热血颂慢节奏(热血颂紫月英文朗读)每一棵寸草都忘不了你日夜守望 思念你的何止是那亲爹亲娘Not just your parents miss you not even any grass can forget you they watch you day and night.热血颂 中文英文对照文稿:When you leave where you grew up and look back in your dreams have you ever dreamed of the poplar trees by the river?当你离开生长的地方梦中回望 可曾梦见河边那棵亭亭的白杨
热血颂 中文英文对照文稿:
When you leave where you grew up and look back in your dreams have you ever dreamed of the poplar trees by the river?
当你离开生长的地方梦中回望 可曾梦见河边那棵亭亭的白杨
Not just your parents miss you not even any grass can forget you they watch you day and night.
每一棵寸草都忘不了你日夜守望 思念你的何止是那亲爹亲娘
When you shook the warm hands a few lines of tears fell did you feel the deep gaze from your back?
当你握别温暖的手泪落几行 可曾感到背影凝聚着滚烫的目光
Every sincere heart understands you deeply and every eager yearning is full of your power.
每一颗赤诚的心灵都深深理解你 每一个热切的向往都充满你的力量
You run into the distance with the hope of your loved ones; you run into the distance with a fiery heart.
你奔向远方,带着亲人的希望 你奔向远方,带着火热的衷肠
You are with us to create a bright future. You are the soul of the nation and the army; you are the backbone of China.
你和我们同在,把美好未来开创 你是国魂军魂,你是中华的铁骨脊梁
The strength of warrior can always be found in the most difficult places and the shoulders of warriors carry the admiration of many people.
最艰苦的地方总有着战士的刚强 勇士的肩头肩负着多少人心头的崇仰
Who doesn't know the value of life? Who has no desire for happiness? Your obscure footprints write an immortal chapter.
谁不知生命的可贵?谁没有幸福渴望? 你默默无闻的足迹写下不朽篇章
You run into the distance with the hope of your loved ones; you run into the distance with a fiery heart.
你奔向远方,带着亲人的希望 你奔向远方,带着火热的衷肠
You are with us to create a bright future. You are the soul of the nation and the army; you are the backbone of China.
你和我们同在,把美好未来开创 你是国魂军魂,你是中华的铁骨脊梁