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自制杏仁露一周喝几次合适(囧研究压力大咋舒缓)Tests showed that a combination of light and smell was more effective at boosting mood than light or smell on its own — and best of all it only took 15 minutes to create that change.测试表明比起单独的光线或是气味,将光线与气味结合在提升情绪方面更为有效——最重要的是,这一转变仅需15分钟。You simply sit back relax allow the therapist to position the lamp correctly and load up your chosen capsule. Then breathe for 15 minutes.你要做的只是静坐、放松,让理疗师来调整灯光位置


The bright light plays across my closed eyelids and as I breathe in a tangy waft of citrus fills my nostrils.明亮的光线划过我紧闭的双眼,借着我深吸了一口气,一股沁人心脾的柑橘香味飘进了我的鼻腔。

But far from lounging under a Mediterranean sun surrounded by lemon trees I’m in a medispa in London’s Belgravia trying out the latest 15-minute therapy for stressed-out execs who want a quick reboot.但我可不是悠闲地躺在地中海的日光下,身边是成群的柠檬树,而只是在伦敦贝尔格莱威亚的一家温泉会所里尝试最新的15分钟放松舒缓疗法而已,希冀能够让自己重新振作起来。

It combines the sort of light stimulation used by lamps shown to alleviate SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder — seasonal depression thought to be caused by lack of exposure to sunlight) with aromas scientifically proven to have an effect on the mind and body — a cross between light therapy and clinical aromatherapy.这种疗法将用来减缓“季节性情感障碍”(可能是忧郁缺少光照而引起的季节性的忧郁)的灯发出的光线刺激与芳香科学结合,且确实被证实有益身心——光线疗法与临床芳香疗法的相遇。

Research established that three smells seem to have a measurable impact on how people feel and behave. ‘Lavender contains a natural anaesthetic called linalool which is why it has a reputation for being relaxing ’ he says. ‘Citrus scents have anti-depressive effects and mint has been shown to enhance sports performance.’研究表明有三种气味能够在很大程度上影响人的感受以及行为。“薰衣草含有一种名为芳樟醇天然麻醉成分,这也就是其能够以使人放松而闻名的原因。柑橘类的芳香能够起到抗抑郁的作用。而薄荷则被证实能够提升运动表现。”

Tests showed that a combination of light and smell was more effective at boosting mood than light or smell on its own — and best of all it only took 15 minutes to create that change.测试表明比起单独的光线或是气味,将光线与气味结合在提升情绪方面更为有效——最重要的是,这一转变仅需15分钟。

You simply sit back relax allow the therapist to position the lamp correctly and load up your chosen capsule. Then breathe for 15 minutes.你要做的只是静坐、放松,让理疗师来调整灯光位置并装上你选择的胶囊。然后就深呼吸15分钟吧。

