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托福阅读考前必背词汇(31日托福阅读词汇预测)9. foundation = basis基础8. anticipate = predict预期5. ties =connections联系6. rudimentary = primitive初步的;未发展的7. motives = reasons动机


1. frigid =cold 寒冷的

2. detected =discovered发现;探明

3. extensive =large庞大的

4. accounts for =explains解释

5. ties =connections联系

6. rudimentary = primitive初步的;未发展的

7. motives = reasons动机

8. anticipate = predict预期

9. foundation = basis基础

10. skeptical = doubtful怀疑的

11. sufficiently = adequately充分地

12. sought = looked for搜寻

13. incorporated = become part of合并;包含

14. lethal = deadly致命的

15. disrupted = interfered with扰乱

16. appeal = attraction吸引

17. vicinity = area附近地区

18. tangible = physical有形的

19. sequences = series一系列

20. converted = changed改变

21. approximating = estimating估算

22. subsequently = later随后

23. swift = fast快速的

24. significant = considerable重要的

25. modest = relatively small小的

26. Consequently = therefore因此

27. fluctuations = variations波动的

28. maintained = claimed声称;认为

29. merely = only仅仅

30. dramatic = powerful强大的

31. fulfills = achieves完成

32. potential=possible可能的

33. favorable=advantageous有利的

34. ambiguous=unclear不清楚的;模糊的

35. convey=transmit转移

36. exhausting=extremely tiring使耗尽的

37. Furthermore=in addition此外

38. consumed=used up消耗;耗尽

39. key=essential重要的

40. virtue=desirable quality美德

41. document=record记录

42. accounted for=explained解释

43. considerably=significantly非常地

44. striking=noteworthy显著的

45. extracts=removes提取;移除

46. pioneering=original初创的;先锋的

47. margins=ends边缘

48. exploit = take advantage of利用

49. optimal = most favorable最优的

50. excrete = release释放

51. stationary = fixed固定的

52. accommodated=allowed使……变为可能

53. detected=noticed侦察、注意到

54. debate=argue about认为;主张

55. insisting = stating forcefully 坚持认为;坚称

56. interpret = understand理解

57. copious = abundant丰富的;大量的

58. assertion = claim认为;声称

59. frigid =cold寒冷的

60. detected =discovered发现、探明

61. extensive =large庞大的

62. accounts for =explains解释

63. ties =connections联系

64. elaborately=with great details详尽的

65. abandoned=no longer occupied被遗弃了;废弃的

66. entirely=completely完全地;全部地

67. intermittently=periodically间歇地;周期性地

68. aggregations=groups群

69. little short of miraculous=amazing because almost impossible简直是奇迹的

70. designation=identification特点

71. lateral=side侧边的

72. scattered=wildly separated分散的

73. speculates=puts forward as a possibility假设

74. tremendous=enormous大量的

75. slightly=by very small amounts少量的

76. skepticism=doubt怀疑

77. irritating=annoying激怒

78. renewed=restored修复;恢复

79. traumatic = upsetting让人痛苦的;精神受伤的

80. incentives = motivation动力

81. sparsely = widely scattered稀疏的

82. mundane = ordinary普通的

83. decisive = determining决定性的

84. rival = competitor对手

85. launched = started发起

86. methodically = systematically有条不紊地

87. accelerated = speeded up加速

88. perfected = improved完善

89. install = put in place设置

90. hierarchy = system of ranking等级

91. rudimentary = simple基础的

92. initiate 开始 = introduce引入

93. customarily = commonly习以为常地

94. supposition = imagination/assumption想象;假设

95. replicating = copying复制

96. investigate = examine验证

97. occasionally = sometimes偶尔

98. drastically = extremely极其地

99. segregated = separated分离

100. Mainstay = foundation基础

101. Predecessor = manufacturers who came before the Romans 前人

102. Sufficient = enough充足的

103. Ensures = guarantees保证

104. constituents = components组成部分

105. excavated = dug from the ground提取

106. characteristic = typical典型的

107. alteration = modification变化

108. formerly = previously之前的

109. desirable = wanted想要的

110. relatively = comparatively相对地

111. accentuated = intensified加重的;突出的

112. traces = small amounts微量(熟词僻义)

113. enveloped = covered包裹;有封皮的

114. readily = easily容易地

115. on the other hand = in addition此外

116. calculated = estimated估算

117. investigated = studied研究

118. prospective = potential预期的

119. adjacent = next to each other邻近的

120. painstakingly = with great effort 费力的

121. precise = accurate精确的

122. his imitator = the people who copied him他的模仿者

123. artificial = human-made人造的

124. duration = length of time持续时间

125. diminished = reduced减少

126. mortality = death死亡

127. enhanced = improved加强的

128. peculiar to = unique to对...特别

129. exert = put forth提出

130. needless to say = obviously毫无疑问

131. adhesive = sticky粘的

132. ensure = guarantee保证

133. postulate = propose假定

134. portable = movable可携带的

135. exceedingly = extremely极其地

136. their components = what they consist of组成部分

137. sparser = more thinly distributed更稀疏的

138. episodes = occurrences事件

139. proponents = supporters支持者

140. swift = quick快速的

141. proliferation = rapid increase in number增殖

142. broadened = enlarged扩大

143. decipher = figure out解释,破译

144. sought = tried to obtain寻找

145. lucrative = profitable有利可图的

146. reverted = greatly admired尊敬的

147. advent = arrival到来

148. impulse to = push toward推动

149. prerequisite = requirement前提

150. proper = appropriate合适的

151. distortions=irregularities不规则;扭曲

152. temporarily=briefly短暂地

153. peculiar=unusual奇怪的;反常的

154. further=additionally此外

155. fluctuations=variations 波动;变化

156. inhibit=slow down抑制;使缓慢

157. impeded=restricted限制;阻碍

158. classic=typical经典的;典型的

159. remnants=remains残余物;遗迹

160. vigorous=lively有活力的

161. ringed=surrounded环绕;包围

162. in response to=as a result of结果是

163. depositing=putting沉积

164. sculpt=shape塑造

165. drastic=very significant猛烈的;重大的

166. mere=just仅仅;只

167. enigmatic=mysterious神秘的

168. conveniently=easily容易地

169. deceptively=misleadingly误导性地

170. alleged=supposed提出;认为

171. controversial=debatable有争议的

172. inconclusive=not decisive没有定论的

173. virtually=almost completely几乎

174. startled=surprised使惊讶

175. disrupt=disturb扰乱;中断

176. rudimentary=simple原始的;简单的

177. durable = long-lasting持久的

178. posed = presented出现 展示

179. hastened = hurried匆忙的

180. courteous = polite礼貌的


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