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请查madeof和madefrom意思区别(madeof与madefrom等短语解析)She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.当我们谈论某物的基本材料或质量时,我们使用made of。它的意思类似于“由……组成”,这种材料一般肉眼能看出来,只是物理形态发生变化,化学成分并没有改变。The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks.They sailed on a raft made from bamboo.Made of

Made from made of made out of made with四个词组的用法

Made from

当我们谈论某物是如何制造的时候,我们经常使用made from,这种材料一般是肉眼未必能识别出的,化学成分可能有改变

Plastic is made from oil.

The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks.

They sailed on a raft made from bamboo.


Made of

当我们谈论某物的基本材料或质量时,我们使用made of。它的意思类似于“由……组成”,这种材料一般肉眼能看出来,只是物理形态发生变化,化学成分并没有改变。

She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.

My cabin was made of logs.

Her dress was made of a light floaty material.


What’s this table made of?


It’s oak American white oak.


It’s lovely.

Made out of

当我们谈论某物从一件东西变成另一件东西时,通常用made out of,或某物以一种不寻常的或令人惊讶的方式由另一物制成,也通常用made out of。

In the 1970s it was popular to have candle-holders made out of wine bottles.

They were living in tents made out of old plastic sheets.

She was wearing a hat made out of plastic bags.

The plates were made out of solid gold.

Made with

我们最常使用made with来谈论食物和饮料的成分

This dish is made with beef red peppers and herbs.

Is sushi always made with raw fish or do the Japanese use cooked fish too?
