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小蝌蚪找妈妈的英语故事完整(小蝌蚪找妈妈简单英语版)单词经典阅读系列The tadpoles swim and swim. Some days later they grow 2 front legs. They see a turtle swimming in the pond. They call the turtle: “ mum mum!” The turtle says: “I’m not your mum. Your mum has 2 big eyes on the top of the head and wears green clothes. You can go there to have a look.”The tadpoles swim and swim. Some days later their tails become shorter. They see a frog sitting on a lotus



Little tadpoles look for mum

There are a group of tadpoles in a pond. They have big heads and long tails. They swim happily in the pond every day.

Some days later they grow two rear legs. They see that the mother fish is teaching her children how to catch and feed on. The tadpoles go to the fish and ask: “ Aunt fish do you see our mum?” The fish says: “ Sorry I don’t. Your mum has 4 legs and a wide mouth. You can go there to have a look.”

The tadpoles swim and swim. Some days later they grow 2 front legs. They see a turtle swimming in the pond. They call the turtle: “ mum mum!” The turtle says: “I’m not your mum. Your mum has 2 big eyes on the top of the head and wears green clothes. You can go there to have a look.”

The tadpoles swim and swim. Some days later their tails become shorter. They see a frog sitting on a lotus leaf. She has green clothes snow white belly and 2 big eyes on the top of the head. They swim to the frog and shout: “mum mum!” The frog smiles and says: “ my dear children you are already frogs. Jump here.” So they all jump onto the lotus leaf.

Some days later their tails are gone. They catch pests with mum every day !




little 小的 tadpole 蝌蚪

look for 寻找 a group of 一群

pond 池塘 tail 尾巴

every day 每天

happily 快乐地(修饰动词,happy 修饰名词)

later 之后 grow 长出,生长

aunt 阿姨(英语要先说阿姨再说姓噢)

rear 后面的 teach 教(动词)

teach 加er就是teacher—老师

is teaching 正在教

children 孩子们(它是child 的复数形式。注意:


how to 如何去……

catch and feed on 捕食

catch 抓, feed on 以…为食

wide 宽的 there 那边(注意:there is/are


here 这里(它是there 的反义词)

have a look 看一看

front 前面的 turtle 乌龟

call 叫,打电话 top 顶端,顶部

on the top of …… 在……的顶端

wear 穿 become 变得

shorter 更短的(它是short的比较级)

sit 坐 sitting 正坐在

lotus 荷花 leaf 叶子(复数为:leaves)

snow white 雪白的(白雪公主也是这个词噢)

belly 肚皮 shout 喊

dear 亲爱的 already 已经

frog 青蛙 jump 跳

onto 上去(on 只能表示上面)

gone 消失了,不见了,死了

pest 害虫 with 和…一起





一些天之后,他们长出了两条后腿。他们看见鱼妈妈在教她的孩子们如何去捕食。他们到鱼那里问道:鱼阿姨,你看见我们的妈妈了吗? 鱼说:对不起,我没有。你们的妈妈有4条腿和宽嘴巴。你们可以去那边看看。

小蝌蚪们游啊游。一些天后,他们长出了两条前腿。他们看见一只乌龟在池塘里游泳。他们叫乌龟:妈妈,妈妈! 乌龟说:我不是你们的妈妈。你们的妈妈头顶上有两只大眼睛,穿着绿衣服。你们可以去那边看一看。


