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爱很奇怪明明什么都介意(爱很奇怪什么都介意)如果我的爱情回忆在化为一份记录性书写时,有任何的意义,那便是希望每个读着这些故事的男孩女孩,都能从中获得一点点,相爱的勇气。 If my love memories have any significance when they are turned into a record writing it is hoped that every boy and girl who reads these stories can get a little courage to love from them.想太多,其实是折磨自己,身体累垮了不说,心都累坏了,想多了,愿望就变成了欲望,一辈子都在想出人头地,爱情的路上,总是指望有人爱你如命,疼你入骨,在欲望的驱使下,迷失了自己,兜兜转转,连自己都找不到了。 Thinking too much is actually tormenting yourse

死亡离我们是如些的近距离,那么真切,不是小说和电影,而是每日在身边真实的上演。爱情和青春在死亡面前是如此的脆弱,不堪一击。 Death is so close to us that it is not a novel or a movie but a real performance around us every day. Love and youth are so fragile in the face of death.


爱情不过是冰凉的火焰,照亮一个人深处的疤痕后兀自熄灭 Love is just a cold flame which lights up a person's deep scar and then extinguishes


美好的爱情就是一个臭不要脸一个假装矜持,千万不要等到臭不要脸的那个走了,假装矜持的那个才哭了。 A good love is a shameless one who pretends to be reserved. Don't wait until the shameless one leaves and the one who pretends to be reserved will cry.


爱很奇怪,什么都介意,最后又什么都能原谅;就像泰戈尔说的:眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。 Love is very strange I care about everything and finally I can forgive everything; As Tagore said: the eyes are raining for her but the heart is holding an umbrella for her. This is love.


如果我的爱情回忆在化为一份记录性书写时,有任何的意义,那便是希望每个读着这些故事的男孩女孩,都能从中获得一点点,相爱的勇气。 If my love memories have any significance when they are turned into a record writing it is hoped that every boy and girl who reads these stories can get a little courage to love from them.


想太多,其实是折磨自己,身体累垮了不说,心都累坏了,想多了,愿望就变成了欲望,一辈子都在想出人头地,爱情的路上,总是指望有人爱你如命,疼你入骨,在欲望的驱使下,迷失了自己,兜兜转转,连自己都找不到了。 Thinking too much is actually tormenting yourself. Your body is exhausted but your heart is exhausted. If you think too much your desire becomes your desire. You spend your whole life trying to get ahead. On the road of love you always expect someone to love you as much as your life and hurt you to the bone. Driven by your desire you lose yourself. You can't even find yourself.


