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新概念英语书本内容(抄读新概念英语第11天)某事极容易。 It is all too easy to do something.真出了问题。 When something does go wrong.产生一种不可动摇的信念。 develop an unshakable faith in something.非同寻常的大雪。 An exceptionally heavy snowfall.打乱铁路运行。 Dislocate railway services.

嗨今天超都新概念英语第三册第三十七课开往威斯特海温的快车the westhaven express第二部分,用时22分钟。





我们已经习惯于相信…… We have learnt to expect that……

经过多年的适应。 After years of conditioning.

产生一种不可动摇的信念。 develop an unshakable faith in something.

非同寻常的大雪。 An exceptionally heavy snowfall.

打乱铁路运行。 Dislocate railway services.

真出了问题。 When something does go wrong.

某事极容易。 It is all too easy to do something.

事实上…… The truth is is that……

满意的了解到。 Note with satisfaction that……

我并不感到奇怪。This did not strike me as odd

我便产生了怀疑。 I began to wonder.

我突然感到……。 It suddenly dawned on me that……

提意见。 Lodge a complaint.

我带着一种胜利者的口吻告诉他。 There is a lot of triumph in my voice when I told him that……

迅速扫视。 Glance at it briefly.
