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用英语介绍一下北京的著名景点:北京著名景点之英语介绍颐和园位于北京西北的海淀区,距市中心15公里(9英里)。作为中国最大、保存最完好的皇家园林,它以其著名的自然景观和文化利益,对中国的园艺和景观产生了巨大的影响,也一直被认为是“皇家园林博物馆”。Situated in the Haidian District northwest of Beijing Summer Palace is 15 kilometers (9 miles) from the downtown area. Being the largest and most well-preserved royal park in China it greatly influences Chinese horticulture and landscape with its famous natural views and cultural interests which als


Great Wall in Beijing 中国长城 北京

Beijing is the best destination to admire the Great Wall of China. Most famous Great Wall sections are located in its suburban areas including the well-preserved Badaling and Mutianyu the renovated Juyonguan Jinshanling and Simatai and wild Jiankou and Gubeikou. They are all not far from downtown Beijing 1-2 hours’ driving away. The Great Wall in Beijing totals 573 kilometers (356 miles).



Tiananmen Square 天安门广场

Located at the center of Beijing City and the midpoint of Chang'an Avenue is the remarkable Tiananmen Square where you can visit the Tiananmen Tower Monument to the People's Heroes Great Hall of the People Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall and see the national flag raising ceremony. Thousands of people come to the Square every day. It is the must place to visit in Beijing City.



Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) 颐和园

Situated in the Haidian District northwest of Beijing Summer Palace is 15 kilometers (9 miles) from the downtown area. Being the largest and most well-preserved royal park in China it greatly influences Chinese horticulture and landscape with its famous natural views and cultural interests which also has long been recognized as 'The Museum of Royal Gardens'.



Temple of Heaven 天坛

The Temple of Heaven Park is located in the Chongwen District Beijing. Originally this was the place where emperors of the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty held the Heaven Worship Ceremony. It is the largest and most representative existing masterpiece among China's ancient sacrificial buildings.



Yonghe Temple (Harmony and Peace Palace Lamasery) 雍和宫(和谐与和平宫喇嘛庙)

Yonghe Temple also known as Harmony and Peace Palace Lamasery Yonghe Lamasery or Yonghe Lama Temple is located at the northeast corner of Beijing City considered as the largest and most perfectly preserved lamasery in present day China.



Beijing Hutong 北京胡同

People say that the real culture of Beijing is the culture of the Hutong and Courtyards. How true that is. They attract more tourists from home and abroad than the high-rise buildings and large mansions.

