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每日一词period(每日一词狂拽酷炫的Pretentious)He's so pretentious! 瞧他那副自命不凡的样儿! a pretentious film矫饰的电影炫耀的;虚夸;自命不凡的 adj. (disapproving) trying to appear important intelligent etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be sth that you are not in order to impress ✏️[经典例句]




炫耀的;虚夸;自命不凡的 adj. (disapproving) trying to appear important intelligent etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be sth that you are not in order to impress


a pretentious film矫饰的电影

He's so pretentious! 瞧他那副自命不凡的样儿!


That may sound pretentious but I think there’s a place for pretentiousness in art.这或许听起来自命不凡,但我认为自负狂傲在艺术中是占有一席之地的。 《卫报》

Pretentiousness 表示“矫饰,自负,自命不凡”


Pretentious来自pretend 表示“假装,佯装,自称,自夸”;-t是过去分词格。引申词义炫耀的,浮夸的。


1.Ostentatious [ˌɒstenˈteɪʃəs] 炫耀的;卖弄的;夸示的 (disapproving) behaving in a way that is meant to impress people by showing how rich important etc. you are

例如:She's got a lovely way with language without ever sounding ostentatious.她的语言优美,丝毫无装腔作势之感

Ostentatious不太好记,我们根据词源记忆一下:os- 向前,朝向;-tent 伸出,延展,词源同extend tense content。-ious是形容词后缀,引申词义炫耀的,卖弄的。

2.Pompous[ˈpɒmpəs] 虚华的;言辞浮夸的 (disapproving) showing that you think you are more important than other people especially by using long and formal words 例如:a pompous official 自负的官员

Pompous这个词来自pomp 表示"炫耀,捧场“


Pomp 排场;气派;盛况 the impressive clothes decorations music etc. and traditional customs that are part of an official occasion or ceremony 例如://...the pomp and splendour of the English aristocracy.英格兰贵族的气派和显赫

3.Grandiose [ˈɡrændiəʊs] 华而不实的;浮夸的 [disapproval] If you describe something as grandiose you mean it is bigger or more elaborate than necessary.例如:Not one of Kim's grandiose plans has even begun.金那些华而不实的计划甚至一个都还没有开始实施。

Grandiose来自grand 表示“壮丽的,堂皇的”。后形容语言浮夸。

4.Portentous[pɔː(r)ˈtentəs] 自命不凡的,摆架子的,自大的 trying to appear important and serious a portentous film煞有介事的电影

其实Portentous更常用的意思是“预示未来的; 凶兆的,征兆不祥的”

源自portent 表示“恶兆,凶兆”,-ous为形容词后缀。

例如:a portentous sign 不祥的征兆

还有我很喜欢的一句:Recent developments are as portentous as the collapse of the Berlin Wall.最近的事态发展犹如柏林墙的倒塌,有一种山雨欲来风满楼的景象。


例如《卫报》评小说家Madeleine St John

The author died in 2006 and her reclusive last years were marred by illness but she was wry smart and funny able to write about youth with piercing sweetness and without portentous foreshadowing.作者于2006年去世,她隐居的最后几年饱受疾病折磨,但她幽默,聪明,有趣,笔下的青葱岁月带有洞察一切的甜蜜,而又没有不祥的征兆。



可能有些同学会搞混Portentous和Pretentious 阅读中遇到或者辨析两词时只需记得Portentous有个o 表示omen 预兆征兆,而Pretentious则有个i,表示自我自大。



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