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小学三年级记不住单词怎么办(记不住单词怎么办)Sometimes we tease my father by calling him an autocrat when he insists that the whole family must abide by his decision as if he is the only one affected. 有时父亲坚持要全家必须服从他的决定,好像事情只和人一个人有关,这时我们就戏称他为独裁者。An autocracy usually becomes a dictatorship in which the only real political power rests with one person. 独裁政权往往会变成个人专政,真正的政权只由一人掌握。During the historical period called the Roman Empire the ruling c



希腊语后缀-kratia意思为“rule统治”, 在英语中演化为词根crat,意思为“统治”。


1. aristocracy,[ˌærɪˈstɒkrəsi],n. 贵族;贵族统治。aristocrat [ˈærɪstəkræt],贵族中的一员。形容词aristocratic [ˌærɪstəˈkrætɪk],贵族的。

During the historical period called the Roman Empire the ruling class was the aristocracy or the privileged and highborn families. 历史上罗马帝国时期,统治阶级是贵族,即门第高贵的特权家族。

An aristocrat is usually elected to the House of Lords in England because he or she is a member of the wealthy upper-class. 在英国,贵族通常可以入选上议院,因为他或她是富裕的上层阶级的一员。


2. autocracy,[ɔːˈtɒkrəsi],n. 独裁政治。autocrat [ˈɔːtəkræt],独裁者。形容词autocratic [ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk],独裁的。

An autocracy usually becomes a dictatorship in which the only real political power rests with one person. 独裁政权往往会变成个人专政,真正的政权只由一人掌握。

Sometimes we tease my father by calling him an autocrat when he insists that the whole family must abide by his decision as if he is the only one affected. 有时父亲坚持要全家必须服从他的决定,好像事情只和人一个人有关,这时我们就戏称他为独裁者。


3. bureaucracy,[bjʊəˈrɒkrəsi],n. 官僚作风,官僚机构,官僚政治。bureaucrat [ˈbjʊərəkræt],官僚。形容词bureaucratic [ˌbjʊərəˈkrætɪk],官僚的。

State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative. 国家官僚体制会压抑人的进取心和积极性。

He is such a bureaucrat that I don't believe he ever has an original thought of his own. 他是十足的官僚,我不相信他还有自己的原始想法。


4. democracy,[dɪˈmɒkrəsi],n. (demo民众 cracy统治)民主,民主主义。democrat [ˈdeməkræt],民主党,民主主义者。形容词democratic [ˌdeməˈkrætɪk],民主的,大众的。

The spread of democracy in Eastern Europe appears to have had negative as well as positive consequences. 东欧民主政体的蔓延看来既有消极也有积极的影响。

补充词汇:因为demo是民众,所以有demography [dɪˈmɒɡrəfi],n. (demo民众 graph记录,即民众统治的记录)人口统计学。


5. plutocracy,[pluːˈtɒkrəsi],n. 富豪统治。

Further it will hasten the demise of China's remaining state-owned industries and the creation of a plutocracy. 再者,该法将催促中国剩余的国有资产缩水,催生财阀阶层。


6. theocracy,[θiˈɒkrəsi],n. 神政;神权政体。

I had hardly been outside my hotel and already I realized that visiting a theocracy would be a memorable experience. 我几乎没有走出酒店就已经意识到访问一个神权统治的国家一定会是一种难忘的经历。


