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英语关联词大全及用法翻译,英语形近词辨析iron ore [矿物] 铁矿 ; [矿物] 铁矿石 ; 铁矿砂 ; 铁砂礓Iron Man 钢铁侠 ; 钢铁人 ; 铁甲奇侠 ; 铁人【名】 (Iron)(英)艾恩(人名)[ 复数 irons 第三人称单数 irons 现在分词 ironing 过去式 ironed 过去分词 ironed ]短语

iron英 [ˈaɪən] 美 [ˈaɪərn]

n. 铁;熨斗;铁器,铁制工具;镣铐;(矫正畸形腿的)夹腿;<非正式>马蹬;陨铁,铁陨石;(高尔夫球)铁头球杆;刚强,毅力

v. 熨,烫

adj. 铁的,铁制的;刚强的,坚强的;强硬的,严酷的

【名】 (Iron)(英)艾恩(人名)

[ 复数 irons 第三人称单数 irons 现在分词 ironing 过去式 ironed 过去分词 ironed ]


Iron Man 钢铁侠 ; 钢铁人 ; 铁甲奇侠 ; 铁人

iron ore [矿物] 铁矿 ; [矿物] 铁矿石 ; 铁矿砂 ; 铁砂礓

Iron Maiden 铁娘子 ; 铁娘子乐团 ; 铁娘子乐队 ; 攻击反噬

cast iron [材] 铸铁 ; 生铁 ; 铸铁制品 ; 安装端元轴承

wrought iron [材] 熟铁 ; 锻铁 ; 铸铁 ; 焊接钢

The Iron Lady 铁娘子 ; 固柔情 ; 铁娘子撒切尔夫人传 ; 戴卓尔夫人传

iron oxide [无化] 氧化铁 ; 铁氧化物 ; 四氧化三铁 ; 氧化亚铁

Iron Gate 其中一道城门 ; 铁艺大门

Iron Sky 钢铁苍穹 ; 钢铁天穹 ; 铁幕苍穹




iron /ˈaɪən/ CET4 TEM4 ( ironing ironed irons )

1. N-UNCOUNT Iron is an element that usually takes the form of a hard dark grey metal. It is used to make steel and also forms part of many tools buildings and vehicles. Very small amounts of iron occur in your blood and in food. 铁

例:The huge iron gate was locked.


例:...the highest grade iron ore deposits in the world.


2. N-COUNT An iron is an electrical device with a flat metal base. You heat it until the base is hot then rub it over clothes to remove creases. 熨斗

3. V-T If you iron clothes you remove the creases from them using an iron. 熨

例:She used to iron his shirts.


4. ironing N-UNCOUNT 熨烫

例:I managed to get all the ironing done this morning.


5. ADJ You can use iron to describe the character or behaviour of someone who is very firm in their decisions and actions or who can control their feelings well. 坚强的 [ADJ n]

例:...a man of icy nerve and iron will.


6. ADJ Iron is used in expressions such as an iron hand and iron discipline to describe strong harsh or unfair methods of control that do not allow people much freedom. 强硬的 [ADJ n]

例:He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years.


7. PHRASE If someone has a lot of irons in the fire they are involved in several different activities or have several different plans. 同时要做的事情

例:Too many irons in the fire can sap your energy and prevent you from seeing which path to take.



iron and steel 钢铁

cast iron 铸铁,生铁,锻铁

iron ore 铁矿石;铁矿砂

iron and steel industry 钢铁工业

iron mine 铁矿;铁矿山

ductile iron 球墨铸铁,延性铁;韧性铁

iron and steel company 钢铁公司

iron oxide 氧化铁

molten iron 铁水;熔铁

pig iron 生铁

iron core 铁芯

white cast iron 白口铸铁

nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁

nodular iron [机]球墨铸铁

iron powder 铁粉;铁粉芯

iron content 铁含量,含铁量

gray iron 灰口铸铁

iron deficiency 缺铁;铁缺乏

iron ore mine 铁矿山

iron casting 铁铸造;铸铁翻砂


irony英 [ˈaɪrəni] 美 [ˈaɪrəni]

n. (出乎意料的)奇异可笑之处,具有讽刺意味的情况;反语,讽刺

adj. 铁的;含铁的;似铁的

[ 复数 ironies ]


verbal irony 反语 ; 言语反讽 ; 语言倒反 ; 词语反语

dramatic irony 戏剧反讽 ; 戏剧性讽刺 ; 戏剧性反语

Socratic irony 苏格拉底反诘法 ; 苏格拉底式反讽 ; 苏格拉底式的反讽 ; 苏格拉底的反讽

Irony Of Fate 命运的捉弄 ; 命运反讽 ; 命运讽喻 ; 命运的嘲弄

situational irony 情景反讽 ; 情境反讽 ; 情景式反语 ; 场景反讽

Irony and Pity 讽刺与怜悯 ; 关于讽刺

romantic irony 浪漫反讽 ; 浪漫主义的反讽 ; 浪漫主义反讽

the irony 反语 ; 讽刺

Structural irony 结构反讽 ; 结构性反讽


irony /ˈaɪrənɪ/ CET6 TEM4

1. N-UNCOUNT Irony is a subtle form of humour that involves saying things that are the opposite of what you really mean. 讽刺

例:His tone was tinged with irony.


2. N-VAR If you talk about the irony of a situation you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast. 具有讽刺意味的事

例:The irony is that many officials in Washington agree in private that their policy is inconsistent.


3. ADJ of resembling or containing iron 铁的; 似铁的; 含铁的


n. 讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事hit satire

adj. 铁的;似铁的ferrous


She spoke with heavy irony.


'England is famous for its food ' she said with heavy irony.






My email:ilikework_cz@126.com

