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世界第一份养老商业保险(每日一词商业养老保险)【相关词汇】——2017年10月18日,在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告【重要讲话】按照兜底线、织密网、建机制的要求,全面建成覆盖全民、城乡统筹、权责清晰、保障适度、可持续的多层次社会保障体系。全面实施全民参保计划。We will act on the policy requirements to help those most in need to build a tightly woven safety net and to build the necessary institutions as we work to develop a sustainable multi-tiered social security system that covers the entire population in both urban and rural areas with c

12月30日召开的国务院常务会议提出,要积极发展社会服务领域商业保险,为更有力应对老龄化提供支撑,满足群众其他保险保障需求。会议提出,加快发展商业养老保险,优化养老保险结构。China will actively promote the development of commercial insurance in social services to provide stronger support for the aging population and cater to public demands for other types of insurances the State Council's executive meeting decided on Monday. It was agreed at the meeting that commercial endowment insurance will be developed at a faster pace and the overall pension insurance structure will be refined.







We will act on the policy requirements to help those most in need to build a tightly woven safety net and to build the necessary institutions as we work to develop a sustainable multi-tiered social security system that covers the entire population in both urban and rural areas with clearly defined rights and responsibilities and support that hits the right level. We will work to see that everyone has access to social security.



社区养老 community-based elderly care

社会保障体系social security system

基本养老保险制度basic pension schemes

