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xlog文件怎么在电脑上打开(xlog文件的解码操作)python decode_mars_nocrypt_log_file.py dbxLog_20220514.xlog对于加密的xlog进行解码mars已经提供了加密的工具:gen_key.py,直接执行就可以获取一组随机的公钥、私钥:解码的具体操作就是直接执行,将xlog文件作为参数传入:如果你不想配置python2,就想用python3执行,也可以手动改一下这个python文件,这是我改完后的:#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import glob import zlib import struct import binascii import traceback MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START = 0x03 MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 = 0x06 MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRY




Xlog.open(false Xlog.LEVEL_DEBUG Xlog.AppednerModeAsync "" logPath "dbxLog" "");




#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import glob import zlib import struct import binascii import traceback MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START = 0x03 MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 = 0x06 MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START = 0x08 MAGIC_COMPRESS_START = 0x04 MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 = 0x05 MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 = 0x07 MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START = 0x09 MAGIC_END = 0x00 lastseq = 0 def IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer _offset count): if _offset == len(_buffer): return (True '') magic_start = _buffer[_offset] if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 4 elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == magic_start or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 64 else: return (False '_buffer[%d]:%d != MAGIC_NUM_START' % (_offset _buffer[_offset])) headerLen = 1 2 1 1 4 crypt_key_len if _offset headerLen 1 1 > len(_buffer): return ( False 'offset:%d > len(buffer):%d' % (_offset len(_buffer))) start = _offset headerLen - 4 - crypt_key_len length = struct.unpack_from("I" memoryview(_buffer)[start:start 4].tobytes())[0] if _offset headerLen length 1 > len(_buffer): return ( False 'log length:%d end pos %d > len(buffer):%d' % (length _offset headerLen length 1 len(_buffer))) if MAGIC_END != _buffer[_offset headerLen length]: return (False 'log length:%d buffer[%d]:%d != MAGIC_END' % ( length _offset headerLen length _buffer[_offset headerLen length])) if (1 >= count): return (True '') else: return IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer _offset headerLen length 1 count - 1) def GetLogStartPos(_buffer _count): offset = 0 while True: if offset >= len(_buffer): break if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START == _buffer[offset] or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[ offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == _buffer[offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[ offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == _buffer[offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == _buffer[ offset] or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == _buffer[offset]: if IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer offset _count)[0]: return offset offset = 1 return -1 def DecodeBuffer(_buffer _offset _outbuffer): if _offset >= len(_buffer): return -1 # if _offset 1 4 1 1 > len(_buffer): return -1 ret = IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer _offset 1) if not ret[0]: fixpos = GetLogStartPos(_buffer[_offset:] 1) if -1 == fixpos: return -1 else: _outbuffer.extend("[F]decode_log_file.py decode error len=%d result:%s \n" % (fixpos ret[1])) _offset = fixpos magic_start = _buffer[_offset] if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 4 elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == magic_start or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 64 else: _outbuffer.extend('in DecodeBuffer _buffer[%d]:%d != MAGIC_NUM_START' % (_offset magic_start)) return -1 headerLen = 1 2 1 1 4 crypt_key_len start = _offset headerLen - 4 - crypt_key_len length = struct.unpack_from("I" memoryview(_buffer)[start:start 4])[0] tmpbuffer = bytearray(length) seq = struct.unpack_from("H" memoryview(_buffer)[start - 2 - 2: start - 2])[0] begin_hour = struct.unpack_from("c" memoryview(_buffer)[start - 1 - 1:start - 1])[0] end_hour = struct.unpack_from("c" memoryview(_buffer)[start - 1:start])[0] global lastseq if seq != 0 and seq != 1 and lastseq != 0 and seq != (lastseq 1): _outbuffer.extend("[F]decode_log_file.py log seq:%d-%d is missing\n" % (lastseq 1 seq - 1)) if seq != 0: lastseq = seq tmpbuffer[:] = _buffer[_offset headerLen:_offset headerLen length] try: decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[_offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == _buffer[_offset]: print("use wrong decode script") elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == _buffer[_offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == _buffer[_offset]: tmpbuffer = decompressor.decompress(bytes(tmpbuffer)) elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[_offset]: decompress_data = bytearray() while len(tmpbuffer) > 0: single_log_len = struct.unpack_from("H" memoryview(tmpbuffer)[0:2])[0] decompress_data.extend(tmpbuffer[2:single_log_len 2]) tmpbuffer[:] = tmpbuffer[single_log_len 2:len(tmpbuffer)] tmpbuffer = decompressor.decompress(str(decompress_data)) else: pass # _outbuffer.extend('seq:%d hour:%d-%d len:%d decompress:%d\n' %(seq ord(begin_hour) ord(end_hour) length len(tmpbuffer))) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() _outbuffer.extend("[F]decode_log_file.py decompress err " str(e) "\n") return _offset headerLen length 1 _outbuffer.extend(tmpbuffer) return _offset headerLen length 1 def ParseFile(_file _outfile): fp = open(_file "rb") _buffer = bytearray(os.path.getsize(_file)) fp.readinto(_buffer) fp.close() startpos = GetLogStartPos(_buffer 2) if -1 == startpos: return outbuffer = bytearray() while True: startpos = DecodeBuffer(_buffer startpos outbuffer) if -1 == startpos: break; if 0 == len(outbuffer): return fpout = open(_outfile "wb") fpout.write(outbuffer) fpout.close() def main(args): global lastseq if 1 == len(args): if os.path.isdir(args[0]): filelist = glob.glob(args[0] "/*.xlog") for filepath in filelist: lastseq = 0 ParseFile(filepath filepath ".log") else: ParseFile(args[0] args[0] ".log") elif 2 == len(args): ParseFile(args[0] args[1]) else: filelist = glob.glob("*.xlog") for filepath in filelist: lastseq = 0 ParseFile(filepath filepath ".log") if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])




python decode_mars_nocrypt_log_file.py dbxLog_20220514.xlog对于加密的xlog进行解码





Xlog.open(false Xlog.LEVEL_DEBUG Xlog.AppednerModeAsync "" logPath "dbxLog" "68f0b7d5c8a792e1ea94cfc5aaad0db0840282e2b8f5a82f369a996f681c6cd1292f2d6d06712eaf735459584819c4fa71b94f2d9bd53837782ea35aef52ef35");





#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import glob import zlib import struct import binascii import pyelliptic import traceback MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START = 0x03 MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 = 0x06 MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START = 0x08 MAGIC_COMPRESS_START = 0x04 MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 = 0x05 MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 = 0x07 MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START = 0x09 MAGIC_END = 0x00 lastseq = 0 PRIV_KEY = b'babff40958d0346b8c602dff415e082e94ed5872903ed0ea2a3b198cd3e5d454' PUB_KEY = b'68f0b7d5c8a792e1ea94cfc5aaad0db0840282e2b8f5a82f369a996f681c6cd1'b'292f2d6d06712eaf735459584819c4fa71b94f2d9bd53837782ea35aef52ef35' def tea_decipher(v k): op = 0xffffffff v0 v1 = struct.unpack('=LL' v[0:8]) k1 k2 k3 k4 = struct.unpack('=LLLL' k[0:16]) delta = 0x9E3779B9 s = (delta << 4) & op for i in range(16): v1 = (v1 - (((v0 << 4) k3) ^ (v0 s) ^ ((v0 >> 5) k4))) & op v0 = (v0 - (((v1 << 4) k1) ^ (v1 s) ^ ((v1 >> 5) k2))) & op s = (s - delta) & op return struct.pack('=LL' v0 v1) def tea_decrypt(v k): num = int(len(v) / 8 * 8) ret = b'' for i in range(0 num 8): vi = v[i:i 8] if len(vi) != 8: continue x = tea_decipher(vi k) ret = x ret = v[num:] return ret def IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer _offset count): if _offset == len(_buffer): return (True '') magic_start = _buffer[_offset] if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 4 elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == magic_start or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 64 else: return False '_buffer[%d]:%d != MAGIC_NUM_START' % (_offset _buffer[_offset]) headerLen = 1 2 1 1 4 crypt_key_len if _offset headerLen 1 1 > len(_buffer): return False 'offset:%d > len(buffer):%d' % (_offset len(_buffer)) start = _offset headerLen - 4 - crypt_key_len length = struct.unpack_from("I" memoryview(_buffer)[start:start 4])[0] if _offset headerLen length 1 > len(_buffer): return False 'log length:%d end pos %d > len(buffer):%d' % ( length _offset headerLen length 1 len(_buffer)) if MAGIC_END != _buffer[_offset headerLen length]: return False 'log length:%d buffer[%d]:%d != MAGIC_END' % ( length _offset headerLen length _buffer[_offset headerLen length]) if (1 >= count): return (True '') else: return IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer _offset headerLen length 1 count - 1) def GetLogStartPos(_buffer _count): offset = 0 while True: if offset >= len(_buffer): break if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START == _buffer[offset] or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[ offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == _buffer[offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[ offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == _buffer[offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == _buffer[ offset] or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == _buffer[offset]: if IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer offset _count)[0]: return offset offset = 1 return -1 def DecodeBuffer(_buffer _offset _outbuffer): if _offset >= len(_buffer): return -1 # if _offset 1 4 1 1 > len(_buffer): return -1 ret = IsGoodLogBuffer(_buffer _offset 1) if not ret[0]: fixpos = GetLogStartPos(_buffer[_offset:] 1) if -1 == fixpos: return -1 else: _outbuffer.extend("[F]decode_log_file.py decode error len=%d result:%s \n" % (fixpos ret[1])) _offset = fixpos magic_start = _buffer[_offset] if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == magic_start \ or MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 4 elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == magic_start or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == magic_start \ or MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == magic_start: crypt_key_len = 64 else: _outbuffer.extend('in DecodeBuffer _buffer[%d]:%d != MAGIC_NUM_START' % (_offset magic_start)) return -1 headerLen = 1 2 1 1 4 crypt_key_len start = _offset headerLen - 4 - crypt_key_len length = struct.unpack_from("I" memoryview(_buffer)[start: start 4])[0] tmpbuffer = bytearray(length) seq = struct.unpack_from("H" memoryview(_buffer)[start - 2 - 2:start - 2])[0] begin_hour = struct.unpack_from("c" memoryview(_buffer)[start - 1 - 1:start - 1])[0] end_hour = struct.unpack_from("c" memoryview(_buffer)[start - 1:start])[0] global lastseq if seq != 0 and seq != 1 and lastseq != 0 and seq != (lastseq 1): _outbuffer.extend("[F]decode_log_file.py log seq:%d-%d is missing\n" % (lastseq 1 seq - 1)) if seq != 0: lastseq = seq tmpbuffer[:] = _buffer[_offset headerLen:_offset headerLen length] try: decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS) if MAGIC_NO_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[_offset]: pass elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START2 == _buffer[_offset]: svr = pyelliptic.ECC(curve='secp256k1') client = pyelliptic.ECC(curve='secp256k1') start = _offset headerLen - crypt_key_len client.pubkey_x = memoryview(_buffer)[start:int(start crypt_key_len / 2)].tobytes() client.pubkey_y = memoryview(_buffer)[int(start crypt_key_len / 2):start crypt_key_len].tobytes() svr.privkey = binascii.unhexlify(PRIV_KEY) tea_key = svr.get_ecdh_key(client.get_pubkey()) tmpbuffer = tea_decrypt(tmpbuffer tea_key) tmpbuffer = decompressor.decompress(bytes(tmpbuffer)) elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START == _buffer[_offset] or MAGIC_COMPRESS_NO_CRYPT_START == _buffer[_offset]: tmpbuffer = decompressor.decompress(bytes(tmpbuffer)) elif MAGIC_COMPRESS_START1 == _buffer[_offset]: decompress_data = bytearray() while len(tmpbuffer) > 0: single_log_len = struct.unpack_from("H" memoryview(tmpbuffer)[0:2])[0] decompress_data.extend(tmpbuffer[2:single_log_len 2]) tmpbuffer[:] = tmpbuffer[single_log_len 2:len(tmpbuffer)] tmpbuffer = decompressor.decompress(str(decompress_data)) else: pass # _outbuffer.extend('seq:%d hour:%d-%d len:%d decompress:%d\n' %(seq ord(begin_hour) ord(end_hour) length len(tmpbuffer))) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() _outbuffer.extend("[F]decode_log_file.py decompress err " str(e) "\n") return _offset headerLen length 1 _outbuffer.extend(tmpbuffer) return _offset headerLen length 1 def ParseFile(_file _outfile): fp = open(_file "rb") _buffer = bytearray(os.path.getsize(_file)) fp.readinto(_buffer) fp.close() startpos = GetLogStartPos(_buffer 2) if -1 == startpos: return outbuffer = bytearray() while True: startpos = DecodeBuffer(_buffer startpos outbuffer) if -1 == startpos: break if 0 == len(outbuffer): return fpout = open(_outfile "wb") fpout.write(outbuffer) fpout.close() def main(args): global lastseq if 1 == len(args): if os.path.isdir(args[0]): filelist = glob.glob(args[0] "/*.xlog") for filepath in filelist: lastseq = 0 ParseFile(filepath filepath ".log") else: ParseFile(args[0] args[0] ".log") elif 2 == len(args): ParseFile(args[0] args[1]) else: filelist = glob.glob("*.xlog") for filepath in filelist: lastseq = 0 ParseFile(filepath filepath ".log") if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])



python decode_mars_crypt_log_file.py dbxLog_20220514.xlog
