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英语单词记不住应该怎么弄(记不住单词怎么办)单词发音:I want to eat till I am full I want to drink my fill! to gormandize! to sleep! to do nothing! 我要吃个够,喝个痛快! 塞饱,睡足,什么事也不做! 5. gluttonize,['ɡlʌtənaiz],v. 胡吃海塞。这个词的贬义比gormandize还重。A gourmet who has a ken interest in food and liquor has a most discerning palate for delicate tastes flavors; goes in for rare delicacies (like hummingbirds' tongues and other such absurdities); and approaches the wh




1. gourmet [ˈɡɔː.meɪ],n. 美食家。这位就是经常吃美食、喝美酒的人了,褒义。注意这个词的发音,因为来自法语,有点怪,结尾的字母t不发音。

A gourmet who has a ken interest in food and liquor has a most discerning palate for delicate tastes flavors; goes in for rare delicacies (like hummingbirds' tongues and other such absurdities); and approaches the whole business from a scientific as well as a sensual viewpoint. 美食家,对食物和酒有浓厚的兴趣,对各种鲜美的味道和风味有着最敏锐的鉴赏力;喜欢珍奇的美食(像蜂鸟的舌头和其他一些荒谬的东西);从科学和感性的角度来看待品尝美食这件事。


2. glutton [ˈɡlʌtn],n. gourmet是美食家,而glutton就是只顾把肚子吃撑的贪吃货了,贬义。这个词也可以用来描述对金钱、性、惩罚等特别贪婪的人。

The person who eats voraciously with no discernment whatever but merely for the purpose of stuffing himself ("I know I haven't had enough to eat till I feel sick") is called a glutton - obviously a highly derogatory term. 只知道狼吞虎咽,没有任何鉴赏力,只是为了把自己吃撑(吃到恶心才觉得够)的人被称为glutton——显然是一个高度贬义的词。


3. gourmand,[ˈɡʊəmənd],n. 吃货。这个词介于gourmet和glutton之间,既不像gourmet那么有鉴赏力,也不像glutton那么贪吃。

The gourmand enjoys food with a sensual pleasure. To gourmands the high spots of the day are the times for breakfast lunch dinner and midnight supper; in short they like to eat but the eating must be good. 对于gourmand而言吃东西就是感官享受。对他们来说一天中最重要的时刻是早餐、午餐、晚餐和宵夜时间;简而言之,他们喜欢吃,但必须吃得好。 The food here satisfies gourmands rather than gourmets. 这里的食物可以满足吃货,但不能让美食家满意。


4. gormandize,['ɡɔːməndaɪz],v. 大吃大喝。这个词有贬义,像猪吃食一样的吃。慎用。

I want to eat till I am full I want to drink my fill! to gormandize! to sleep! to do nothing! 我要吃个够,喝个痛快! 塞饱,睡足,什么事也不做!


5. gluttonize,['ɡlʌtənaiz],v. 胡吃海塞。这个词的贬义比gormandize还重。

