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不乱扔垃圾英语句子(英语美文再见垃圾)我这辆车的司机猛踩刹车,车子打滑,和那一辆车擦肩而过,只差几英寸!那辆车的司机,就是那个差点引起车祸的家伙,掉过头来对着我们破口大骂。我的司机只是微笑着,冲他挥挥手。我只想说,他那表现相当的友好!My taxi driver slammed on his brakes skidded and missed the other car by mere inches! The driver of the other car the guy who almost caused a big accident whipped his head around and started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was actually frien


When someone wants to dump on you don't take it personally. Instead just smile wave wish them well AND move on.



Sixteen years ago I learned an important life lesson in the back of a New York City taxi cab.


I hopped in a taxi and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when all of a sudden a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.


My taxi driver slammed on his brakes skidded and missed the other car by mere inches! The driver of the other car the guy who almost caused a big accident whipped his head around and started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was actually friendly!


So I asked him "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and could've sent us to the hospital!" And this is when my taxi driver told me about what I now call "The Law of Garbage Trucks."


"Many people are like Garbage Trucks. They run around full of garbage full of frustration full of anger and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up they need a place to dump it and if you let them they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you don't take it personally. Instead just smile wave wish them well and move on. You'll be happier because you did."


Wow. That really got me thinking about how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me?


AND how often do I then take their garbage and spread it onto other people: at work at home on the streets? It was that day I resolved "I'm not going to do it anymore."


Since then I have started to see Garbage Trucks everywhere. Just as the kid in the Sixth Sense movie said "I see dead people " I can now say "I see Garbage Trucks." :)


I see the load they're carrying ... I see them coming to drop it off. And like my Taxi Driver I don't make it a personal thing; I just smile wave wish them well and I move on.

