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和平饭店餐厅预订(和平饭店北楼TheNorth)1B Ⅴ 1937年8月14日下午4时许,有飞机炸弹误砸汇中饭店屋顶角塔,而后滚下南京路,在汇中饭店和沙逊大楼之间爆炸。死伤许多人。冲击波震坏玻璃,沙逊大楼咖啡厅的两位美国中学女教师,当场身亡。 摄于1937The gate at Cathay Hotel of Nanking Road (now the North Building of Peace Hotel) was decorated with lanterns to celebrate the coronation of King George VI. This landmark hotel has historically served as a glamorous playground for the elite where night was an extravagant gala event and veritable


1B Ⅰ 建造中的沙逊大楼是写字楼、建筑综合体 板塔结合。沙逊大楼是上海建筑史上第一幢现代派建筑。图右是前英国公使巴夏礼像,面向南京路,建于1894年。图左是汇中饭店。 摄于1927年

The Sassoon House was under construction which was a complex office building with a combination of slab-style and tower structure. The Sassoon House is the first modern building in the architectural history of Shanghai. On the right of the picture was the statue of Harry Smith former British Envoy to China facing Nanking Road was erected in 1894. On the left was the the Palace Hotel. photography in 1927


1B Ⅱ 1935年4月27日,公共租界万国商团年度阅兵在跑马厅集队举行。检阅官为驻华英军司令、万国商团总司令,并由工部局总董会同阅兵,参加者总约二千六百名。阅兵结束后,英军阅兵队回驻地途中经过沙逊大楼门前。

On April 27 1935 Shanghai Volunteer Corps hold annual military parade in Race Course of International Settlement. The muster of masters were the commander of the British army in China the commander of Shanghai Volunteer Corps and the general board of directors of the Shanghai Municipal Council viewed the parade. The total number of participants was about 2600. After the parade the British parade team passed in front of the Sassoon House.


1B Ⅲ 沙逊大厦是英籍犹太商人维克多·沙逊经营的沙逊洋行房产之一。它矗立在南京路外滩的拐角处,由公和洋行设计,是一座艺术装饰风格的现代建筑。1929年建成时 一部分作沙逊洋行办公之用 一部分用来开设华懋饭店。建筑平面呈A字形,面临外滩的东部塔楼部分高12层 西部9层。 摄于 1930年

The Sassoon House was one of the properties operated by a E. D. Sassoon of British Jewish businessman Victor Shassoon. It loftily stood at the corner of Nanjing Road & the Bund designed by Palmer and Turner is a modern structure in Art Deco style. It was housed the office of the E. D. Sassoon Company and the Cathy Hotel. Completed in 1929 the building is nine stories high in west with a tower block of twelve stories at the east tip of its A-shaped plan facing the Bund. Photography in 1930


1B Ⅳ 南京路华懋饭店(今和平饭店北楼)门口张灯结彩庆贺英皇乔治六世加冕。这家地标性酒店历来是精英们的游乐场所,晚上有奢华的盛会和名副其实的时装秀。 摄于1937年5月12日

The gate at Cathay Hotel of Nanking Road (now the North Building of Peace Hotel) was decorated with lanterns to celebrate the coronation of King George VI. This landmark hotel has historically served as a glamorous playground for the elite where night was an extravagant gala event and veritable fashion show. photography in May 12 1937


1B Ⅴ 1937年8月14日下午4时许,有飞机炸弹误砸汇中饭店屋顶角塔,而后滚下南京路,在汇中饭店和沙逊大楼之间爆炸。死伤许多人。冲击波震坏玻璃,沙逊大楼咖啡厅的两位美国中学女教师,当场身亡。 摄于1937

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon on August 14 1937 an airplane bomb accidentally hit a turret on the roof of the Palace Hotel then rolled down Nanjing Road and exploded between the Palace Hotel and the Sassoon House. Many people were killed and injured. The shock wave shook the glass and two American middle school female teachers in the cafe of the Sassoon House were killed instantly. photography in 1937


1B Ⅵ 沙逊大厦是钢架结构,建筑外形简洁明朗,属近代西文建筑形式。入口门上的四国国旗和标语,以全体房客的名义,庆祝第二次世界大战的胜利。 摄于1945年

The Sassoon House is a steel- framed structure with a simple and bright appearance and a contemporary Western architectural style. Following the armistice of the Second World War four national flags and slogans were displayed near the entrance in honor of its international tenants. photographed in 1945


1B Ⅶ 1930年,沙逊大厦设立国际无线电台中央收发室和营业处,成为国际电报主要收发地。1957年1月,成立上海市电报局,设在和平饭店北楼,经营国内、国际电报通信业务。 摄于1958年

In 1930 the central transceiver room and business office of international radio station were set up in the Sassoon House which became the main sending and receiving place of international telegrams. In January 1957 Shanghai Telegraph Bureau was established which is located in the North Building of Peace Hotel and operates domestic and international telegraph and communication services. photographed in 1958


1B Ⅷ 和平饭店大楼一、二层的西半部是上海市电报局。在南立面,原来凸出的电报局招牌,改为白底红字标语:祝毛主席万寿无疆。和平饭店大楼西侧的屋顶另有一小塔是中国国旅行社上海分社。去过农村的五七干校外语导游,回到南京路66号。因为日本等国来访者增多。 摄于 1973年

The west part of the ground floor and first floor in Peace Hotel building was Shanghai Telegraph Bureau. An original telegraph office sign that protruded from the south facade was change to a red slogan in white: Wish Chairman Mao Longevity. The west roof part of Peace Hotel building was the house with a tower over the top China International Travel Service Shanghai Branch. Its foreign language guides had gone to May 7 cadre school in the countryside came back № 66 Nanjing Road as visitors from Japan and other countries had increased. Photography 1973


1B IX 架空电线,通过两条“辫子”,通电给无轨电车。1984年,和平饭店耗资五百万元进行了第一次大规模的改造,客房从170间增至220间,改善内部设施,使其满足五星级标准。大厦的主要业主是锦江国际集团,拥有饭店的部分产权,新黄浦集团拥有这栋楼办公部分的产权,分别租给电信局、荷兰银行和中国银行信用卡部。 摄于1984年

Overhead lines through two "braids" power to the trolleybus. In 1984 the first large-scale renovation of Peace Hotel was carried out at a cost of $5 million Yuan RMB. The number of guest rooms increased from 170 to 220 and the internal facilities were improved to meet the five-star standard. The main owner of the building is Jinjiang International Group which owns part of the property right of the hotel. Xinhuangpu Group owns the property right of the office part of the building which is leased to the Telecommunications Bureau ABN AMRO and the Credit Card Department of Bank of China respectively. photography in 1984


1B XI Fairmont和平饭店,原本是豪华艺术装饰的杰作,在21世纪初经过彻底改造,其传统时髦的魅力,又闪耀出新的光泽。现在,上海和平饭店还是最佳会议、婚庆和社会的最佳活动场所。 摄于2018年

Fairmont Peace Hotel had been a luxurious Art-Deco masterpiece was renovated in the 21st century where classic fashioned glamour sparkles with a new luster. It remains to be a sought after venue for meetings weddings and social events in the city. photography in 2018


1B XII 和平饭店北楼建筑面积50 270.6平方米,占地面积4 540平方米。和平饭店拥有最具特色的九国式特色套房及众多别具特色的餐厅、宴会厅、屋顶观光花园等。 摄于2021年

The North Building of Peace Hotel covers an built-up area of 50 270.6 square meters and covers land of 4 540 square meters. It has the most distinctive nine country style suites many distinctive restaurants banquet halls roof sightseeing gardens etc. photography in 2021
