affairs. No country should engage in condone or support cyber activities that endanger other countries' national security or sabotage their information infrastructure.
2.维护和平安全。实现网络空间的安全稳定 事关人类的共同福祉。各国应维护以联合国为核心的国际体系 遵守《联合国宪章》宗旨与原则 尊重彼此在网络空间的安全利益和重大关切。各国应反对网络空间敌对行动和侵略行径 防止网络空间军备竞赛 防范网络空间军事冲突 坚持以和平方式解决网络空间争端。反对将网络安全问题政治化。各方应摒弃冷战思维、零和博弈、双重标准和贸易保护主义、单边主义 反对网络攻击和大规模监控 反对国家间无端的网络攻击指责 致力于共同维护网络空间的和平与安全。
Upholding peace and security. A secure and stable cyberspace bears on the shared well-being of humanity. All countries should uphold the international system with the UN as its core observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and respect each other's security interests and major concerns in cyberspace. Countries should oppose hostile activities and acts of aggression prevent arms race and military conflict in cyberspace and remain committed to resolving disputes by peaceful means. Countries should oppose attempts to politicize cybersecurity issues. Countries should abandon the Cold War mentality zero sum games double standards trade protectionism and unilateralism and oppose cyber-attacks large-scale surveillance operations and unfounded accusations of cyber-attacks against other countries. Countries should make concerted efforts to maintain peace and security in cyberspace.
3.促进开放合作。开放是开展网络空间合作的前提 也是构建网络空间命运共同体的重要条件。各国应秉持开放理念 奉行开放政策 丰富开放内涵 提高开放水平 共同推进网络空间健康发展。积极搭建双边、区域和国际合作平台 强化资源优势互补 维护全球协同一致的创新体系 促进不同制度、不同民族和不同文化在网络空间包容性发展。坚决反对狭隘的、封闭的小集团主义 反对利用自身优势损害别国信息通信技术产品和服务供应链安全。
Promoting openness and cooperation. Openness is a prerequisite for cooperation in cyberspace and an important condition for building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. Countries should work together for the healthy development of cyberspace with an open mind by adopting policies of openness in more areas and at a higher level. Platforms for bilateral regional and international cooperation are needed to leverage the complementarity of resources and strengths. We need to maintain harmonized global innovation architecture and encourage inclusive development among different social systems ethnicities and cultures in cyberspace. We should firmly reject narrow-minded and closed cliquish thinking and oppose attempts by any country to use its own strengths to undermine the security of other countries' supply chains of ICT products and services.
4.构建良好秩序。网络空间不是法外之地 应以公认的国际法和国际关系基本准则为基础构建良好秩序。国家不分大小、强弱、贫富 都是国际社会平等成员 都有权平等参与网络空间国际规则制定。国际社会应共同管理和公平分配互联网基础资源 扩大发展中国家参与网络空间国际治理的代表性和发言权 实现网络空间资源共享、责任共担、合作共治 建立公平正义的网络空间秩序。 Building a sound order. Cyberspace is not a place beyond the rule of law and a sound order must be established on the basis of commonly recognized international laws and basic norms governing international relations. All countries regardless of size strength or wealth are equal members of the international community and are entitled to participate in cyberspace rules-making on an equal footing. The international community should jointly manage and fairly distribute basic Internet resources increase developing countries' representation and voice in global governance in cyberspace and work toward the cyberspace where countries can share resources shoulder common responsibilities and exercise joint governance in a bid to establish a just and equitable order in cyberspace.
Path to Realization
1.加快全球网络基础设施建设 促进互联互通。采取更加积极、包容、协调、普惠的政策 推动全球网络基础设施加快普及 为不发达地区和低收入人群提供用得上、用得起、用得好的网络服务。全面推动新一代信息基础设施建设。共同推进跨境光缆、国际海底光缆等项目建设 完善空间信息基础设施。有效利用多边开发银行等机制 加大资金投入、技术支持和智力保障 扩大各方参与 提高互联互通水平。加强在新一代信息通信技术等领域的国际合作 提升全球网络基础设施建设与保护的意识和水平。加强政策协调 促进网络知识产权保护。
Accelerating the building of global Internet infrastructure for greater connectivity. The international community should adopt more proactive inclusive and coordinated policies that benefit all to spur faster expansion of Internet infrastructure around the globe and provide accessible affordable and quality Internet services to underdeveloped regions and low-income population. Countries should make comprehensive efforts to build the next-generation information infrastructure. Countries should make joint efforts to advance cross-border and international submarine optical cables and improve information infrastructure in space. Mechanisms such as multilateral development banks should be fully leveraged to increase funding technical support and expertise for Internet infrastructure development and encourage wider participation for enhanced connectivity. It is important to strengthen international cooperation in fields such as next-generation ICT and enhance both global awareness of building and protecting Internet infrastructure and the capacity to do so. Policy coordination is necessary to promote intellectual property protection in cyberspace.
2.打造网上文化交流共享平台 促进交流互鉴。充分发挥互联网的桥梁作用 推动各国开展网上文化交流、学术往来、人才交流、知识分享、媒体合作等 让互联网成为展示各国各民族文明成果的平台 增进不同文明之间的包容共生。推动网络文化创新创造 促进科技与人文交汇交融 加强文化产品的数字化生产和网络化传播。注重对妇女儿童及其他弱势群体的网络保护 加强网络伦理和网络文明建设 推动网络文化健康发展 培育良好网络生态。
Building an online platform for cultural exchanges and mutual learning. The role of the Internet should be given full play as a bridge for promoting online cultural exchanges academic communication people-to-people exchanges knowledge sharing and media cooperation between countries. It should also serve as a platform for displaying achievements in civilizations of all countries and people and promoting harmonious coexistence of all civilizations. Cultural innovation and creativity in cyberspace needs to be encouraged to promote the integration of technology with cultural progress and increase digital cultural products and their online distribution. Protection of women children and other vulnerable groups should be strengthened in cyberspace where ethics and good behaviors must be highlighted for the healthy development of the culture and the ecosystem in cyberspace.
3.推动数字经济创新发展 促进共同繁荣。充分发挥数字经济在全球经济发展中的引擎作用 积极推进工业数字化转型。提升数字经济包容性 以人为本 深入研究新技术影响 推动科技向善 探索合作思路和举措。探索建立创业投资合作机制 打造开放互利的共同市场 实现生产要素有序流动、资源高效配置、市场深度融合。在全球范围内促进普惠式发展 提升广大发展中国家和不发达国家网络发展能力 打破信息壁垒 消除数字鸿沟 共享互联网发展成果 为联合国2030年可持续发展议程有效落实提供助力。
Promoting innovative development of the digital economy for common prosperity. The role of the digital economy as an engine of global economic growth needs to be fully leveraged. Proactive steps should be taken toward digital transformation of industry. The digital economy needs to become more inclusive and people-centered. We should conduct thorough studies to examine the impact of new technologies ensure the use of science and technology for the greater good and explore new cooperation approaches and measures. Explorations should also focus on establishing cooperation mechanisms for venture capital investment. Open and mutually-beneficial common markets need to be built to achieve the sound flow of production factors efficient resource allocation and greater market integration. To promote inclusive development on a truly global scale and enable all countries to share benefits of Internet development it is important to enhance Internet capacity of developing and underdeveloped countries by breaking information barriers and bridging the digital divide in an effort to facilitate the realization of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
4.保障网络安全 促进有序发展。倡导开放合作的网络安全理念 坚持安全与发展并重、鼓励与规范并举。加强关键信息基础设施保护和数据安全国际合作 维护信息技术中立和产业全球化 共同遏制信息技术滥用。进一步增强战略互信 及时共享网络威胁信息 有效协调处置重大网络安全事件 合作打击网络恐怖主义和网络犯罪 共同维护网络空间和平与安全。
Maintaining cybersecurity to promote orderly development. We should advocate a cybersecurity concept that features openness and cooperation. We should encourage Internet development while laying equal emphasis on secure and orderly development. It is important to strengthen the protection of critical information infrastructure and international cooperation in data security maintain the neutrality of information technology and the globalization of the information industry and take collective action to curb information technology abuses. Countries should increase strategic mutual trust work together to timely share information on cybersecurity threats combat cyberterrorism and cybercrimes and effectively coordinate on cybersecurity incidents in an effort to uphold peace and security in cyberspace.
5.构建全球网络空间治理体系 促进公平正义。坚持多边参与、多方参与 积极推进全球互联网治理体系变革。发挥联合国在网络空间国际治理中的主渠道作用 发挥政府、国际组织、互联网企业、技术社群、社会组织、公民个人等各主体作用 建立相互信任、协调有序的合作。完善对话协商机制 研究制定网络空间治理规范 共同研究制定更加平衡地反映各方利益关切特别是广大发展中国家利益的国际规则 使治理体系更加公正合理。
Building a system of global governance in cyberspace to promote equity and justice. Reform on global Internet governance should feature a multilateral and multi-party approach with participation of various stakeholders. The UN should serve as the main channel of global governance in cyberspace. Governments international organizations Internet companies technical communities social organizations and individual citizens should play their respective roles. Thus a global partnership characterized by mutual trust and sound coordination will be established. The international community needs to improve dialogue and consultation mechanisms formulate cyberspace governance regulations and make joint efforts to study and draw up international rules that reflect the interests and concerns of all parties in a more balanced way particularly those of developing countries. These efforts will ensure progress toward a more just and equitable governance system in cyberspace.
Governance Framework
构建网络空间命运共同体应加强政府、国际组织、互联网企业、技术社群、社会组织、公民个人等各主体的沟通与合作 形成立体协同的治理架构。
Building a community with a shared future in cyberspace requires greater communication and cooperation among all parties including governments international organizations companies technical communities social organizations and individual citizens for the creation of a multi-dimensional and well-coordinated governance framework.
政府是国家治理与国际合作的主要行为体 发挥关键主导作用。各国政府有权制定和实施符合本国国情的法律法规和政策措施 提高本国互联网建设、运用和管理水平 维护国家网络主权;有权参与网络空间规则制定等公共产品供给 推动全球数字经济繁荣发展 管控和遏制网络安全风险扩散 维护各国在网络空间的共同福祉。
Governments as the main actors in state governance and international cooperation have a critical and leading role to play. Governments have the right to draft and implement laws regulations policies and measures in line with their national conditions improve their countries' capacity for Internet development application and management and safeguard their sovereignty in cyberspace. They are also entitled to participate in the supply of public goods including formulating cyberspace rules promote the growth and prosperity of the global digital economy control and contain the spread of cybersecurity risks and uphold the well-being of all countries in cyberspace.
国际组织既是网络空间国际规则制定的重要主体 也是各方开展互联网交流合作的重要平台。各国应支持并推动联合国等政府间国际组织的网络空间国际规则进程 规范各方行为 促进交流合作 维护网络空间安全、稳定与繁荣。非政府间国际组织宜加强同政府间国际组织的协调互动 实现优势互补。 International organizations are not only the main developers of international cyberspace rules but also important platforms for Internet communication and cooperation among all parties. Countries should support and advance the process of international rules-making in cyberspace by the UN and other inter-governmental organizations regulate the conduct of the parties concerned promote exchanges and cooperation and keep cyberspace secure stable and vibrant. Non-governmental international organizations should enhance coordination and interactions with inter-governmental organizations to draw on each other's strengths.
互联网企业不仅是数字经济建设的关键主体 也是网络空间治理的重要参与者。互联网企业处于互联网发展与安全的第一线 承担创新发展和依法治理的责任 应遵守法律法规 探索最佳实践 促进交流合作。
Internet companies are key actors in the development of the digital economy and important participants in cyberspace governance. At the forefront of Internet development and cybersecurity they must commit themselves to innovative development and law-based governance. They should observe laws and regulations explore best practices and strengthen communication and cooperation.
技术社群和社会组织等对网络空间技术发展和公共决策起着不可替代的作用。技术社群继续发挥在技术协议与标准制定等领域的职能 从技术角度为网络空间治理和国际合作积极进行引导和贡献力量。社会组织积极建言献策 共同推进互联网关键资源公平化、合理化配置 促进网络空间高效运转和创新发展。 Technical communities social organizations and other groups have an indispensable role in cyberspace technology development and public decision-making. They should continue to play their due role in such areas as technology agreement formulation and standards development providing guidance to facilitate cyberspace governance and international cooperation from a technical perspective. Social organizations can make suggestions and proposals to jointly promote fair allocation of key Internet resources efficient operation and innovation-driven development of cyberspace.
个人既是网络服务的用户 也是网络行为的主体。负责任的个人行为是构建网络空间命运共同体的基础。公民个人应遵守法律法规 自觉规范网络行为 提升网络安全防护意识与能力。
Individual citizens are users of Internet services and one of the main actors in cyberspace. Their responsible behaviors are the cornerstones of a community with a shared future in cyberspace. Citizens must abide by laws and regulations conscientiously regulate their own online behaviors and enhance their awareness and capability in terms of cybersecurity protection.
构建网络空间命运共同体关乎全人类的前途命运 是顺应信息时代发展潮流的必然选择 也是应对网络空间风险挑战的迫切需要。各国在网络空间既有共同关切 也有不同诉求 应当在尊重彼此核心利益的前提下 谋求共同福祉 应对共同挑战 让互联网更好造福世界各国人民 携手开创人类更加美好的未来!
Building a community with a shared future in cyberspace bears on the destiny of the entire humanity. It has become an imperative to answer the call of the information age and tackle the risks and challenges in cyberspace. As countries may have common concerns and diverse aspirations in cyberspace we should on the basis of mutual respect for core interests work for the common good and rise to common challenges. We should enable the Internet to better serve all countries and people in the world and jointly create an even brighter future for humanity.