塔罗全是宫廷牌代表什么(塔罗牌含义双语)Anybody dealing with him should yield or else perish. 塔罗牌皇帝拥有大量真正的具体权力。他不是一个需要盟友和谨慎外交的政治家。他的原始力量。Archetype: Supreme ruler - irresistible power.原型: 最高统治者-不可抗拒的力量。 The Tarot Emperor has real concrete power in abundance. He's no politician in need of allies and careful diplomacy. He's raw force.
The Tarot Emperor card meaning in a nutshell:
You're up against real power so yield or suffer the consequences.
Archetype: Supreme ruler - irresistible power.
原型: 最高统治者-不可抗拒的力量。
The Tarot Emperor has real concrete power in abundance. He's no politician in need of allies and careful diplomacy. He's raw force.
Anybody dealing with him should yield or else perish.
On the Tarot Emperor card he sits firmly on the throne but in armor - he will stand up and strike at the moment he is challenged. He tolerates nothing but obedience.
We've had a number of emperors through history several of them so majestic that 'majesty' is not enough to describe them.
The first and probably still the most impressive one was Alexander in the 4th century BC who conquered most of the known world at that time when he was still a young man.
Below is a later painting of the legendary moment when Alexander cut the Gordian Knot so complicated that the one to untie it was fit to rule the world.
Alexander did so by swinging his sword - a warrior's solution.
The Emperor on this Tarot card is indeed a warrior ruler.
He sits on a stone throne with his armor on eager to do battle.
The image on the card suggests another warrior ruler the legendary King Arthur but it might as well be Alexander Julius Caesar Napoleon or Genghis Khan.
It's the ruler with the force and the firmness to strike down any opposition.