《疯狂动物城》也就是《Zootopia》的电影陪着女儿看了10遍以上,迪士尼的原著基本上是旁白 电影剧本,除一些细节外,基本上和电影的台词都一致。不论是电影版还是原著,都给人激励和温暖。其中的一些表达之前做过总结,今天对其中的典型表达,尤其是生活中可能用到的表达(或者鸡汤)进行汇总,欢迎收藏哦。
- I don't know when to quit. 我绝不放弃!
- It is my great privilege to officially assign you to the heart of Zootopia: Precinct One City Center. 我非常荣幸地……
- The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. 经典鸡汤
- He cheats like there's no tomorrow. 他骗人脸不红心不跳。
- Everyone wins! 大家都满意了!
- She pulled out her phone and clicked on some music feeling like her life was about to begin. 掏出手机、播放音乐等日常操作的表达。
- It was a far cry from Bunnyburrow!天壤之别
- She looked down at her phone and checked her maps app to figure out which way to go. 低头看手机,点开地图导航的日常操作的表达。
- At the sound of her moring alarm Judy sprang out of bed. 一听到闹钟响,一下蹦起来的生动表达。
- I should get to roll call. 我该去报到了。
- Everyone instantly fell in line and started stomping on the floor.大家立即站成一队,在地板上跺了一下脚;(排队、跺脚)
- City Hell is right up my tail to solve them. 追着、催着的表达
- Sporting her traffic-enforement hat and a bright-orange vest Judy climbed into her parking cart buckled up and put on her shades. 系上安全带、带上墨镜的表达
- She crossed the road and peeked in through the window. 偷看
- He was nowhere to be seen. 他不见了的一种表达
- Judy muttered to herself as she turned to leave. 喃喃自语
- Who the heck am I to crush the little guy's dreams?我怎么忍心粉碎这个小家伙的梦想呢?
- We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. So beat it. 我们保留……的权利
- Then she walked off with a spring in her step. 一蹦一跳的走开。
- Her eyes nearly fell out of her head when she saw Nick's little son get into the driver's seat! 吃惊1
- In an instant the frozen desserts were completely sold out! 瞬间秒光的表达。
- Judy was having trouble believing her eyes. 吃惊2
- "Red. Wood."with a space in the middle. 停顿
- My bad. 很抱歉
- A passing rhino almost pushed her down knocking her out of her thoughts. 从思绪中回到现实
- No one tells me what I can or can't be! 我的人生我做主。
- You can only be what you are. 你只能做你自己
- She sighed in dismay. 失落
- Judy dragged her cement-covered paws across the welcome mat outside her apartment before going in. 家家户户进门的脚垫:welcome mat ;
- Once it was done she peeled open the cover revealing a single shriveled carrot. 打开盖、剥掉外皮的说法:peeled open the cover
- It was her parents calling for a video chat. 视频通话的表达
- She shook head sighed and forced a smile before answering. 很多在帝都魔都等大城市飘着的,都有这种时候,所以留下了这句。
- Our prayers have been answered! 达成目的,可以选择的一种表达。
- Exhausted,Judy settled in for the night wondering what tomorrow would bring. “明天会怎样”的一种表达,而且也是打工人夜晚的状态。
- Stop in the name of the law! 以XX的名义;
- Out of corner of her eye Judy noticed that the weasel was about to get away. “用眼角的余光”的一种表达法,eye是单数;
- I popped the weasel! 逮捕、抓住的一种表达。
- Hate to disagree with you sir but ……挺有礼貌的一种驳斥说法
- Life is not some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and your insipid dreams magically come true. So let it go. 鸡汤文,或者说毒鸡汤文,不过是挺不错的表达。
- She kept going on about her concern over Mr. Otterton's disappearance. 为……而担忧的表达,比之前一些表达,感觉更高级哈哈。
- The Mammal Inclusion Initiative is really paying off! “很成功、成功了”的一种表达。
- Mayor Lionheart is just going to be so jazzed!原来还有“激动、兴奋”的含义。
- Good one Just call me if you ever need anything.说得好可以用Good one,或者真有意思,也可以。后面是一句可以常用的表达。
- Judy opened the folder and her jaw dropped. 吃惊3
- I hope you didn't stake your career on cracking this one. 在……上打赌,把赌注押在……上面;
- Time is money so hop along!前半句是名句,也是现金很多人的价值观;后半句,翻译为“赶紧走”,日常多是单脚跳着走,如:He had hurt his foot and had to hop along.
- She slapped a parking boot onto the wheel of the stroller locking it in place.boot 汽车枷锁;parking booth 停车收费处;parking lot 停车场;
- Felony tax evasion. 偷税漏税的表达。
- Finnick slapped his ZPD badge sticker on Nick. "Have fun working with the fuzz!" 祝做XX愉快的表达,挺实用的表达。
- It's not exactly a place for a cute little bunny. 并不,根本不,未必就
- We're in a really big hurry. “我们真的很着急”的比较地道的表达。
- Judy was losing her mind.不耐烦,失去理智的表达;同样的表达有:"lose one's head"/"lose one's marbles";
- I will bet you don't have a warrant to get in. “我敢肯定”的一种表达。
- Does seeing me fail somehow make you feel better about your own sad miserable life?挺好的句子,适合职场怼人。
- Judy rolled her eyes. 常用语:翻白眼。
- How did you repay my generosity? 关于报答的表达方式。还有一种可以是:pay back
- You have done me a great service. “帮了个大忙”的表达方式。
- My child we may be evolved but deep down we are still animals.说到底、实际上的一种表达;
- The chain lock prevented the door from opening all the way. 一直,始终的一种表达
- Judy had cuffed him to a metal post. 铐
- I can tell you're tense so I'm just gonna give you a little personal space. 我看得出你很紧张,给你点私人空间 的表达,挺常用。
- No wonder she needed to get help from a fox. 难怪……的表达方式。
- She couldn't believe he was sticking up for her. 维护、辩护、为谁说话。
- Never let them see that they get to you. 鸡汤:千万别让他们看出他们能影响到你。
- I was small and emotionally unbalanced like you once. 劝人的鸡汤金句。
- If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy there's no point trying to be anything else. 挺好的背诵句。
- Clear my afternoon. 职场常用。但也不常用哈哈,因为不可能。一般是老板用。
- Nick and Judy shared a smile. 相视一笑的表达。
- I'm more of a glorified secretary. 我更像是……的表达方式, 荣誉XX的表达方式。
- While we're young. 这里不是传统意思:趁我们年轻,而是让“快点!”
- Bet you a nickel…… 我赌五分钱……
- All we've gotta do is find out where they went. 注意时态。
- Spare me. 饶了我吧的表达。
- You have the right to remain silent 你有权保持沉默
- Funny you should say that…because I've been thinking. 敷衍回答的不错的表达
- She eager to put an end to the questions. 试图结束……
- Just when I thought somebody actually beliveved in me. 我本以为
- Judy had broken their friendship and she didn't know how to fix it.
- As he walked away he took off the sticker badge crumple it up and tossed it into the trash. 摘下来、捏成一团、扔到垃圾桶的日常表达。
- We don't just blindly assign blame. 我们不要胡乱指责。
- It is irresponsible to label all predators as savages. 给XX贴标签。
- We cannot let fear divide us. 我们不能让恐惧离间我们。
- She rode the subway on her way into work. 太常用了。
- That's why I want you to be the public face of the ZPD. 形象代言人
- You 're a hero to them. 你是他们的英雄
- Don't give yourself so much credit. 别太自责。
- The world has always been broken. 世界总是不完美。
- You've always been a trier. 你一直是一个用于尝试的人。
- Speak of the devil. 说曹操曹操就到。
- We'd never have considered it had you not opened our minds.职场上吹捧领导可以用的句子。
- I had a lot of self-doubt that manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and agression. 自责可用表达1。
- I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded.自责可用表达2.
- Judy's eyes welled up with tears. 眼中满是泪水的表达。
- She put her arms around Nick and hugged him tightly.张开双臂拥抱。
- Judy found he standing on a street corner selling randon junk. 假货。
- Just watch it. Doug ain't exactly friendly. 小心点……
- He has cornered the market on night howlers. 垄断市场
- He loaded the pellet into his gun and cocked it. 上膛、扣上扳机。
- It would take a miracle to …… 只有奇迹发生才能……
- A split second before the trains crashed into each other. 一瞬间
- She was the one behind this from the very beginning. 从一开始 幕后人物
- I can frame you it's my word against yours. 嫁祸 我说话比你有分量。
- Do the wrong thing for the right reason. 好心办坏事。
- When I was a kid I thought Zootopia was this perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. Turns out real life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. 事实证明,真实生活更复杂。
- Real life is messy. We all have limitations. 真实世界有点混乱 我们都有局限。
- We all make mistakes glass half full. 看开点,乐观的。
- We all have a lot in common. 共同点。
- The more we try to understand one another the more exceptional each of us will be. 很好的开会鸡汤。
- Try to make the world better. Try to look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you. 开会鸡汤2
- Judy slammed on the brakes causing Nick to lurch forward. 猛踩刹车,身子向前倾。