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春运高峰期到了用英语怎么写?又是一年春运到2.Ticket scalper票贩子,黄牛1.Spring Festival travel rush 春运The period usually begins 15 days before Lunar New Year's Day and lasts for around 40 days.在英文中,通常用the Spring Festival travel season或Spring Festival travel rush来指称春运,后因为它渐成周期现象,老外也可以直接理解Chunyun或 the Chunyun period。关于春运的英语常用词汇如下:




It is one of the world's most prominent and celebrated festivals with the "largest annual mass human migration in the world".


The period usually begins 15 days before Lunar New Year's Day and lasts for around 40 days.

在英文中,通常用the Spring Festival travel season或Spring Festival travel rush来指称春运,后因为它渐成周期现象,老外也可以直接理解Chunyun或 the Chunyun period。


1.Spring Festival travel rush 春运

2.Ticket scalper票贩子,黄牛

3.High-speed rail 高速铁路

4.High-speed train 高铁列车

也可表达为"High-speed rail train"或"Bullet train",中国铁路高速列车为China Railway High-Speed (CRH) 与国外的列车有所区分。

5.Premier class 特等座

6.Business class 商务座

7.soft/hard seat 软/硬座

8.Overnight sleeper 卧铺

9.ID-based ticket booking system实名购票

10.Reschedule a ticket 改签

也可表达为“change train tickets”。

11.Refund a ticket 退票

也可用“return train tickets”。

12.Passenger flow 客流量
