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格林 狼叔变身 老黑(吴与小伙伴们大战突变狼)

格林 狼叔变身 老黑(吴与小伙伴们大战突变狼)无论接下来会发生什么,萌萌的吴警官翻身做主角啦,那么一定会很有趣的!毫无疑问的,格林迷们都迫不及待的想知道接下来又会有怎样扑朔迷离的故事发生。在接下来的故事中,可怜的吴受了伤。在本集的最后,剧组给所有的格林迷留下了一个大大的悬念。据我们现在所知,吴警官在战斗中被抓伤了,而在满月夜下,吴警官在睡梦中满头大汗,似乎将要变身为......“吴小狼(Wuwolf)”?事实证明,此次事件只是那只诡异的杀人怪的“开胃菜”。在一些剧透中,有大量的细节指向了这个问题——吴警官所陷入的麻烦的根源。随着Nick (David Giuntoli)和Hank (Russell Hornsby) 的调查深入,他们当即怀疑上了声称自己被狗攻击了的商人。此外,相似于“Psycho”(一个男孩与母亲的电影),他似乎特别眷恋他的母亲,特别是涉及到他们晚上能否待在家里的问题。Monroe (Silas Weir Mitche

格林 狼叔变身 老黑(吴与小伙伴们大战突变狼)(1)


在第五季中,吴警官(Reggie Lee)一直热情,幽默而无私的为NBC这部魔幻剧奉献着。然而现在看来,他或许将小施拳脚。


格林 狼叔变身 老黑(吴与小伙伴们大战突变狼)(2)



格林 狼叔变身 老黑(吴与小伙伴们大战突变狼)(3)

随着Nick (David Giuntoli)和Hank (Russell Hornsby) 的调查深入,他们当即怀疑上了声称自己被狗攻击了的商人。此外,相似于“Psycho”(一个男孩与母亲的电影),他似乎特别眷恋他的母亲,特别是涉及到他们晚上能否待在家里的问题。

Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)确信他们的疑犯是突变狼——携带一种特殊疾病的狼人。但是最终,他们发现他们将时间浪费在了错误的疑犯身上——因为将在夜里转化并发狂的突变狼是疑犯的妈妈。


格林 狼叔变身 老黑(吴与小伙伴们大战突变狼)(4)


For five seasons Reggie Lee’s Sgt. Wu has provided heart humor and humanity to the NBC creature drama. Now it seems he’s about to start showing some teeth.

In the March 25 episode entitled “Lycanthropia ” the gang are on the scent of a suspicious businessman who seems to disappear whenever there’s a full moon — leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. The episode does a solid job of toying with your expectations and the werewolf-like Lycanthropes might just end up haunting your dreams tonight.

As it turns out the hairy homicidal monster is just the beginning. Read on for some spoiler-heavy details about the mother of a problem that Wu now finds himself in.

As Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) take the lead with the investigation they are immediately suspicious of the curt businessman who claims to have been attacked by a dog. In a “Psycho”-like aside he seems pretty obsessed with his mother — especially when it comes to them both being indoors after dark.

Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) is convinced that they are dealing with Lycanthropia which is a werewolf-like infection among Wesen. But as the gang eventually figure out they’ve spent all this time examining the wrong person — because it’s his mother who has been transforming and feasting after dark.

In the action that follows poor Wu takes some damage. At the end of the episode in a big tease that will leave “Grimm” fans breathless until the next episode we can see that Wu was scratched during the confrontation. As a full moon lingers overhead we can see Wu in bed sweating profusely and looking as though he’s about to turn into a … wait for it … Wuwolf?

Whatever happens next it will be fun to watch the beloved Reggie Lee get a plotline central to him. Without a doubt “Grimm” fans will be eager to watch as things are getting increasingly hairy.
