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希尔德首次出庭作证(德普对希尔德败诉后的电视采访做出回应)The New York Post quoted the spokesperson as saying “It’s unfortunate that while Johnny is looking to move forward with his life the defendant and her team are back to repeating reimagining and re-litigating matters that have already been decided by the Court and a verdict that was unanimously and unequivocally decided by the jury in Johnny’s favor.”《纽约邮报》援引发言人的话说:“不幸的是,虽然约翰尼正在寻求推进他的生活,但被告和她的团队

Johnny Depp reacts to Amber Heard first TV interview after defamation trial


约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)对Amber Heard在诽谤审判后的第一次电视采访做出反应

Johnny Depp reacts to Amber Heard first TV interview after defamation trial

约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)对他的前妻希尔德(Amber Heard)的第一次电视采访做出了反应,这位海王女演员说,在对德普的诽谤审判中,她坚持自己证词的“每一句话”。

Johnny Depp has reacted to his former wife Amber Heard’s first television interview where the Aquaman actress says she stands by ‘every word’ of her testimony during the defamation trial against him.


Responding to Heard’s interview the Pirates of the Caribbean actor’s spokesperson indicated to NBC News' Dateline that Depp simply wants to ‘move forward’ after he won his case.


The New York Post quoted the spokesperson as saying “It’s unfortunate that while Johnny is looking to move forward with his life the defendant and her team are back to repeating reimagining and re-litigating matters that have already been decided by the Court and a verdict that was unanimously and unequivocally decided by the jury in Johnny’s favor.”



In a preview video clip of the interview Heard says “To my dying day (I) will stand by every word of my testimony " Heard told NBC News.


Heard said the trial was "the most humiliating and horrible thing I´ve ever been through."

"I have never felt more removed from my own humanity " she said describing the sea of Depp supporters she passed through to get to court.


Heard also told NBC that she did not instigate violence with Depp as his team argued.

“我从来没有煽动它。我对此做出了回应。当你生活在(暴力)中,且称为常态时,正如我所作证的那样,你必须去适应 “她说。

"I never had to instigate it. I responded to it. When you´re living in (violence) and it becomes normal as I testified to you have to adapt " she said.



But she also has regrets about her behavior during her relationship with Depp. Amber Heard said "I behaved in horrible almost unrecognizable to myself ways. I have so much regret."
