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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)隐藏在茂密森林中的建筑,用传统的白墙黑瓦营造出一种外部的放松感,设计的亮点都在室内。接待空间满足了不同人群的需求,通过中间的门将接待空间一分为二,创造了连接古典与现代的空间体验。茶室被“优雅”二字所包围,另一侧的下午茶区营造出更加文艺随意的氛围。In "Garden Forging" Ji Cheng points out that "mountains and forests are the best sites for the traditional garden". The topography of the mountains and forests is diverse so the houses built here are of natural interest. Fusion designed six buildings on prime

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(1)

Fusion Design


Fusion Design advocates the use of simple art to design energetic works to create unique fun and possibilities.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(2)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(3)

基于深圳快节奏的生活,三亚希望找到一片山林,帮助大家在安静的氛围中休息和放松。这就是为什么SANYEA选择在Sjor度假村之后在这里登陆Forest Retreat的原因。根据SANYEA的核心理念,Fusion将山地和森林环境作为本次设计的第一标准。山林的广袤给了审美艺术和功能叠加更多的可能,所以在对自然的依赖中,设计了一个能满足多种体验的山居。

Based on the fast-paced life in Shenzhen SANYEA hopes to find a mountain forest to help everyone rest and relax in a quiet atmosphere. This is the reason why SANYEA chose to land Forest Retreat here after Sjor Resort. According to the core concept of SANYEA Fusion takes the mountain and forest environment as the first standard of this design. The vastness of the mountain forest gives more possibilities for aesthetic art and functional superposition so in the dependence of nature a mountain residence that can satisfy a variety of experiences is designed.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(4)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(5)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(6)


In "Garden Forging" Ji Cheng points out that "mountains and forests are the best sites for the traditional garden". The topography of the mountains and forests is diverse so the houses built here are of natural interest. Fusion designed six buildings on prime terrain. In keeping with the subtleties of Chinese culture Fusion hides the entrance door behind a winding mountain road. Pushing the door and entering the irregular installation corridor comes into view giving a unique sense of surprise.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(7)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(8)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(11)


The buildings hidden in the dense forest use traditional white walls and black tiles to create an external sense of relaxation and the highlights of the design are all given to the interior. The reception space meets the needs of different people and is divided into two by the door in the middle creating a space experience that connects classical and modern. The tea room is surrounded by the word "elegance" and the afternoon tea area on the other side creates a more literary and casual atmosphere.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(12)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(13)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(19)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(20)


The restaurant occupies a separate building. The outdoor micro-geometric wall connects the building blocks at both ends and there is only a pool of water and a tree under it for artistic imagination. The interior tends to return to daily life. The basic layout meets the various needs of diners. The square hollow wall ensures a certain degree of privacy and provides transparency.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(21)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(22)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(26)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(27)


The stair space emphasizes vitality and the rich colors like oil painting create a mottled layering. Under the illumination of the circular skylight light and shadow move freely.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(28)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(29)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(32)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(33)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(34)


The living space hidden behind the door is more low-key and calm. There are many floor-to-ceiling windows in the house which are used to obtain the healing function of the greenery in the mountains. The furnishings of the house play a supporting role here emphasizing the tasteful simplicity. The stone is thick and the wood is smooth together with the green plants echoing the temperament of the mountains and forests understated and simple yet vibrant. White cotton stools fabric sofas and vintage chairs are neatly distributed along the moving line showing their unique texture in the flow of light.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(35)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(36)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(37)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(39)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(40)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(41)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(42)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(44)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(45)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(46)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(47)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(48)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(49)


Living in the vast mountains and forests Fusion considers bringing more activities to people. In addition to the candlelight dinners and camping in the middle of the mountain Fusion uses square and round splicing to create a beautiful water in the clear mountains and designs an interesting green swimming pool. Provide more leisure options for guests who come from afar.

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(50)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(51)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(52)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(54)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(55)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(56)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(57)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(58)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(61)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(62)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(63)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(64)

fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(65)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(69)

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fusion 360工业设计(Design回归自然的隐逸设计美学)(72)

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :Design Poem

图片版权 Copyright :Fusion Design

