凉凉三生三世十里桃花英文版(三生三世十里桃花-凉凉英文版歌词也是美不胜收)都是假象还故作 不痛不痒不牵强不思量 自难相忘夭夭桃花凉 前世你怎舍下这一海心茫茫
你在远方眺望 耗尽所有暮光
不思量 自难相忘
夭夭桃花凉 前世你怎舍下
还故作 不痛不痒不牵强
Breeze growing cold fading into night
Searching high and low,running out of light
Can't let go try as you might
Casting away moments from before
Love is an ocean you said it's desert on the shore
I'll show you once more
凉凉夜色为你 思念成河
也曾鬓微霜 也曾因你回光
悠悠岁月漫长 怎能浪费时光
去流浪 去换成长
灼灼桃花凉 今生愈渐滚烫
足够三生三世 背影成双
Deep down I know I have lived this all
or wandering alone for seeking what I saw
Time goes must stand tall
Any time or place,together apart
Always it remains a place for you reserved in my heart
And these outstretched arms
凉凉夜色为 你思念成河
浅浅岁月 拂满爱人袖
Thoughts of you are like a river
Comforting chilling my soul
Caught in a stream of matters
You're swept along growing cold
凉凉天意 潋滟一身花色
落入凡尘 伤情着我
生劫易渡 情劫难了
折旧的心 还有几分前生的恨
Heartbreak full of pleasant memories
Joy turning into pain
Love can not be easily forgotten
past lives weren't lived in vain
凉凉三生三世 恍然如梦
须臾的年 风干泪痕
若是回忆 不能再相认
就让情分 落九尘
凉凉十里 何时还会春盛
落花有意 流水无情
别让恩怨爱恨 凉透那花的纯
Present past and future
Good bad mix into grey
Even if it takes till forever
I must try and find a way
Frozen paths lie before me
Waiting for warmth of spring
I have loved you in each and every lifetime you're my everything
Let me hold you eternally