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情人节日期用英语表达:情人节必看Phoebe: If you had to what would you give up food or sex?Monica: I would get a room with this cake. I think I could show this cake a good time!经典美剧Friends(中文名《老友记》或《六人行》)中就有get a room:Monica: (really excited) Mmh... this cake is amazing!Rachel: My God get a room!


今天是情人节(Saint Valentine's Day)。




“开房”其实有两层含义,一个是“正经”地住旅馆,比如出差的时候和旅游的时候,这时说成check in at a hotelcheck into a hotel即可。

经典美剧Friends(中文名《老友记》或《六人行》)中就有get a room:

Monica: (really excited) Mmh... this cake is amazing!

Rachel: My God get a room!

Monica: I would get a room with this cake. I think I could show this cake a good time!

Phoebe: If you had to what would you give up food or sex?

Monica: (with no hesitation) Sex!

Chandler: (looking at her) Seriously answer faster!

Monica: Oh I'm sorry honey you know but when she said "sex" I wasn't thinking about "sex with you"!

Chandler: (to Phoebe) It's like a giant hug.

其中的get a room with就是“和某人去开房”。


以下两段文字均摘自于COCA(美国当代英语语料库),也有get a room,供大家参考:

Shit it'd been awhile and I wanted him as bad as he wanted me. We decided to get a room at the Budget Inn and Suites on Memorial Drive. I was a little surprised that he didn't take me to his apartment but he told me his roommate was there. I kind of understood.

Gwen walked down the sidewalk with me and we came upon two teens kissing and groping each other under a lamppost. " Get a room you two " Gwen said. I must have looked a bit surprised because Gwen said " They can't really do it you know. Sex I mean. Not completely.



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在大城市生活,要有狼的血性,但我们毕竟要生存,做不了狼,只能做狼狗,有狼的血性,也有狗的妥协。但是,狼狗和狗是有本质区别的,因为狼狗不吃屎。—— 蟹老板
