小猪佩奇26个英文台词(跟小猪佩奇学英语)snow 下雪了And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。This is my little brother George.这是我的弟弟乔治。This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。
[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本
第一季 第26话
26. snow 下雪了
Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):
I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。
This is my little brother George.这是我的弟弟乔治。
This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。
And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。
snow 下雪了
Peppa and George are very excited today. It is snowing outside!
Narrator: Peppa and George are very excited today. 佩奇和乔治今天非常地兴奋。
It is snowing outside! 因为外面下雪啦。
Peppa: Mummy! Can we go and play in the snow? 妈妈,我们可以去外面玩雪吗?
Mummy Pig: Yes but it's very cold outside so you must wrap up warm. 可以,但是外面非常地寒冷,所以你们必须多穿点。[wrap up (用纸、布等)包,裹; 穿得暖和]
Peppa: Hurray! 好耶。
Daddy Pig: And don't forget to wear your hats and scarves and gloves. 还有别忘了把帽子,围巾还有手套全都戴上。
Narrator: It is very cold outside. 外面天气非常冷。
Peppa and George must wear their hats… and scarves and gloves. 佩奇和乔治必须要戴帽子,围巾和手套。
Peppa: Come on George! 快点,乔治。
Narrator: Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow. 佩奇和乔治在雪地里留下了足迹。[footprint [ˈfʊtˌprɪnts] n. 脚印 足迹]
Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow! 佩奇和乔治喜欢在雪地里留下足迹。
Oh dear. 哦糟了。
Peppa: It's not funny! 这一点都不好笑。
George let's play snowballs! 乔治,不如我们来打雪仗吧。
Narrator: Peppa has made a snowball. 佩奇做了一个雪球。
Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. 佩奇和乔治玩的非常开心。
Peppa: George come back you little piggy! 乔治,你快回来,你这只小猪。
Arrgh! 啊。
Narrator: Oh dear. 不好了。
Maybe this game is getting a little too rough. 打雪仗游戏可能玩的有点过火了。[rough [rʌf] adj. 粗暴的; 粗野的; 猛烈的; 汹涌的; 恶劣的;]
Peppa: Sorry George. 对不起乔治。
George,let's build a snowman! 乔治,我们来玩堆雪人吧。
Narrator: Peppa and George are making a snowman. 佩奇和乔治开始堆雪人了。
First they make the body. 他们先堆了身体。
Peppa: George this is the snowman's body. 乔治,这个就是雪人的身体了。
Narrator: Now they make the snowman's head. 现在他们在堆雪人的头。
Peppa: Now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth! 现在要帮他弄胳膊,还有眼睛和嘴巴。
Narrator: George has found some sticks for the snowman's arms. 乔治找了两根树枝来做雪人的胳膊。
Peppa has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth. 佩奇找了几块石头,来做雪人的眼睛和嘴巴。
Peppa: This is his face. 这就是它的脸了。
Now the snowman needs a nose. 现在雪人还需要有一个鼻子。
Narrator: Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman's nose. 佩奇找了根胡萝卜,用它来做雪人的鼻子。
The snowman looks very happy. 雪人看上去很开心。
But maybe he is bit cold. 但是它可能稍微有一点冷。
Peppa: The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm. 看来雪人需要穿一件衣服,这样就不冷了。
Narrator: George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm!
The snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves. 雪人戴上了一顶帽子,围了围巾,戴了手套。
Peppa: Mummy! Daddy! Come and look! 爸爸,妈妈,快过来看。
Narrator: Mummy Pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves. 猪妈妈戴着她的帽子,围巾,手套过来了。
Mummy Pig: That is the best snowman I have ever seen! 这个 是我见过的有史以来最棒的雪人了。
Narrator: Daddy Pig looks quite cold. 猪爸爸看上去很冷。
He isn't wearing his hat and scarf and gloves. 他的帽子围巾和手套一样都没有戴。
Peppa: Daddy why aren't you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves? 爸爸,你怎么不戴上你的帽子,还有围巾和你的手套呢。
Daddy Pig: I don't know where they are! 不知道它们跑哪去了。
I can't find them anywhere. 我哪都找不到它们。
Mummy Pig: I think I know where Daddy's hat scarf and gloves are. 我想我知道你的帽子,围巾还有手套在哪儿了。
Narrator:Daddy Pig's hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman! 猪爸爸的帽子,围巾和手套都在雪人身上呢。
[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第26集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal
George let's play snowballs!
Peppa has made a snowball
1. Wrap up warm
外面下雪了,Peppa想出去玩。妈妈说外面很冷,So you must wrap up warm. 你得穿暖和一点。Wrap up warm穿暖和。
冬天的时候,妈妈是不是经常对你说穿暖和了再出去玩啊?You should wrap up warm and go out to play.
2. Wear hats and scarves and gloves
怎么才是穿得暖和呢?Peppa and George must wear their hats and scarves and gloves. Peppa姐弟俩必须要戴帽子,戴围巾和戴手套。
我们在第一集Muddy Puddles泥坑里面学过穿靴子是wear boots,戴什么东西在身上也是用wear这个词。所以这里的戴帽子wear hats,戴围巾wear scarves,还有戴手套wear gloves全部是用wear哦。
3. Make footprints
姐弟俩已经wrap up warm,穿得非常暖和了。他们在雪地里玩了哪些东西呢?
Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow。他们俩喜欢在雪地里制造脚印。
Make footprints,制造脚印。不仅仅是在雪地里可以制造脚印,在沙滩上也是可以制造脚印,make footprints的哦。
Peppa has made a snowball. Peppa做了一个雪球。Make a snowball,做雪球。
Peppa and George are making a snowman. Peppa和George正在堆雪人。Make a snowman堆雪人。
太有意思了,Peppa他们在雪地了留下了脚印made footprints 做了雪球made a snowball,还堆了个雪人made a snowman。
4. How to make a snowman?
First they make the body. 第一步,他们先堆雪人的身体部分。Make the body先堆身体部分。
Now they make the snowman’s head. 现在,他们来堆雪人的头。Make the snowman’s head,堆雪人的头。
George has found some sticks for the snowman’s arms. George找了些枝条来做雪人的手臂。Snowman’s arms雪人的手臂。
Peppa has found some stone for the snowman’s eyes and mouth. Peppa找了些石子来做雪人的眼睛和嘴巴。Snowman’s eyes and mouth雪人的眼睛和嘴巴。
Peppa用石子给雪人做了眼睛和嘴巴, This is his face.这是他的脸。Face是脸的意思。
最后一步了,Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman’s nose. Peppa找了根胡萝卜,做了雪人的鼻子。Make the snowman’s nose做雪人的鼻子。
The snowman looks very happy. But maybe he is bit cold.
Mummy! Daddy! Come and look!
1、wrap: 包,裹,覆盖;遮蔽
wrap up (用纸、布等)包,裹; 穿得暖和
例:But it's very cold outside so you must wrap up warm.但是外面非常地寒冷,所以你们必须多穿点。
2、scarf [skɑːrf] n. 围巾,披肩,头巾
3、glove [ɡlʌv] n.(分手指的)手套
4、footprint [ˈfʊtˌprɪnt] n. 脚印 足迹
5、snowball: 雪球
6、snowman: 雪人
7、rough [rʌf] adj. 粗暴的; 粗野的; 猛烈的; 汹涌的; 恶劣的
8、stick [stɪk] n. 木棍,枝条,操纵杆,驾驶杆,变速杆,换挡杆,指挥棒。
Daddy Pig looks quite cold.
Daddy Pig's hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman!
-The End-