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情人节必须送红色玫瑰吗(情人节为什么要送红玫瑰)Properly dramatic but the ascent of red roses as a romantic gift really grew in 19th-century England when the idea of assigning meaning to different varieties of flowers grew. For those wishing to communicate their romantic interest in a potential mate that meant sending floral bouquets.据《读者文摘》介绍,红玫瑰和爱情的关联源于希腊传说。民俗学者萨拉·克莱托博士说道:“一些传说中讲到,希腊女神阿芙洛狄特被一株白玫瑰的刺划伤了,从而诞生出第一朵红玫瑰。还有一些版本的说法是,第一朵红玫瑰是在阿芙洛狄特的眼




For people in satisfying and committed relationships—or at least pretending to be—there’s Valentine’s Day a holiday in which romance comes with a price tag attached and warm feelings are represented by a fresh bouquet of red roses.


But why roses? And why red? How did they come to be synonymous with Valentine’s Day?


According to Reader’s Digest red roses became entangled with love in Greek lore. “Some stories say that the first red rose was created when the Greek goddess Aphrodite was scratched by a white rose’s thorn causing that rose to turn red ” folklorist Sara Cleto PhD told the outlet. “Others say that the first red rose grew on the ground where Adonis Aphrodite’s lover died and the goddess’s tears fell.”


Properly dramatic but the ascent of red roses as a romantic gift really grew in 19th-century England when the idea of assigning meaning to different varieties of flowers grew. For those wishing to communicate their romantic interest in a potential mate that meant sending floral bouquets.


Red roses in particular began to have connotations with love because at the time red dye was expensive and seen as a luxury. That a red rose provided similar visual appeal made it seem special.


Practically speaking the idea has endured because unlike other flowers red roses tolerate transportation pretty well. They’re a good blend of aesthetics and hardiness two good traits for flowers that need to be portable as well as striking.


Roses are of course expensive and if you’re more into the sentiment than the cash layout you can find other ideas that can express your affection without contributing to the floral industry.


英文来源:Mental Floss


