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SCI杂志参考文献标点符号的要求(SCI论文写作的细节把控)  3. 动词(谓语)和主语之间不要加逗号  Thered needles were collected washed with toluene and dried in a vacuum desiccator.  类似的副词:therefore thus However Nevertheless等  2. 当有三个及以上并列结构时,并列连词前需要加逗号(又称为连续逗号); 仅有两个并列结构时,不能用逗号  举例:Water sodium hydroxide and ammonia were the solvents.



  1. 引导副词或者短语放在句首时,后面接逗号

  举例:However the public is being inundated with stories aboutcancer-causing chemicals.

  After 3 months the plants grown under phosphorus-de?cient conditions were evaluated.

  类似的副词:therefore thus However Nevertheless等

  2. 当有三个及以上并列结构时,并列连词前需要加逗号(又称为连续逗号); 仅有两个并列结构时,不能用逗号

  举例:Water sodium hydroxide and ammonia were the solvents.

  Thered needles were collected washed with toluene and dried in a vacuum desiccator.

  3. 动词(谓语)和主语之间不要加逗号

  举例: The addition of substitutedsilanes to carbon–carbon double bonds has beenstudied extensively.(错误)

  The addition of substituted silanes tocarbon–carbon double bonds has been studied extensively.(正确)

  4. et al.之前不接逗号,除非有其他特别原因

  举例:Saltzman et al. Saltzman M. J. et al. Saltzman Brown et al.

  5. 日期后接逗号,如果只有月份没有日期,不用逗号;当句子中给出完整的年月日,那么年份后面也要接逗号

  举例:June 15 1996 June 1996

  On August 18 1984 an extraordinary person was born.

  6. 当地理位置作为句子的一个部分,且其中包含逗号时,名称后也要接逗号

  举例:Iona College in New Rochelle New York is the CEO’s alma mater.

  7. 采用逗号为句子插入引用语,但是当引用语作为主语时,不接逗号

  举例:In the words of Pasteur “Chance favors the prepared mind.”

  “Chance favors the prepared mind” is a translation from the French.


  1. 除非引起歧义,否则单位简称后面不要接句号

  特例:inch (in.) atom (at.) number (no.)

  2. 姓名简写要用句号和空格隔开,但是在acknowledgement部分不需要空格

  举例:J. E. Lennard-Jones M. S.Newman

  R.C.McD. and C.R. thank Dr. Rose Allan forcarefully reading the manuscript.

  3. 机构名的简写后不用加句号


  4. 没有连词的独立分句(independent clauses)之间,加分号;采用连接副词或者过渡语“that is” “however” “therefore” “hence” “indeed” “accordingly” “besides” and “thus”等连接的独立分句之间,加分号。

  举例:All solvents were distilled from an appropriatedrying agent; tetrahydrofuran and diethyl ether were also pretreated with activity I alumina.

  The rate at which bleaching occurred wasdependent on cluster size; that is the degradation of the mononuclear clusterwas about 5 times faster than that of the tetranuclear cluster.

  5. 从属小句和独立分句之间不能接分号

  The activity on bromopyruvate was decreased; whereas the activity on pyruvate was enhanced.(错误)

  The activity on bromopyruvate was decreased whereas the activity on pyruvate was enhanced.(正确)

