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中考必考词汇一共2500个(1600个中考必考核心词汇)Join one section of pipe to the next.他大学毕业后,去当兵了。job [dʒɔb] n. (一份)工作join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加,加入;连接;会合After he graduated from college he joined the army.


jacket [ˈdʒækɪt] n. 短上衣,夹克衫

January [ˈdʒænjʊərɪ; (US) ˈdʒænjʊerɪ] n. 一月

Japan [dʒæˈpæn] n. 日本

Japanese [dʒæpəˈniːz] a. 日本的,日本人的,日语的n.日本人,日语

job [dʒɔb] n. (一份)工作

join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加,加入;连接;会合

After he graduated from college he joined the army.


Join one section of pipe to the next.


join sb. 加入、会面或相见

Ask him to join us for lunch. 请他和我们一起吃午饭。

join sth. 参加(某组织)

He joined the Party last year. 他去年入的党。

join in sth. 参加(某活动)

近义词辨析:attend join take part in

attend 是指出席或参加会议、聚会、讲座等;


take part in 是参加到某项活动中。

Did you attend the meeting last Friday?


When did you join the club?


All the students take part in the party.


joke [dʒəʊk] n. 笑话

Don’t be angry. It’s just a joke. 别生气,这只不过是个玩笑。

I didn’t mean any harm. I was just joking. 我并没恶意,我不过开个玩笑。

play a joke on 开某人玩笑

It’s impolite to play a joke on others. 开别人玩笑是不礼貌的。

journey[dʒɜːnɪ] n. 旅程,旅途

juice [dʒuːs] n. 汁;液

July [dʒʊˈlaɪ] n. 七月

jump [dʒʌmp] v. 跳跃;惊起;猛扑

The children were jumping up and down with joy.

June [dʒuːn] n. 六月

just[dʒʌst] ad.a. 刚才;恰好;不过

just now 刚才
