老外也聊芈月传(老外也聊芈月传)小贴士《甄嬛传》的英文是:Empress in the Palace《琅琊榜》的英文是:Nirvana in Fire有了这些“干货”,下次肯定不愁和老外聊起来没话说了吧~说不定还能拉你的外国朋友的“入坑”,和你一起品味跌宕起伏的剧情和“娘娘”精彩绝伦的演技呢!(关注必成)
跟身边的外国朋友聊起电视剧,话题总离不开那几个:《权利的游戏》、《纸牌屋》、《唐顿庄园》...... 可被问起有啥好看国产剧的时候,你却傻眼了,多想跟他们分享《甄嬛传》、《琅琊榜》这样的国产神剧,却全然不知如何开口。其实这些剧和HBO、AMC出品的那些相比并不逊色几分。连外媒都在报道目前火遍大江南北的《芈月传》,作为一个骄傲的国人,在老外面前怎能不显摆两句?
《芈月传》英文是啥?必成来告诉你:Legend of Miyue故事背景咋介绍?The Legend of Miyue based off a popular online novel by Jiang Sheng Nan tells the story of Mi Yue and her life entwined with politics war and romance. Mi Yue a real historical figure who lived during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) was the first empress dowager in China.《芈月传》,改编自蒋胜男的畅销网络小说,讲述了芈月纠缠于政治、战争及爱情的一生。芈月的原型来自真实的历史人物,其生活在战国时期(公元前475-221),是中国历史上第一位摄政的皇太后。主要剧情呢?The Legend of Miyue details the legendary life of Mi Ba Zi a young girl who lived in Chu during the Warring States period. She was sent to Qin as a concubine and part of her sister Mi Shu’s dowry separating her from first love Huang Xie. Ying Si passes away while his sons are still battling for the throne and ultimately Ying Dang comes out as the successor. Mi Yue is banished to Yan with her son. However Ying Dang suddenly dies leaving Qin in a state of chaos. Mi Yue enlists the help of Yi Qu of Xiongnu’s army successfully returning to Qin suppressing political revolts and instates her son Ying Ji on the throne. Thus Mi Yue became the first Empress Dowager in China’s history.” 芈月传讲述了芈八子传奇的一生。芈八子是战国时期楚国的小公主。但她被当做姐姐芈姝的陪嫁,远嫁到秦国为妃,从而与青梅竹马的初恋黄歇分开。诸子争位,秦王嬴驷抱憾而亡。最终,嬴荡夺得皇位。芈月和儿子被发配到遥远的燕国。然而,嬴荡举鼎而亡,秦国大乱。芈月借义渠君力回到秦国,平定了秦国内乱。芈月儿子嬴稷登基为王,芈月当上了史上第一个王太后。
在中国到底有多火?The first two episodes of a 《The Legend of Miyue》attracted a record high 700 million hits on the web in just 24 hours.《芈月传》仅开播两集,就在24小时内收获了7亿点击量,创网络视频点击量新高。
国外网友们怎么评价?@Sartorial Fiction Society Yay I can’t wait to watch this! Somehow I think the plot would not be too similar to ZHZ due to the different political contexts. Since it was the Warring States period I look forward to seeing more major inter-state Game of Thrones-style politics rather than just the isolated harem politics which we have seen in ZHZ.我迫不及待想看这部剧了,我想剧情应该和甄嬛传不太相似,因为政治背景不同。因为这个剧发生在战国时代,期望看到更多的角色,国家间的政治争斗游戏,而不像甄嬛传那样,只是一部剧。@heisui I’m unsure if I can handle an 80 ep drama. X_X哈哈 我不知道我能否hold住80集。
小贴士《甄嬛传》的英文是:Empress in the Palace《琅琊榜》的英文是:Nirvana in Fire有了这些“干货”,下次肯定不愁和老外聊起来没话说了吧~说不定还能拉你的外国朋友的“入坑”,和你一起品味跌宕起伏的剧情和“娘娘”精彩绝伦的演技呢!(关注必成)