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gre核心词汇分类巧记:GRE词汇简析打卡 十八

gre核心词汇分类巧记:GRE词汇简析打卡 十八to harass with repeated attacks【袭扰】=aggravate bother bug chafe disturb exasperate fret gall get irk irritate nettle peeve provoke put out rile ruffle vex.=herald introduce proclaim usher in. annunciate foretell harbingerannoy (əˈnɔɪ) vto irritate or displease【惹恼,打扰】

announce (əˈnaʊns) v

to bring to public notice or make known publicly:【宣布】

=advertise annunciate broadcast declare proclaim promulgate publish.

gre核心词汇分类巧记:GRE词汇简析打卡 十八(1)

to make known the presence or arrival of【通报..的到来】

=herald introduce proclaim usher in. annunciate foretell harbinger

gre核心词汇分类巧记:GRE词汇简析打卡 十八(2)

annoy (əˈnɔɪ) v

to irritate or displease【惹恼,打扰】

=aggravate bother bug chafe disturb exasperate fret gall get irk irritate nettle peeve provoke put out rile ruffle vex.

to harass with repeated attacks【袭扰】

=bait bedevil beleaguer beset harass harry pester plague tease torment worry.

annul (əˈnʌl) v

an(表强调) nul(null【空的】异化)字面意思,使成空。即【宣告无效;取消,废除】

to make (something esp a law or marriage) void; cancel the validity of;

=abolish abrogate annihilate cancel invalidate negate nullify set aside vitiate void.reverse repeal recall revoke retract negate rescind nullify obviate abrogate countermand declare or render null and void

anomalous (əˈnɒmələs) adj

a(表否定) nomal(normal【正常的】的异化) ous(形容词性)字面意思,不正常的,即【反常的;不规则的】

deviating from the general or common order or type;

=unusual odd rare bizarre exceptional peculiar eccentric abnormal irregular inconsistent off-the-wall (slang) incongruous deviating oddball (informal) out there (slang) atypical aberrant

≠common natural normal regular usual ordinary familiar typical customary

anomaly (əˈnɒməlɪ) n

a(表否定) noma(normal【正常的】的异化) ly(此处为名词性),字面意思,不正常,反常

Something that is unusual irregular or abnormal【异常;反常】

gre核心词汇分类巧记:GRE词汇简析打卡 十八(3)

anonymity (ˌæn əˈnɪm ɪ ti) n

a(一个) no(没有) nymi(name【姓名】的异化) ty(名词性)字面意思是,没有姓名的某一个人或某一件东西,即【匿名】

the state or quality of being anonymous【匿名】

gre核心词汇分类巧记:GRE词汇简析打卡 十八(4)

anonymous (əˈnɒnɪməs) adj

a(一个) no(没有) nym(name【姓名】的异化) ous(形容词性)字面意思是,没有姓名的,即【匿名的】

=nameless unnamed unsigned.

anorexia (ˌænɒˈrɛksɪə) n

xia sia(表病症),如果是第一次接触该单词,可盲猜是某种病

a(一个) no(否定)re(rice【米饭】的异化) xia(名词性,表病症)字面意思是,不吃米饭的病,即【厌食症】

a complete lack of appetite,没有胃口,食欲,即【厌食症】

gre核心词汇分类巧记:GRE词汇简析打卡 十八(5)
