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米开朗琪罗的雕塑作品《摩西像》里的摩西是一位体格强健的老者,头上长有象征“神”的一对犄角。这是因为 《旧约·出埃及记》有一句话“摩西从西奈山下来时,脸上闪闪发光”,但在最早的拉丁文译本中,译者误解了希伯来文原意,把这句话译成了“头上生着两只角的摩西走下西奈山”。
Moses a sculpture by Michelangelo was an old but strong man with a pair of horns on his head symbolizing "God". This is because of a wrong translation. The Book of Exodus of Old Testament has a sentence that "When Moses came down from Mount Sinai his face was shining brightly". However in the earliest Latin translation the translator misunderstood the original meaning of Hebrew and translated it as "Moses with a pair of horns on his head came down from Mount Sinai".

