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商务英语信函报盘范文(商务英语写作内部信函Internal)I attach my reply to Mr Lim from which you will see I’ve offered him a complimentary one week’s holiday for two at any Orchid hotel. I asked him to contact you soon regarding a suitable Date. Dear John Thanks for your call this morning to discuss Mark Lim’s complaint about his visit to Penang Orchid. From your enquiries it seems obvious that conditions were far from satisfactory.


1. 电话沟通之后跟进的内部信函Internal message following up a phone call

Subject: Penang Orchid complaint by Mark Lim- January 10th-16th

Dear John

Thanks for your call this morning to discuss Mark Lim’s complaint about his visit to Penang Orchid. From your enquiries it seems obvious that conditions were far from satisfactory.

I attach my reply to Mr Lim from which you will see I’ve offered him a complimentary one week’s holiday for two at any Orchid hotel. I asked him to contact you soon regarding a suitable Date.

When you visit the Penang Orchid next week please give this matter top priority. Please prepare a detailed report with your recommendations for immediate improvements. Our next regional meeting is on February 28th so I would like your report by February 26th to discuss at the meeting.

Thanks for your help.


2. 关于逾期账户的备忘录Memo regarding overdue account


To: Frank Gates Financial Director

From: Michelle Long Credit Manager

Date: 24 March 2020

Subject: Overdue account- Carter & Co

Carter & Co have an overdue account with us for ₤25 430 despite three reminder letters over the past few weeks.

At this stage I would normally suggest that you put the matter into our solicitor’s hands to recover the debt. However I know you are friend of Carter’s Managing director so I wondered if you might wish to write to him to obtain payment of this debt.

Full details are enclosed for your reference.

Please let me know what you decide.

Many thanks


3. 致全体员工的备忘录Memo to all staff


To: All Staff

From: Anna Vincent General Manager

Date: 22 June 2020

Subject: Emergency Contact Numbers

On several occasions recently there have been some emergencies when it was necessary to contact employees’ families. Sometimes it has been very difficult to obtain contact details quickly.

I feel it’s important to compile an up-to-date list of contact names and telephone numbers. Please contact Marian Jenner Personnel Administrator and let her have at least one name and telephone number (work or home) of someone who we can contact in an emergency.

This information will of course be kept confidential.

Many thanks

4. 语气需委婉的一封信函An internal message that requires good tone

Subject: Lunch hours

As you know lunch breaks are scheduled for one hour from 12:00 to 13:00.

Unfortunately some staff have been extending this one-hour break and this has caused a lot of inconvenience for others.

I realize there will be times when you may need a longer lunch break. On such occasions please ensure appropriate cover in advance.

I am sure you understand the importance of keeping to our allocated working hours.

Thank you very much for your co-operation.
