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新概念第一册121课有几个定语从句(步步跟新概念2册第59课)Betty got up early in order that she might catch the train.他努力学习,以便成功。I don't let him go out in this weather in case he should catch cold.我不让他这种天气出去,以防他感冒。He studied hard so that he might succeed.

步步跟“每日一讲” 针对新概念、中考的课文进行重点剖析,针对听力、词汇、语法进行梳理和讲解,讲堂每天都会和大家在一起分享英语知识哟,大家不见不散~



目的状语从句主要由that so that in order that lest for fear that in case等引起。

例如:Let's take the front seats that we may see more clearly.


I don't let him go out in this weather in case he should catch cold.


He studied hard so that he might succeed.


Betty got up early in order that she might catch the train.





1.I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early ____ I can have time for a cup of tea. (2005北京)

A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that

2.Roses need special care ____ they can live through winter. (2004)

A. because B. so that C. even if D. as

3.Leave your key with a neighbor ____ you lock yourself out one day. (2007北京)

A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case

4.I shall stay in the hotel all day ____ there is news of the missing child.(2000上海春)

A. in case B. no matter C. in any case D. ever since

5.You must improve your study method _____ you may make progress in your studies.

A. so as to B. in order to C. so D. in order that

6.---Why did you move the table over there? --- ____ the new sofa.

A. To make room for B. Share room with

C. Given room to D. Saving room for

7.Farmers rotate (轮作) their crops _____ the soil will remain fertile.

A. so that B. because of C. in order to D. rather than

8.Speak to him slowly ____ he may understand you better.

A. since B. so that C. for D. because

9.They lifted a rock ___________ it on their own feet.

A. in order to drop B. so that to drop C. only to drop D. so as to drop

10. The driver has been keeping silent about the accident __________ lose his job.

A. In order not to B. so as to C. so not as to D. so that won’t

