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方差分析如何计算(懿说学区20)方差分析的前提假定是:ANOVA also known as "ANOVA" or "F test" was first proposed by R.A. Fisher a British statistician when he made statistical analysis of agricultural experiments around 1920. Because it can effectively obtain a large amount of information from a small number of experiments it is widely used in industry commerce biology medicine and many other fields.上一期,我们学习了相关样本的非参

Yishuo School District (20) | SPSS Statistical Analysis (30) ANOVA Theory



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In the last issue we learned about the nonparametric test of related samples. Since then the content of our nonparametric test has come to an end. Next we will enter the learning life of the "Analysis of Variance" section.



ANOVA also known as "ANOVA" or "F test" was first proposed by R.A. Fisher a British statistician when he made statistical analysis of agricultural experiments around 1920. Because it can effectively obtain a large amount of information from a small number of experiments it is widely used in industry commerce biology medicine and many other fields.



  1. 各处理样本之间是随机且相互独立的。
  2. 各样本来源的总体应该服从正态分布,否则应该使用非参数检验来处理。
  3. 各样本的样本方差应该相同。

The premise assumptions of ANOVA are: 1. The processing samples are random and independent of each other. 2. The population of each sample source should obey the normal distribution otherwise it should be processed by using the nonparametric test. 3. The sample variance of each sample should be the same.


Due to the influence of various factors the data obtained from the study shows volatility. The reason for the fluctuation may be some uncontrollable random factors or controllable factors imposed in the study that affect the results. The analysis of variance starts with the variance of the observed variables and whether the different levels of the observed control variables have a significant impact on the observed variables. Analysis of variance believes that if the different levels of the control variable have a significant impact on the observed variable then it and the random variable must work together to make the value of the observed variable change significantly.



According to the number of control variables ANOVA can be divided into single factor ANOVA multi factor ANOVA and covariance analysis. According to the number of observation variables it can be divided into one-way ANOVA and multivariate ANOVA.


The analysis of variance is usually carried out as follows:



That is to test the three premises of ANOVA and then to limit the categories of control variables (that is the control variables are nominal scales or sequential scales with limited values).



There is no significant difference in the overall mean value of the observed variables at different levels of the control variable. The corresponding covariance analysis means that there is no significant difference in the overall mean value of the observed variables at different levels of the control variable after deducting the influence of covariates.



For the mathematical models of different analysis methods calculate the sum of squares mean square and test statistics (F).



If the significance probability P value corresponding to F value is less than the preset significance level α, Then the original hypothesis is rejected and it is considered that there is a significant difference in the average value of each population under different levels of control variables; On the contrary it is considered that there is no significant difference between the overall mean values of different levels of control variables.





Preview of the next issue: In this issue we learned the theoretical knowledge of ANOVA. In the next issue we will learn the theory and examples of one-way ANOVA.






That's all for today's sharing. If you have unique ideas about today's article please leave us a message. Let's meet tomorrow. I wish you a happy day today!

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参考资料:百度百科,《SPSS 23 统计分析实用教程》


