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中考英语情态动词练习题(中考英语语法笔记)may---mustn’t ; can---can’t ; must---needn’t--No you needn’t. / don’t have to.1.--May I do sth.? --No you mustn’t.2.--Can I do sth.? --No you can’t.3.--Must I do sth.?


情态动词可以理解为表达情感和态度的词,所以表达“情态”,就要用到咱们常见的情态动词can / could /may / must / will / would / shall / should / dare/ need / had better / used to等,下面我们一起复习一下吧!


01 can/may/must的否定回答


1.--May I do sth.? --No you mustn’t.

2.--Can I do sth.? --No you can’t.

3.--Must I do sth.?

--No you needn’t. / don’t have to.

may---mustn’t ; can---can’t ; must---needn’t

02 重点情态动词的用法




No.1 can/could

①表能力 意为“能;会”; can't意为“不能;不会”

can/could=be able to【将来时和完成时只能用be able to】

be able to 用于表示经过努力而成功地办成某事,相当于succeed in/manage to do 此时不能can.

e.g.His mother couldn’tafford to pay for her child’s education.

=His mother wasn’t able toafford to pay for her child’s education.

②表请求允许 意为“可以” 此时could比can语气更委婉 更客气 不要理解为是can的过去式。

could一般用于疑问句中 回答时可用can.礼貌用语“Could you please...”中的please可以放在句尾。

e.g.--Could you please take out the rubbish?--Yes sure.(=Yes I can.)

e.g.--Could we get something to drink after movie?--No you can’t.

③表示可能性 常用于疑问句和否定句中,指“某事是否是事实”。【简单了解】

e.g.Can the story be true?这个故事可能是真的吗?

④表推测,多用于否定推测,can’t be/couldn't be一定不是,此时could不表示时态,只表示可能性比can小。即can>could(可能性)

e.g.What she says can’t be true.她说的一定不是真的【肯定推测What she says must be true.】


肯定推测:must be(状态)/must do(动作)

[must be doing对正在进行或将来的推测]

否定推测:can’t be[can’t be doing]


肯定推测:must have done

否定推测:can’t have done/couldn’t have done(可能性小)

⑤can not could not与比较级连用,表示最高级的含义。

e.g.I can’t agree with you more.我非常同意你的看法。


can’t stand it (to do sth.)不能容忍...【=I can’t bear it=I can’t put up with it.】

can’t afford to do sth.不能承受....

e.g.We can’t afford towait any longer to take action!

can’t help doing sth.情不自禁做...can’t help to do sth.不能帮助做...

e.g.She can’t help toclean the house because she’s busy making a cake.

e.g.I couldn’t help crying when I saw him at the airport.

can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做...

e.g.My sister can’t wait to go camping with her family.

as...as 主语 can/could尽可能...

e.g.You should speak English as much as you can.

can not...too.../enough怎么做都不过分

e.g.You cannot be too careful.你越仔细越好。

No.2 may


e.g.May I take your order?

②表推测:may>might could>might(可能性比较)

注意 may be &maybe 区别

e.g.All of these birthday foods may bedifferent but the ideas are the same.【may (be)为情态动词】

e.g.maybetheir ideas are the same.【maybe为副词=perhaps】

e.g.He was really worried about that his coach might kick him off the team.


e.g.I can take a bus to school but I may walk tomorrow.

③表示祝愿May 主语 动词原形 【一般了解】

e.g.May all your dreams come true.愿你梦想成真。

④may/might as well 动词原形 意为“还是...好,最好”【一般了解】

e.g.We may as well stay where we are.我们还是留在现在的地方为好。

No.3 must


e.g.We must be on time for class.

e.g.We must not take photos in the museum.

e.g.--Must I finish my homework now?--No you needn’t./No you don’t have to.【否定回答是考点】

③must&have to区别

e.g.Jim must work hard at English this term.【must侧重说话人的主观意志】

e.g.I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.【have/has to 侧重客观需要】

e.g.Willwehave tomove to other planets?

have/has to可用于多个时态如had to/will have to等

No.4 shall/should



e.g.She said she should not let her mum down.

②表义务,责任,意为“应该,应当”=ought to= be supposed to【should侧重主观性】

ought to意为“应该,应当”,表示责任、义务、劝告时语气比should强 侧重客观性

否定ought not to/oughtn’t

e.g.Humans ought to stop polluting nature.【责任】

③表建议,意为“应该”>had better【建议的程度】

e.g.Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.


e.g.He should be home at the moment.【简单了解】

⑤should have done“过去本该做而没有做”【简单了解】=ought to have done

e.g.You should have finished your homework yesterday but you didn’t.



e.g.I shall not let you down mum.


e.g.Shall we go fishing this week?


e.g.You shall be fined if you park your car here.


e.g.Students shall wear school uniforms on weekdays.


e.g.You shall stay here with us this time.

No.5 will/would


①表意愿 决心,意为“要,愿意”

e.g.I will help you at any time.


e.g.--Please remember to take an umbrella with you.--OK I will.

e.g.--Never touch my books while I am away.

--I won’t.


e.g.Will you please turn down the TV?【请求】

④反义疑问句(祈使句) Come here tomorrow will you?



e.g.Would you tell me the way to the airport?

e.g.--Would you like to have a cup of tea?

--Yes I’d love to./No thanks.

②would rather do sth. (than do)宁愿做...

e.g.I would rather stay here (than go out).

No.6 need

①意为“需要”,否定needn't 意为“不必”=don’t/doesn’t/didn’t have to

②作为实义动词时,否定don’t / doesn’t need to

need to do sth.需要做某事 【主动】

e.g.You need to eat more vegetables.

need doing sth.=need to be done【被动】

e.g.Those flowers need watering.

③in need= in trouble 在困难的时候

④There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.没有必要做某事

e.g.There is no need for us to tell her the news.

No.7 dare

①情态动词 dare do sth./否定daren’t do sth.

e.g.She dare saywhat she thinks.【情态动词】

②实义动词dare to do sth.否疑答用助动词do/does/did

e.g.She dares to say what she thinks.【实义动词】

e.g.She doesn’t dare tosay what she thinks.【否定】

e.g.Doesshedare tosay what she thinks?【疑问】

③How dare you/he...?表示“愤怒,谴责”

e.g.How dare you say that?

No.8 had better

① had better do sth.最好做某事

②had better not do sth.最好不要做某事

No.9 used to【重点】

【否定used not to/ didn’t use to】

①used to do过去常常做某事

e.g.We used to work more than ten hours a day.

②be/become/get used to doing sth.习惯做某事

e.g.Jason is used tostaying up late.

③be used to do/for 被用来做某事

e.g.Wood is used to make paper.

e.g.Wood is used for making paper.

03 情态动词表推测

推测语气:must > can > could > may > might


1.现在 must be/do一定是..

2.正在进行/将来 must be doing一定正在做..

3.过去 must have done想必 准是做过...


1.现在 can't be 不可能/一定没有....

2.正在进行/将来 can't be doing一定没在做...

3.过去 can’t have done一定没有做过/不可能做过..

