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冀教版英语八年级上册知识点15课(冀教版八年级英语上Unit3)2The family gathering is exciting. It is a fun and lively evening with a big meal delicious desserts lots of games and good conversation. At the end they take a family photo.家庭聚会是令人兴奋的。这是个有丰盛的饭菜、美味的甜点、许多游戏和愉快的谈话的有趣而充满活力的夜晚。最后 他们拍了一张全家福。1.6all of形容词性短语,“所有的;全部的”。1.3fell nervous感到紧张。1.4fell at home直译:“感觉在家里”,如果更有中文范,可意译为“无拘无束”。1.5thank sb. for (doing)sth.为(做)某事感谢某人。

Unit3 -4 B课题知识点


1Jenny's family gathers at Grandma and Grandpa's house on Thanksgiving Day. Brian is with the family too. He felt nervous when he first came here but Jenny's family helped him a lot. Now he feels at home. He thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the lovely meal. He thanks Jenny for all of her help. He also thanks everyone for welcoming him.詹妮一家在感恩节聚在奶奶和爷爷家。布莱恩也和这家人在一起。当他第一次来这里时 他感到紧张 但詹妮一家帮了他很多。他现在感觉无拘无束。他为这顿好吃的饭菜感谢奶奶和爷爷。他感谢詹妮所有的帮助。他也感谢所有人对他的欢迎。

1.1at Grandma and Grandpa's house 在奶奶爷爷的家。

1.2 Grandma and Grandpa's house奶奶爷爷的家(房子)中,名词所有格只在后面一个 's。

1.3fell nervous感到紧张。

1.4fell at home直译:“感觉在家里”,如果更有中文范,可意译为“无拘无束”。

1.5thank sb. for (doing)sth.为(做)某事感谢某人。

1.6all of形容词性短语,“所有的;全部的”。


2The family gathering is exciting. It is a fun and lively evening with a big meal delicious desserts lots of games and good conversation. At the end they take a family photo.家庭聚会是令人兴奋的。这是个有丰盛的饭菜、美味的甜点、许多游戏和愉快的谈话的有趣而充满活力的夜晚。最后 他们拍了一张全家福。

2.1the family gathering家庭聚会。

2.2a fun and lively evening一个有趣且充满活力的夜晚。


2.4at the end最后,最终。

2.5take a family photo照一张全家福。

3Let's all get together!让我们欢聚!

3.1 get together聚在一起;在一起;聚会;是一对;开会;组织;安排;凑足(钱款)。

4celebrate one's birthday庆祝某人的生日。

5Thanksgiving Day is a time for people to express their gratitude for their friends and family. Read the following messages.感恩节是人们向他们的朋友和家人表达感激的时刻。读下面的信息。

5.1be a time for sb. to do sth.是某人干某事的时间


5.3express the/one's gratitude for sb.向某人表达感谢。


6Thanks so much for always being there and supporting me.非常感谢你总是在那里支持我。

6.1thank so much for doing sth.非常感谢干某事。

6.2so much用于修饰不可数名词,so many用于修饰可数名词。so many和so much除了都可以表示“很多、大量”之外,so much还可以表示“非常”。

6.3suppert sb./ sth.支持某人/某事。

7You are the most special person in my life. Thank you for being my friend guide and much more.你是我生命中最特别的人。感谢你成为我的朋友、引路人以及更多。

7.1the most special person最特别的人,most special是形容词special的最高级。

7.2in one's life 在某人的生命中

7.3much more后面接多音节形容词或是副词,也可以接可数名词复数或是不可数名词,more是much或是many的比较级;

①much more后可接一个不可数名词 如 much more milk;

②much more可以修饰形容词和副词 表示“更加” 如much more expensive

同类的还有far more even more still more 等;

We need much more help than you. 我们比你们需要更多的帮助。

③much more 后面不接名词时,则more本身就被看作是一个不可数名词

8On this Thanksgiving Day I wish to say thank you for loving me and caring for me.在这个感恩节 我想说谢谢你爱我和照顾我。

8.1wish ti do sth.想干某事。

8.2say thank sb. for doing sth.为做某事对某人说谢谢。

8.3care for①照顾,照料=look after/take care of;②非常喜欢。


9You are the best parents. Thanks for listening to me and trying to understand me.你们是最好的父母。感谢你们听我诉说并尽力理解我。

9.1try to do sth.努力或尽力做某事。

try doing sth.试着做某事。

9.2thank for doing sth.感谢做某事。

10Suppose you are celebrating Thanksgiving. What would you say to your parents or friends?假设你正在庆祝感恩节。你将向你的父母或朋友说什么?

10.1suppose的基本意思是“猜想;以为;假定” 但在具体的语言环境中意义不止于此 其用法如下:

①suppose that 从句 表示“猜测;假定”.

I suppose that you are right.我想你是对的.

You can suppose that A equals B.你可以假定A等于B.

②suppose 名词 / 代词 to be... 表示“认为……是……”.如:

Many people suppose him to be over 50.许多人认为他已经50多岁了.

③suppose用于祈使句中 表示“让……”.如:

Suppose we go for a swim.(= Let's go for a swim.) 让我们去游泳吧.

④be supposed to 的用法

用法一:be supposed to...其中to是动词不定式符号 不是介词 其后要跟动词原形.当be supposed to...的主语是“人” 时 意为“应该……”;“被望……” 它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等 相当于情态动词should.如:

Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car.


Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike.老师应该对所有的学生一视同仁.

用法二:当be supposed to...的主语是“物”时 它表示“本应;本该” 用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”.如:

The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用.

The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago.火车本应在半小时之前到达.

用法三:be supposed to后面接“have 过去分词”时 表示“本应该做某事而没做”.如:

You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now.现在你应该已经把作业交上来了.

He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago.他应该一小时前就到了.

用法四:be supposed to...的否定结构为be not supposed to... 它常用于口语中 意为“不被许可;不应当”.

She was not supposed to be angry about that.她本不该为那件事而生气的.

You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟.

