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only加状语置于句首的倒装句用法(状语置于句首引起的倒装句)只有当你全身心投入该研究中时 你才能得知能否按时完成.Only when you have been absorbed in the study can you reach an idea whether it is impossible or not to complete it on time.只有在这里才能看到廖廖几个警察。Only recently did linguists begin the serious study of languages that were very different from their own. 直到最近 语言学家才开始认真研究与他们自己所掌握的完全不同的语言.


副词only置于句首, 强调方式状语、 条件状语、 地点状语、 时间状语等状语时, 主句要进行部分倒装。如果被only所强调的状语为状语从句, 该状语从句不倒装, 只对主句进行倒装。例如:

Only in a big city was it possible to buy a new wheelchair.


Only here were the police visible in any strength at all


Only recently did linguists begin the serious study of languages that were very different from their own.

直到最近 语言学家才开始认真研究与他们自己所掌握的完全不同的语言.

Only when you have been absorbed in the study can you reach an idea whether it is impossible or not to complete it on time.

只有当你全身心投入该研究中时 你才能得知能否按时完成.

Only when we had studied the data again did we realize that there was a mistake.

只有当我们再次研究了这些数据的时候, 我们才意识到出了一个错。

Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end.

一些预订被取消了, 他才得以买到了几张票。

Only gradually was the byproduct of the institution noted and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.

人们只是逐渐地认识到制度这一副产品 而在运行这种制度的过程中 认识到这种效果具有指导性作用的时间则更加缓慢.

Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。

注意: 如果放于句首的only所修饰的不是状语时, 该句不用倒装。例如:

Only a minority of the people supported the Revolution.


Only John can save me. 只有约翰能够救我。

Only some of the children passed the examination. 只有几个孩子通过了考试。



[高考真题1] ____ by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its advantage over other companies.

A. Only B. Just C. still D. Yet

[解析] 放于句首的only修饰方式状语by keeping down costs时, 全句要进行部分倒装, 而just still yet都无此用法。

[高考真题2] Only in this way ____ to make improvements in the operating system.

A. you can hope B. you did hope

C. can you hope D. did you hope

[解析] only在题干中放于句首并修饰方式状语in this way, 全句应进行部分倒装。又由于该句不是介绍过去的情况而是表述现实的一种状况, 所以不应采用一般过去时, 本题应选C。

[高考真题3] ____ can you expect to get a rise.

A. With hard work B. Although work hard

C. Only with hard work D. Now that he works hard

[解析] 题干中句子的结构显然为部分倒装语序, 四个选项中只有C选项修饰方式状语with hard work的only可以引导倒装句, 因此本题应选C。

[高考真题4] Only when your identity has been checked ____. A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in

C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in

[解析] 放于句首的only修饰when引导的时间状语从句时, 主句应进行部分倒装(从句中不进行倒装)。

[高考真题5] Only then ____ how much damage had been caused.

A. she realized B. she had realized

C. had she realized D. did she realize

[解析] 放于句首的only修饰时间状语then时, 主句应进行部分倒装, 而且主句中“她意识到……”这一过去的动作对应的是“已导致损失”这一发生得更早的动作, 所以下划线应与后面宾语从句中的过去完成时相呼应, 采用一般过去时的形式, 据此可以分别排除选项A、 B和C而选出D。


答案:A C C D D
