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爱与浪漫英语口语(爱情与浪漫Love)a hopeless romantic 无可救药的浪漫派Perhaps romance is best left to the movies – a fantasythat makes us feel good – and instead concentrate on finding a good and healthy relationship with itsups and downsbut one that is full of love. Do you believe romance really exists?Of course there's nothing wrong with liking the idea of romance; it makes us feel good – but we must be careful not to use it as a benchm




Vocabulary: romance

词汇: 浪漫

Are you a hopeless romantic? Do you get excited by the idea of falling in love with the man or woman of your dreams? Does watching aromcomor aperiod dramaon TV make you cry? Or are you someone who thinks romance is based on anidealisedview of reality that doesn't really exist? Well you could be right!

I'm no romantic and more of a realist– taking a more practical approach to love - maybe that's why I never had many girlfriends! But if you really are expecting the kind of love thatmakes your heart flutterwith happiness you may be dissapointed.

Our expectation of what romance is probably originated from the Romantic period- an artistic literary musical andintellectualmovement that originated in Europe in the 18th Century. Thenotionof falling in love getting married and living happily ever after were culturally held ideas formed during this period and still exist today.

Of course there's nothing wrong with liking the idea of romance; it makes us feel good – but we must be careful not to use it as a benchmarkfor our own relationships. This idealised version of love leaves outthenitty-grittyof real-life relationships. There's usually work finances and other stresses of everyday life to deal with. You can't expectromantic gestureslike a bunch of red roses every day – there are bills to pay!

Many popular love stories end at the point where the characters get together or tie the knot. That puts the focus on finding someone special. But very few show us how to keep thatperfect catchover a long period of time. A relationship is hard work. It’s frustrating messy and can beemotionally damaging.

If you're still convinced romance isn't dead how will you ever find it? Historian and TV presenter Lucy Worsley thinks nowadays any idea of romance is dying because it has become "too easy" to meet new people via dating apps. She told the BBC the "slowexquisitetorture of love in Jane Austen novels no longer existed in the age of Grindr and Tinder [apps]."

Perhaps romance is best left to the movies – a fantasythat makes us feel good – and instead concentrate on finding a good and healthy relationship with itsups and downsbut one that is full of love. Do you believe romance really exists?


a hopeless romantic 无可救药的浪漫派

romcom 浪漫爱情喜剧,多指影视节目

period drama 古装剧,历史剧

idealised 理想化的

realist 现实主义者,注重实际的人

makes your heart flutter 迷得你的心怦怦直跳

Romantic period (艺术)浪漫主义时期,源自十八世纪欧洲

intellectual 思想知识上的

notion 概念,观念

benchmark 衡量标准,参照

the nitty-gritty (口语表达)指(事情、问题的)实质,实际情况

romantic gestures 浪漫之举

tie the knot (口语表达)结婚

perfect catch 完美的、般配的恋爱对象

emotionally damaging 伤感情的

dating apps 约会应用软件

exquisite 甜蜜又让人痛苦的

fantasy 幻想

ups and downs 曲折起伏


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What expression does the writer use to mean your perfect partner?

2. Where did the Romantic period begin?

3. True or False: It's romantic to pay the bills with red roses.

4.What do popular love stories concentrate on?

5. Which word in the text means 'feeling annoyed and impatient because you can't achieve what you want to'?

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处

1. Alan's been making the girls hearts ________ ever since he started college.

flatter flitter flutter flap

2. Gita has an ________ view of her school days – at the time she hated being there.

realised idealised exquisite notion

3. The quality of his workmanship has set a _________ for other builders to follow.

bench benchmark benchmarks markbench

4. He was a heavy smoker and died of lung cancer which proves the ________ that smoking kills.

fantasy movement notion nitty-gritty

5. We've been living together for years but only now I have persuaded my boyfriend to _________.

tie knots tie up knots tied the knot tie the knot


The man/woman of you dreams.

2. Where did the Romantic period begin?

The Romantic period - an artistic literary musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe in the 18th Century.

3. True or false: It's romantic to pay the bills with red roses.

False. It's romantic to give red roses to someone but impossible to pay the bills with them!

4.What do popular love stories concentrate on?

Many popular love stories put the focus on finding someone special not what happens afterwards.

5. Which word in the text means 'feeling annoyed and impatient because you can't achieve what you want to'?

Frustrating. (A relationship is hard work. It’s frustrating messy and can be emotionally damaging.)

1. Alan's been making the girls hearts flutterever since he started college.

2. Gita has an idealisedview of her school days – at the time she hated being there.

3. The quality of his workmanship has set a benchmarkfor other builders to follow.

4. He was a heavy smoker and died of lung cancer which proves the notionthat smoking kills.

5. We've been living together for years but only now I have persuaded my boyfriend to tie the knot.





