快捷搜索:  汽车  科技


中考英语专项名词笔记(中考英语重点单词专项练习)16. cost ___________ 17. cough_________18. Could ___________13. collect _________ 14. company ________ 15. copy __________4. careful ________ 5. certain _________ 6. chance _________7. child __________ 8. choose __________ 9. clearly __________10. climb _________ 11. close ___________ 12. coin ____________



一. 写出这些单词的汉语意义。

1. cake_________ 2. came __________ 3. capital_________

4. careful ________ 5. certain _________ 6. chance _________

7. child __________ 8. choose __________ 9. clearly __________

10. climb _________ 11. close ___________ 12. coin ____________

13. collect _________ 14. company ________ 15. copy __________

16. cost ___________ 17. cough_________18. Could ___________

19. cross ___________

二. 按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。

1. cake ___________(复数形式)

2. came _______(第三人称单数形式)

3. careful __________(改为副词)

4. certain_________(改为副词)

5. child ____________(复数形式)

6. choose_________(过去式)_________(过去分词)


8. close _________(现在分词)

9. collect ___________(改为名词)

10. company_________(复数形式)

11. cost ____________(过去式) ___________(过去分词)

12. cough __________(第三人称单数形式)

13. could___________(动词原形)

14. cross___________(现在分词)___________(第三人称单数形式)

三. 根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。

1. Here are two _______(cake) . You can eat either of them.

2. Did you _______(come) to Jim’s birthday party?

3. Some country had two ________(capital) .

4. He is a _________(care) man and he does everything very _______(careful).

5. I’m _________(certainly) I will be there for the Olympic Games in 2008.

6. After school many ________ (child) are playing in the ground.

7. Mr. Smith _________(choose) to be an engineer after he graduated from the college.

8. We can see the highest building ________(clear) in a long distance.

9. _______(climb) the high mountain is not easy for everyone.

10. We should _______ (close) the factory because it polluted the river.

11. He likes________ (collect) and he has many kinds of _______ (coin) .

12. There are many ________(company) on each side of the street.

13. I don’t like my friend who _______(copy) everything I do.

14. That coat ________ (cost) me 2 000yuan.

15. I have had a bad _______(cough) and ________(cough) day and night. _______(can) you help me do the chores?

四. 根据短文意思及首字母,写出合乎句意的单词。

When we talk about the food we always think of the food in Beijing C______(1) of China. There are many kinds of favorite foods there. They are all delicious especially c______(2). If you have a c______(3) to c_______(4) to Beijing. I think you’re c_______(5) to taste them.

The workers usually c__________(6) good materials before they make them. Then they make them c__________(7). Each kind of Beijing cakes is original and it doesn’t c______(8) others. But the cakes are very cheap and they can’t c________(9) you much money. Some even cost you a few c_______(10). Many old people and c_________(11) like Beijing Cakes very much.. So every morning you c________(12) see many people c_________(13) the street to buy them. Some of them eat them in the restaurant others take them away in a paper bag.



一. 1. 蛋糕、糕; 2. 来; 3. 省会、首都;4. 小心的、细心的;5. 确实的、无疑的;6. 机会、机遇;7. 小孩;8. 选择;9. 清楚地、明显地;10. 攀登、爬;11. 关闭;12. 钱币、硬币;13. 收集、搜集;14. 公司;15. 复制、抄袭;16. 价值、花;17. 咳嗽;18. 能、会、可以;19. 穿过、横过、越过

二. 1. cakes; 2. comes; 3. carefully; 4. certainly; 5. children; 6. chose; chosen; 7. climbing; 8. closing; 9. collection; 10. companies; 11. cost; cost; 12. coughs; 13. can; 14. crossing; crosses

三. 1. cakes; 2. come ; 3. capitals; 4. careful; carefully; 5. certain; 6. children; 7. chose; 8. clearly; 9. Climbing; 10. close; 11. colleciong; coins; 12. companies; 13. copies; 14. cost; 15. cough; cough; Could

四. 1. Capital. 2. cakes; 3. chance; 4. come; 5. certain; 6. choose; 7. carefully; 8. copy; 9. cost; 10. coins; 11. children; 12. could; 13.crossing
