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2万个gre单词(每天5个GRE单词)■同: affectless callous heartless inhumane merciless obdurate pitiless ruthless unsparing cold-blooded■e.g. an indurate heart that admits no love or mercy一颗不认可爱或仁慈的冷酷心灵■反: withhold information 隐瞒信息indurate 英 ['ɪndjʊreɪt] 美 ['ɪndjʊ ret] v. 使变硬,硬化;使坚固,巩固;使冷酷 adj. 僵硬的,麻木的考点1: adj.铁石心肠的,冷酷无情的: having or showing a lack of sympathy or tender feelings


apprise 英 [əˈpraɪz] 美 [əˈpraɪz] vt. 通知;报告

考点1: v.通知,告知: to give notice to; inform

e.g. apprise him of the danger that may be involved告知他可能涉及的危险

: inform acquaint make known to

: withhold information 隐瞒信息

indurate 英 ['ɪndjʊreɪt] 美 ['ɪndjʊ ret] v. 使变硬,硬化;使坚固,巩固;使冷酷 adj. 僵硬的,麻木的

考点1: adj.铁石心肠的,冷酷无情的: having or showing a lack of sympathy or tender feelings

e.g. an indurate heart that admits no love or mercy一颗不认可爱或仁慈的冷酷心灵

: affectless callous heartless inhumane merciless obdurate pitiless ruthless unsparing cold-blooded

: charitable compassionate humane kindhearted merciful tender 仁慈的

考点2: vt.使变硬: to become physically firm or solid

e.g. Great heat indurates clay. 高温使黏土变硬

: concrete congeal firm freeze set solidify

: liquefy 液化;soften柔化

考点3: vt.使习惯于: 使习惯于(艰苦或尴尬之境况): to make able to withstand physical hardship strain or exposure

e.g. Such a brutal upbringing could only callous his soul and indurate his heart to the suffering of others.这样一种残暴的培养方式只会让他的灵魂变得麻木,让他的心灵对于他人所受的折磨无动于衷

: fortify inure season steel strengthen toughen

: enfeeble weaken undermine 弱化,使虚弱

blueprint 英 [ˈbluːprɪnt] 美 [ˈbluːprɪnt] n. 蓝图;行动方案;(生物细胞的)模型 v. 起草(计划),制成蓝图

考点1: n.蓝图,详细计划: a photographic print used especially for architects' plans

e.g. a blueprint for the new library 新图书馆的建造蓝图

: arrangement design plan scheme

考点2: v.事先计划: to work out the details of (something) in advance

e.g. blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail 把节日的活动的每一个细节都事先安排好了

: arrange budget calculate organize frame lay out

fable 英 [ˈfeɪbl] 美 [ˈfeɪbl] n. 寓言;无稽之谈 vi. 编寓言;虚构 vt. 煞有介事地讲述;虚构

考点1: n.寓言故事: a story intended to teach a basic truth or moral about life

e.g. This classic Christmas film is essentially a fableshowing how every person's life has meaning这部经典的基督教电影本质上来说是一个寓言,它告诉我们每个人的生命都是有意义的

: apologue parable

考点2: n.神话,传说: a legendary story of supernatural happenings

e.g. According to an ancient fable the waters of the mountain spring are the tears of a woman weeping for her lost children根据一个古老的传说,这条山中的泉水是一名失去孩子的母亲所流下的眼泪

: legend mythos tale

考点3: n.谎言: a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive

e.g. The stories of lost cities of gold may have been fables deliberately concocted by Native Americans to dupe the Spanish所谓的“失落的黄金之都”的故事也许只是美洲土著们杜撰出来忽悠西班牙人的

: fabrication falsehood lie mendacity prevarication story

: fact事实;truth真相

: fabulous adj寓言般的,难以置信的

gaudy 英 [ˈɡɔːdi] 美 [ˈɡɔːdi] adj. 华而不实的;俗丽的 n. 盛大宴会

考点1: adj.俗丽的: ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented excessively showy

e.g. gaudy movie posters 俗丽的电影海报

: blatant brazen flashy garish glaring meretricious tawdry

: austere homely plain 朴素的;conservative understated unflamboyant unflashy 不张扬的
