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theland是可数还是不可数(ploughthesand)你犯了一个错误,现在是你弥补错误的时候了。不要试图白费力气来推卸责任。You made a mistake and it's time for you to make up to it. Don't try to pass the buck by ploughing the sands. 那张沙发永远也上不了台阶--告诉他们不要再白费力了!"。Why don't you stop ploughing the sands? We've already missed the flight. It's no use getting out in a hurry. 为什么你不停止白费力呢?我们已经错过了航班,出去这么匆忙是没有用的。

大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——plough the sand 这个短语的含义不是指“用犁耕沙地”,其正确的含义是:

plough the sand 白费力

I know that I'm just ploughing the sands by telling you to stay away from that boy but I'm your father and I don't want to see you get hurt.


That couch will never fit up the steps—tell them to stop ploughing the sands!


Why don't you stop ploughing the sands? We've already missed the flight. It's no use getting out in a hurry.


You made a mistake and it's time for you to make up to it. Don't try to pass the buck by ploughing the sands.


